49 Double Trouble

We stayed at the undersea villa for three more days and re-surfaced onto dry land reluctantly. It was such an experience to live under water, no distractions, no agendas, just pure uninterrupted relaxation. The bond between Kyle and I became even stronger, if that was even possible. He was such an easy person to be with and to love.

When the ship docked our car was waiting for us but we decided to walk home instead. It wasn't too far away and I guess we needed the exercise.

"Babe, I just wanted to say that the past three days were the best days of my life. Thank you for sharing them with me and I'm glad that we shared this experience together. This is something that I will tell to our kids and our grandchildren." He lifted my hand and kissed it.

"Thanks for that awesome adventure-in fact thank you for all of it. Thank you for being you. You're a special kind of guy Kyle." I put my arm around his waist and leaned against him as we walked on the beach.

"Only because you bring the best out of me babe." He kissed my forehead.

"Let's go over to that bar, they have interesting looking cocktails." I dragged Kyle towards the bar and we sat on the bar-stools.

"Babe, you're not allowed to drink alcohol so why torture yourself?" Kyle laughed.

"I know I can't but there's no need to punish you. Knock yourself out." I motioned to the barrister.

"Hie there! What can I get for you guys?" The young barrister leaned forward.

"My wife is expecting so she will have a Virgin Daiquiri and I will have Tequila Sunrise." Kyle ordered for us.

"But I wanted the pineapple thingy," I pouted.

"Babe, you know that it isn't advisable to eat pineapple in your condition." Kyle calmly stated.

"I'm a bit hungry can we get some food as well?" I picked up the menu again.

"Oh my, your appetite has picked up considerably." He teased and I punched him playfully.

"I need to go to the restroom, please order something for us." I jumped off the stool and made my way to the bathroom.

On my way back I bumped into the Obamas, they were also here on vacation. I made small talk briefly and headed back to Kyle.

"Did I just see you being all buddy buddy with Barack and Michelle Obama?" Kyle gaped.

"Yeah you did, no biggie." I waved my hand.

"I have had the honor of working with them because of my philanthropic work. They're really nice people."

"Okay, okay," Kyle leaned back on his stool and watched me.

"You're not the only one that knows famous and important people Mr Music Superstar." I stuck out my tongue.

"I know you and that's enough for me." He leaned forward and kissed me.

Just then some bikini clad groupies hurtled toward us and screaming hysterically.

"OMG Kyle Kinley!"

"Can we have a pic please?!"

"I can't believe it's really you OMG!"

"You can escape through the back. Just hop over the bar and I'll show you the way out." The barman suggested. "C'mon." He beckoned to us.

It seemed like more of them were coming, so Kyle grabbed my hand and we jumped over the bar and slipped away quickly before we were mobbed-well before Kyle was mobbed.

"Thanks man. I owe you one." Kyle shook hands with the barrister, Jet. "If ever you need a favor call me. I mean it."

"It's nothing man don't worry about it." He blushed.

"Give me your phone so I can put it my number. You never know when you might need to call in the favor." Kyle held out his hand and Jet gave him the phone.

"You don't have to do anything I was just helping out." He took the phone and slipped it into his pocket. "But I must confess-I'm a huge fan."

"Great! Guess I'll see you around then?" Kyle shook his hand again.

"I was wondering when that was going to happen." I grinned at Kyle.

"Hahaha! You're funny." He pulled me towards the car.

"The chauffer is here. That was quick." The driver held opened the door for us and shut it once we were inside.

"I suggest we go home and order lunch. I think we've had enough of an adventure for today. Sounds good?" He brushed his forehead against mine.

"That cocktail was everything. We need to go back there." I whispered with a smile.

"You're-something." Kyle chuckled. "But you're right..it was really good."

"Your phone is ringing babe-want to get that?"


"Hie I'm sorry to call but-its Dad-he had a heart attack."

"How bad is it?" I froze.

"Pretty bad." She broke down.

"We will be there as soon as we can." I reached out for Kyle's hand as he helped me out of the car.

"Everything okay babe?"

"Rita's dad had a heart attack. It's not looking good."

"Sorry to hear that. I'll make the arrangements as soon as we get inside." Kyle rubbed my shoulder gently.

We jumped out of the car and sat on the patio. Kyle ordered our supper and it was delivered to our villa promptly, but I had lost my appetite.

"I'm sorry babe but we won't be able to leave tonight. There's reports of a tropical storm heading this way so it isn't safe to leave the island."

"We will just have to wait I guess." I shrugged.

"I know you need to be there. I'm sure your family will understand. But-I would really appreciate it if you would try to eat something-please?" He held out a fork heaped with lasagna.

I opened my mouth and Kyle started to feed me.

"You're too sweet. I don't deserve you." I lifted his hand and kissed it.

"Don't you ever forget it." He pulled me up to my feet. "Bed time?"

"Yes please." I stifled a yawn.

Kyle carried me to the bedroom and laid me on the soft bed. He sat beside me and brushed my hair until I fell asleep.

In the middle of the night I was awoken by sharp pain that coursed through my body.I got up with a bolt and I clutched my midsection as the pain hit me again.

"You're okay?" Kyle hopped out of bed and started to get dressed.

"Pain-" I panted, unable to speak.

Kyle dressed me up as fast as he could and thencarried me to the car. The driver was already there, holding the door open.

"Hold on babe, we will be at the hospital in a bit." Kyle brushed my hair back and kissed my forehead.

I was in excruciating pain and I twisted and turned on the back seat. Kyle kept my head on his lap and started talking to our baby.

Fear and panic gripped my heart. I couldn't lose my baby. I could feel it growing inside me and I had become attached to it. We were counting down the days until we saw our precious bundle of joy.Kyle and I sang and read to the baby almost every night, we argued about names, the sex, the future-we loved this baby more than anything. We couldn't lose it.