Shi yunqi attaches great importance to Lanke's requirements, so as soon as he finishes the call, he asks someone to cut out a short video of Lanke's cooking. After some selection, he sends it out with his star network number.

Along with these videos, there is another sentence, which is very arrogant - I don't care how you want to compete, don't copy my daughter's methods and recipes!

As LANCO said, he didn't mention patents.

If those people didn't copy LANCO's method and formula, he wouldn't care much, but if anyone dares to do so, don't blame him for his impoliteness!

Shi yunqi pulled the corners of his mouth and laughed scornfully.

When he learned that he would never have children in his life, he was disheartened before he exiled himself to the border planet and took his soldiers to resist insects and beasts.

He's been on the frontier planet all these years. I'm afraid those people have forgotten his temper.

This time, let him help them remember!

On the other hand, LAN Ke keeps asking Babao to pay attention to Shi yunqi's star account. When she learns that he has made the announcement, she asks Babao to help forward the message to more people.

Interstellar network is already developed, no matter the Empire or the Federation, it can be said that no one will not access the Internet.

The eight treasures were filled with indignation. Lanko gave it a task, and it immediately did it.

Shi yunqi is famous and has a strong appeal. Even the Federation has his fans. As soon as his announcement was sent out, it soon caused a lot of forwarding.

Soon, the announcement of the cooking competition and Shi yunqi's announcement spread all over the star network, not only the Empire, but also the Federation.

This is to the upcoming culinary competition attracted great attention, let the parties proud, just wait for tomorrow time, to a hot start.

But soon, they found that there was something wrong with the wind on the Internet.

There are a lot of people who pay attention to the game, but most of them pay attention to plagiarism. They are curious whether they will plagiarize the practice and formula of Lanke in the game.

There were too many questions. The top chefs were dissatisfied and encouraged the fans to tear it.

Fans were filled with indignation, but they didn't find that their idol had never said "absolutely won't copy the practice and formula of Lanke". As soon as they got hot, they ran to tear it up with people.

As soon as they tore it up, the sailors immediately joined in and quarreled with each other.

That night, many people stayed up late into the night, until they went to bed, still filled with righteous indignation.

So the next morning, as soon as the live broadcast of the game started, many people stayed in front of the video.

One is to see the wonderful performance of the idol, the other is to see if it will copy the practice and formula.

No matter what the purpose is, the viewing rate of the live broadcast of this game is going up, and many people are watching it.

The person who planned all this secretly opened a data network to see if the live broadcast of the game crushed the live broadcast of the military training for the freshmen of Yunlan military academy.

As a result, when they opened the bar chart, they were depressed. The cooking competition they planned was crushed by the live broadcast of the military training for the freshmen of Yunlan military academy!

"What's the matter? Why is their viewing rate still high? Did Shi yunqi tamper with the data? " At the end of the day, his eyes suddenly brightened and he caught Shi yunqi.

"Where do you think you are? Their live viewing rate has always been high. Isn't this data normal? "

"But our cooking competition is much more attractive. How can we be crushed by them?"

"What are you afraid of? The game hasn't started yet. Look, the data will keep going up. "

The data is really going up, jumping very fast.

However, these people soon found that although the live viewing rate of their cooking competition has been rising, the live viewing rate of the military training of the freshmen in Yunlan military academy is still high, and they did not give up watching the live military training because of their cooking competition.

Fortunately, at this time, the cooking competition is just beginning.

There is nothing new in the process of this cooking competition. The only thing new is the ingredients used.

In order to delay the time, the organizer also held a question and answer session to test the contestants' understanding of the ingredients before the official cooking.

It's a test. In fact, I've done enough homework for the players in private, but I'm just pretending.

These contestants are also worthy of celebrity, one by one acting like a master, the top chef's aura alone compared Lanke down.

I can't help it. Although Lanke's cooking skills are good, he is also good at exploring new ingredients and new methods. But in the eyes of many people, she is still a lowlife from the aboriginal planet, and she is too young to be compared with the top chefs who are rich in experience and native?

This question and answer is not over, the comment area at the bottom of the video has been constantly refreshing praise, eager to hold them to the sky.

It's just flattering, but someone is going to die.Holding holding holding, the invited water army began to take rhythm, constantly belittle Lanke to praise them. They put the rhythm around, brain powder began to learn.

Someone couldn't see it and said something for lanko. As a result, these words were like poking a hornet's nest, which immediately attracted the siege of the water army and brain powder.

Babao and xiaofeilong see them so arrogant, how can they tolerate?

There was a lot of noise in the comments section.

At this time, the top cooks who have made a special performance are finally willing to cook.

See here, a lot of people subconsciously stare round eyes, especially when they see the food put out, eyes stare more round.

They have seen all the ingredients in the live broadcast of Freshmen's military training.

To be exact, the ingredients are all insect meat and all kinds of exotic wild vegetables developed by Lanke.

This game is about free play, so cooks have to choose their own ingredients.

People watching here even hold their breath. They dare not blink their eyes. They just want to see what ingredients they will choose.

They have seen Lanke cook, but they have only seen a few recipes. Now the top chefs are all participating in the competition. They can't help but have some expectation and curiosity, and want to see the excellent performance of these top chefs with their own eyes.

But soon, someone's expression began to go wrong.

The cooks had already selected the ingredients, but the problem was that they could always see the shadow of Lanke.

To put it simply, they seem to be copying the recipe of Lanke.

This is disappointing and shameless.

Is it shameful that the top chef in the legend has gone to copy an Aboriginal recipe?

There was a heated discussion in the comments section.

At the same time, LANCO is facing new tasks and goals.

Her mission objective this time is a little tricky.