After a strange silence, a high-level suddenly burst out: "no! She can't be allowed to go on messing around! Isn't she at the power institute? Immediately send troops to surround the Research Institute and see where she can go! "

Others looked at each other, and someone echoed: "yes, she has entered the urn now. We can just send troops to encircle and catch turtles in the urn!"

With these two people taking the lead, the others nodded and agreed one by one.

"She's looking for her own death!"

"Let her run last night, this time must let her escape!"

"Send more people. She can't run away any more."

"This woman is too arrogant to let her go!"

"After you catch her, you must teach her a lesson!"

Feng Zhen sat on one side with no expression on his face. Hearing the words, he couldn't help sneering. These people didn't see the coffin and didn't shed tears. At this time, they still had fantasies!

It's better to think about how to clean up the next mess than to deceive yourself and fantasize here.

Anyway, he doesn't care. It's not his fault. There's no reason for him to bear it alone.

The high-level officials quickly issued orders, and an army surrounded the Power Research Institute.

At the same time, some of the psionic or ordinary survivors who got the news also gathered and looked curiously at the surrounded psionic Institute, wondering what was going on inside.

Because the army has surrounded the Research Institute, they can't get in for the time being, so they can only wait and see curiously.

Gradually, someone whispered.

"What's the matter? How is this surrounded? "

"There must be something wrong here! Let's go. It's too dangerous! "

"No? Will the army still shoot at us? "

"Bullets don't have eyes!"

"But aren't you curious about the power cultivation method in the announcement?"

"What's the use of curiosity? It must be a lie. "

Just when everyone was in a state of suspense and hesitated to leave, the high-level people came in the modified bulletproof car.

They looked out of the window curiously. When they saw that there were many people gathered outside, some people were dissatisfied.

"How come there are so many people here? Let them go now

So soon, the order came from the loudspeaker on the roof: "listen to the people outside, there are dangerous elements in the Research Institute. The military is catching them. In order to ensure your safety, please leave here immediately! Again, please get out of here at once

As soon as these words came out, the faces of those attracted by the announcement changed, and many people were about to leave on the spot.

Seeing that these people were dispersing, the senior management in the car nodded with satisfaction and ordered again: "shout to the people in the Research Institute, let her lay down her arms and come out immediately, otherwise she will bear the consequences."

So the loudspeaker on the roof of the car sounded again: "listen, people in the Research Institute, you have been surrounded. Put down your arms immediately, come out and arrest yourself, or you will bear the consequences!"

The sound of the loudspeaker is so loud that three people in the Institute can hear it clearly.

At this time, the three people are sitting in the monitoring room, monitoring the situation outside through the camera at the entrance of the Research Institute.

Luoluo spits out the shell of melon seeds and curiously asks Lanke, "those people want you to go out and arrest yourself. What's your plan?"

Lanko didn't speak, and he was operating a tablet in silence.

This computer is from the Research Institute. It can send out various announcements to the people in the base. Luo Luo craned his neck to take a look, and saw that there were shocking photos on them, all of which were taken in the laboratory.

She immediately understood Lanke's intention: "are you going to send these photos? This is too cruel! Those people outside are going crazy. "

As soon as she finished, lanko finished editing, and with a tap of her finger, she sent out the photo she had just edited.

At this time, the survivors have been gathering to leave one after another, the result did not take a few steps, their mobile phones will ring at the same time.

Everyone subconsciously took out the mobile phone to check, this look, their face suddenly changed!

In an inconspicuous corner, Tang Qi is also looking at her mobile phone. She was curious. She wanted to see the miserable end of Lanke with her own eyes, but when she saw the photos in her mobile phone, she didn't think about anything else.

In those shocking photos, there is a woman who has been tortured beyond recognition. There was hardly a good piece of meat in her body, and even her face was covered with strange scaly patterns.

But even so, she recognized at a glance that this woman was Chu Jia!

When the clinic claimed that Chu Jia was dead, she didn't believe it, but Chu Jia's "body" was sent to the Research Institute. She was very afraid of that place, so she didn't dare to go in.

Looking at Chu Jia's unrecognized body, Tang Qi's tears surge out in an instant. Just looking at the scars, she knew that Chu Jia must have suffered a lot of inhuman torture.Those scum!

Tang Qi hides in the corner, in the heart hates extremely, but still dare not approach the Research Institute.

She was afraid that the high-level officials would be angry and order to shoot. She was afraid that the bullet would not have long eyes, and she was even more afraid of being recognized by lanko!

LANCO would never let her go.

Think of LAN Ke, Tang Qi gritted her teeth again. Long Biao was ordered to catch LAN Ke back, but now LAN Ke himself broke in, but long Biao had no news.

Is he supposed to be ok? Can he come back again?

Tang Qi shivered and held her body subconsciously. Because the movement was too big, her sleeve was shrunk upward, and there was a bloody tooth mark on the exposed arm, and there was a circle of cyan around the tooth mark.

Tang Qi saw the tooth print and quickly pulled the sleeve to block it.

At the same time, many people also recognized those beyond recognition, so angry that they turned and rushed to the Research Institute.

The subjects were all claimed dead by the infirmary and then taken to the Research Institute, but what do they see now? The person who is claimed dead is not only alive, but also has become the ghost now!

The executives in the car also changed their faces. They also saw the photos on their mobile phones and realized that this time it was a big deal!

"Get out of the way! Let's go in! "

"Yes! We'll go in and see for ourselves what kind of hell it is on earth

"My girlfriend is in there, who dares to stop me and kill him!"

"Get out of here!"

In the heat of the crowd, the scene was soon out of control. The soldiers in the line were rushed away, and more and more people rushed into the power institute.

At this time, they can't care whether it's a trap or not and whether it's dangerous. They just want to go in and have a look at it and see if it's true!

"It's over! That's the end of it