Chapter 84

It turns out that this country is called polkalia.

It's not until today that I heard Fiona say that I know this unknown history.

"What can you do for me?" Dawn could not help asking.

Fiona stares straight at him: "help you win the highest throne in this country."

"Are you willing to give up your country?" Dawn always does not believe, even if the front of Fiona is a woman, did not show the slightest heart of power, he does not believe this.

"My own country?" Fiona rarely sneered. "Look at the people outside. How many people remember polcalia? Who else knows that this country was founded by King polkalia Mainz more than 60 years ago, which they have long forgotten“

"Do you think such a country still belongs to me“

The silence at dawn, Fiona's resentment is too deep, which is also the main reason for her temperament. After all, all this is too cruel for a 16-year-old girl.

"Clovis is your brother, and you don't care about his life or death“

"I have only one brother, but I have never been Clovis. No one is innocent of the death of my mother“

Including polkaya's subjects and nobles, she constantly admonished herself in her heart.

"What about her“ What dawn refers to is naturally the host, gefiona. After all, she doesn't know this series of things.

"You care about her“ Fiona slightly Leng for a while, light said.

Dawn observed the girl's expression and found that Fiona didn't seem to care about Fiona's feelings, so he shook his head: "come on, this is between you. I don't need to ask more“

They talked for a long time, and finally reached a preliminary agreement. Fiona said that her only brother was not Clovis, but a boy born to her mother. Later, she was sent to a country in the East China Sea by lager. One of the agreements was that after seizing the kingdom of polkaya, she had to help her get her brother back.

In those years, lager sent Fiona's brother away for a simple reason. Polkaya already had a prince Clovis at that time. If another prince appeared, the final result would be that the prince would probably die quietly. In order to protect him, lager secretly sent the little prince away.

As Fiona said, he went to the East China Sea to find him, and dawn agreed. The most important thing is to take full control of polkaya. With Fiona's help, it will be much easier for the noble ministers to control the palace.

After discussing some details, dawn tells Fiona to pay attention to everything in the court, and he must tell him anything.

After Fiona left, dawn came to the conference room. Blatter and others had been waiting for a long time.

"Anubi, what happened to the arms deal with Merlin“ Dawn has been at the court recently, and there is no time for these things.

Anubi replied: "the first batch of 500 suifa guns and 500 swords and spears have been delivered successfully. They are stored in the underground warehouse of the factory“

Dawn nodded and said, "how is the daily training of the armed forces now“

"It's been going on, but it's not going very far“ Roentgen returned.

This is also expected at dawn. Earlier, the 20 member armed convoy composed of civilians died when fighting with the Aubrey pirates. Later, although it was added to 20 members, its talent is ordinary, so it is difficult to improve much in a short time.

However, it is not a matter of time. After all, the convoy still relies on the advantages of weapons and equipment to fight, so he is ready to buy a batch of excellent weapons in mailin.

"To continue trading with Malin, I need 3000 automatic firing muskets and a large number of blades. I'm purchasing 10 guns, 20 automatic snipers and 50 three shot pistols“

This batch of arms is for the future trade with dorage. The previous agreement with dorage is to exchange 10% shares of the factory for a natural demon fruit. However, the revolutionary army dorage naturally has more than just demon fruit. What makes dawn more exciting is dorage's dragon claw and the intelligence channels of the Revolutionary Army.

Dragon's claw is a very powerful body skill, which can make the fingers of both hands as refined as steel. If you learn dragon's claw, it will be very helpful for dawn's strength. Moreover, he has a very solid foundation of body skill, so learning dragon's claw is the most appropriate.

As for the intelligence channel, it is also urgently needed at dawn. As a great influence in the world for many years in the original work, it must have its own unique and unknown intelligence channel.

"What about money“ Anubi asked suspiciously, after all, the quantity of this batch of arms is too large, and there are not a few funds. However, in terms of the current profit situation of the work agency, it may not be able to take out so much for the time being.

"Roentgen, what's the current financial situation of the agency“ Dawn asked roentgen, this batch of arms at least one billion Bailey, but with the current profitability of the winery, at least two and a half months.

"The profit of the distillery this month is 400 million Bailey, but all of it has been invested in the expansion of the distillery. Besides, a number of loans and various expenses owed by the distillery have been spent for a long time“

"Let's put this on the agenda for the time being, and find an opportunity to discuss the installment with Merlin“ Dawn made a suggestion, and then explained the installment payment again. After everyone had no doubt, they began to move on to the next topic.

Dawn began to systematically understand the recent production situation of the factory and the news of the pirates in the nearby sea area, and made a phone call with urma and Malin Abao respectively, then inquired about the operation status of the seaside tavern. Finally, the meeting ended, leaving only three people, roentgen, Blatter and dawn.

"Let's talk about what I told you last time“ At dawn, Blatter was stunned: "what about joining the Navy“

Dawn nodded: "yes, the less people know about this kind of thing, the better. Among the members of the work club, only the three of us are the most suitable“

"We need to make preparations ahead of time. The navy must have its own people, so one of the three of us will join the navy to carry out an undercover mission“

"Undercover“ Roentgen was stunned for a moment.

"It's spies who are hiding in the Navy, spying on Naval Intelligence, secrets, and engaging in some kind of subversive activity beneficial to the Reinhardt working society."

After dawn special explanation, the two finally understand what is undercover.

"This is an important task in the future plan, and it must be carried out by the most trusted person“

"Big brother, you are the boss of the work agency. You can't leave. Blatter is the Sheriff of the town. He is responsible for the security of the town. You can't carry out this task. I'm the only one“

Looking at the dawn's eyes, roentgen replied that he knew that the meaning of dawn was to let himself go, because only he was the most suitable one. He was clean and seldom showed up.

Dawn nodded: "I do plan like this, but I never force others to do it. If you don't want to go, I will look for someone else to carry out this task“

"Come on, it's me. I'll do it by myself, so that I won't be exposed“ He knows in his heart that although he is in charge of the daily operation and finance of the factory in the work agency, sooner or later these will be replaced by some more professional people. If he still can't find his position in the team, he will be in a very awkward position.

"You have to think that once the undercover program starts, it's impossible to stop in the middle“

After hearing this, roentgen immediately began to be silent. He was very clear in his heart that this undercover plan could not be ended in a short time. As long as he entered the Navy gate, it could be a lifetime system.