Chapter 18

Polkaya, yeku.

Harvey looked at the bottle for a long time. The liquid in the bottle had reached the bottom, but he still had endless aftertaste for the taste just now. It seemed that he had never drunk such a special wine.

After a while, he shook his head to get rid of the dizziness in his head. His eyes turned to the pile of treasure, scattered jewelry and gold on the ground. According to the estimated value, there are more than 20 million Bailey at least. His hand is really generous. He paid more than 20 million Bailey as a deposit just for one meeting.

Thinking of this, Harvey admired the young man's decision-making ability even more.

However, although he was greedy for money, treasure was not the first choice. After a period of negotiation, both sides made concessions. Polkin wanted the help of Harvey's 3000 refugees and dozens of good hands, which Harvey could provide at any time. Harvey wanted not only treasure, but also wild cave town and his future capital.

This point, in addition to polkin's plan, has no hope of achieving half a point, so Harvey is also gambling.

The refugees in yeku town have been in danger for a long time, and their lives are the least valuable things here.

But after polkin told him the plan, Harvey had another idea. These refugees are a ferocious crowd. Once they are fanned, they will be a terrible fighting force. Fortunately, they are under their own control. With these refugees, they will have confidence.

"Boss." From the door came a young man with a pair of triangular eyes and a particularly fierce face.

Harvey didn't speak, so he took a seat and waited quietly.

"Lucan, get the boys ready. We're going to go out and do something." After a long time, Harvey finally said, so he took half of the treasure and gave it to the other party: "divide the money into two parts, the brothers take half, and the other half to the refugees."

"Boss, where did you get so many treasures?" He was a little surprised. He had been in yeku town for so many years, but he had never seen so much treasure. Let alone half of his brothers could be divided equally.

"The two young men?" It suddenly occurred to him that the two young people who came to yeku town were carrying such packages.

Harvey nodded. "It's a big deal. It's just a deposit."

In this way, Harvey's men were more energetic, so they went out with treasure in their arms.

Harvey thought back and forth about every word polkin said and every word in his plan. He was skeptical about whether polkin's promise could be fulfilled. What he doubted was not that the plan could not succeed, but that polkin could not fulfill his promise afterwards.

However, he also took a step-by-step approach. Once the situation changed, he would withdraw immediately. It was just refugees. What polcaardo wanted to do was to keep his foundation.

That night, the rainstorm came down again, polkaya was shrouded in a layer of invisible fog, the lights in the king's city were on, the residents in the king's city saw the morning report through the newspaper, the aristocracy's reaction was very fast, and Ceci was immediately controlled.

After interrogation, Cecil asked three questions, but the person in charge of the printing factory suddenly disappeared. After all, Cecil worked for the nobility all the year round. Without any evidence to confirm that Cecil would betray the nobility, he was not imprisoned for the time being. He only restricted Cecil's personal freedom and was unable to leave the royal city.

"My Lord, why don't I go and put people in jail?" Inside the palace, a soldier whispered to the nobles in their luxurious clothes.

The identity of nobility is well known in polkaya. Capelle ketok, the Minister of affairs of the Kingdom, concurrently serves as the Minister of military defense of the Kingdom, and is also the brother of King Marley I. since Marley was old and seriously ill, the authority of polkaya has been controlled by ketok.

He is 53 years old and at the best of his career.

Ketok did not speak, but another warrior beside him shook his head: "things have happened unexpectedly, it is meaningless for him to lead or he was forced to lead, just find someone to watch every day."

"Don't make trouble at this time. The king won't last long." Ketok finally said that he had the dignity of the superior in his eyes. Just the temperament in his manner was enough to show that he was a guy full of ambition.

"By the way, the prince should keep watch day and night, and report any news to me." Ketok continued.

His subordinates nodded and said in his ear, "what should we do about the problem of the Lehmann family collecting gold from the sky on the south coast?"

What the soldiers refer to is one of the contents reported in the newspapers. The soldiers attach great importance to this matter, because every year there are great riots caused by the collection of heaven's gold. Although it has been calmed down many times, there will be bloodshed and sacrifice for the civilians, refugees and soldiers of the Kingdom.

Ketok was silent for a while before he asked the warrior beside him, "what do you think, shavin?"

"I suggest that old Lehmann deal with it himself. The untouchables on the South Coast may have been at ease for too long," shavin replied

"Will it affect your future plans?" When the soldier heard the warrior's words, he nodded without objection and expressed his worries. As one of ketok's confidants, he was absolutely excellent. He would take any uncertain factors into consideration and put them forward face to face. That's one of the reasons ketok trusted him so much.

"A group of untouchables and slaves can't make any big waves." Ketok sneered, and the soldier retired first.

After a while, ketuoke picked up the world economic newspaper beside him and said, "shavin, is there any way to cooperate with him? Our plan needs a powerful expert to sit down."

"Inuyasha - do franmingo?" Samurai slightly a Leng, the North Sea in the fear of Don Quixote pirates, but also the identity of the dragon, just joined the world government, become the king of the seven Wu Sea.

"Basically impossible, my Lord." Shavin shook his head and said, "do franmingo is not interested in a small country in the North Sea."

"No, I don't mean to let him do it, but I hope he can provide me with a powerful expert to help me become the real king of this country." Ketok thought about it and told him what he thought.

Shavin was silent for a moment: "my Lord, I try my best to contact the members of the dorflamenco family, but if I want the other party to help me, I have to come up with something that interests the other party."

"Can't the devil do it?" Ketok said with a smile, and shavin was shocked slightly: "yes."

As the nobleman with the highest status in polkaya and the Minister of the Kingdom, ketok was able to get the devil's fruit naturally. Not only that, but also he was prepared to become a special gift for the king to pay tribute to the dragon people, so as to become one of the monarchs who held the world conference in marjoria every four years.

On the other side of the Royal City, in Lehmann's mansion, a soldier rushed through the corridor and came to the main hall to report: "Lord Lehmann, the young master has found it."

Lehmann immediately got up and ran to the hall.

Torrential rain washes the ferocity of the night, and the roar over polkaya is like the torrent of the times.

At dawn, Blatter and roentgen sat quietly in the room. The lights were dim, the wind from the door was cold, and the rain on the windowsill was dim.

I drink a cup of wine at dawn. I feel the world incline when I stand up.

"Big brother." Roentgen went over and held him, shaking his head at dawn, indicating that he was OK.

He went to the window to have a look, then turned his head and said in the calmest voice, "tomorrow is the dividing line of our destiny."

"Life or death is at least under our control." Blatter took up a glass of wine and drank it with a bold smile. In recent years, Blatter has become free and easy under the influence of daybreak.

Roentgen also said with a smile: "of course."

"To our beautiful tomorrow."

Bang... The three glasses of wine touch each other and make a clear and pleasant sound. The dripping in the rain is like a fierce horse's hoof pounding on the earth. In this world, which seems to be divided into half leisurely and half hasty, the three people's laughter is completely drowned.