LAN Ke and Jun Tianheng didn't leave Zheng Yue and Li Tianyou. They just got out of the car and prepared to deal with the manic mutant animals.

Like other black bears before, there are strange variations in these mutant animals.

LANCO could not help but suspect that they were all products of genetic modification.

Just as she was about to start, the mutant panda suddenly fell to the ground with a soft foot.

It looks like the anesthetic is working.

Zheng Yue and Li Tianyou, who have been staring at it all the time, are immediately relieved. Both of them are in a cold sweat. They are afraid of failure again, but they infuriate the mutant panda.

The effect of that anesthetic seems to be very strong. The mutant panda fell on the ground and struggled several times, but failed to get up.

Seeing this, Zheng Yue and Li Tianyou were more relieved.

Unfortunately, before they were happy for a long time, they heard Lanke's voice: "don't be stunned! This mutant panda is a level 3 Alien animal. Your level is far lower than it. The anesthetic will not last long! "

Sure enough, just as her voice fell, the mutant panda struggled to stand up.

Although the body has been shaking, but compared to just now, it's a lot better.

This scene makes Li Tianyou and Zheng Yue pale again. They didn't expect that their hard won joy was so short!

What's the use of them staying here if the gap between grades can't be crossed at all?

The two suddenly regretted that they should not have followed since they knew it would be like this. Not only can not help, but also become a burden to lanko.

At this time, lanko's voice rang again: "I'll deal with them first. Be careful yourself. If you find a mutant beast entering a safe distance, do it immediately!"

She didn't say how far is the safe distance, so Zheng Yue and Li Tianyou can only understand by themselves and set a standard.

They subconsciously look at lanko, only to see that she has rushed to the giant mutant polar bear!

The size of the polar bear is originally large, and it is even more terrible after mutation. Standing there is like an ancient giant. It has a snow-white fur, color and snow color almost integrated. Only eyes, nose and claws are deep black, in sharp contrast to the snow-white fur.

Its mouth also grew ferocious tusks, too long tusks from the mouth, the whole mouth will support deformation, looks extremely ferocious.

However, what Li Tianyou and Zheng Yue did not expect was that Lan Ke did not hold the ink scalpel, but planned to fight it with his bare hands!

Two people are scared to stare big eye, frighten ground looking at all these, a heart high hang up.

This is crazy!

Li Tianyou swallowed nervously: "sister LAN, is she too brave? It's too risky! "

Zheng Yue was ashamed: "we are far behind her. If we don't work hard, we will be left behind by her."

When she said this, she suddenly took out a new anesthetic bomb from her bag and put it into the gun. At the same time, she said to Li Tianyou, "if you don't want to be left behind, do well! Now that we are here, we must do something! "

Li Tianyou nods abruptly, but Yu Guang suddenly sees the mutant polar bear open its big mouth full of fangs and bite at Lanke fiercely.

"Sister LAN, be careful!" He screamed with fright, and then he saw that lanko dodged the attack of the mutant polar bear and hit it on the cheek.

The strength of that punch was so strong that the face of the mutant polar bear was crooked for a moment, which made people feel painful.

Li Tianyou subconsciously took a breath, carefully touched his face, and curiously guessed the strength of the punch just now.

The mutant polar bear howled miserably, shook its head, and once again pounced fiercely at lanko. It stood up and its huge body completely covered Lanke's cage. Compared with its terrible figure, Lanke became very small in a moment.

At this time, it raised its huge front paw and slapped Lanke on the top of her head from top to bottom, as if to step on her feet.

On its hairy claws, there are sharp and long nails, which are as sharp as a knife in a neat arrangement. With this palm, not to mention the Lanke of the body, even the reinforced concrete can be stripped off!

Seeing this scene, Li Tianyou and Zheng Yue held their breath at the same time, for fear that they would see the bloody scene next moment.

To their surprise, lanko didn't hide. Instead, she flew up and directly aimed at the chest of the mutant polar bear!

"Bang bang bang bang!" The huge body of the mutant polar bear shuddered, and soon flew out, heavily bumping into a charmingly naive bronze sculpture.

With a loud bang, the hard bronze sculpture suddenly changed shape and was knocked to the ground by the heavy body of the mutant polar bear.

Li Tianzuo and Zheng Yuegang in the car want to breathe a sigh of relief, but they see that two mutated Amur tigers have rushed to Lanke's side, rushing towards her in the front and back directions, opening their big mouths and biting her.Strangely, Jun Tianheng is not far away, but they seem to have lost their collective memory. They strangely avoid Jun Tianheng and aim at Lanke.

Both of them thought that Lanke would take out the ink scalpel, but they were surprised to find that she did not.

Seeing that the two Amur tigers were about to pounce on her, she suddenly dodged to the side, stretched out her hands like lightning from the side, grabbed the back necks of the two mutant Amur tigers and pressed them hard, so that they had a close mouth to mouth contact.

At the time when the two mutated tigers fiercely wanted to fight back, Lanke had already retracted his hand and dodged to one side.

The mutant Siberian tiger quickly separated, threw his dizzy head hard, and showed his teeth to Lanke fiercely.

Soon, they jumped on lanko again.

This time they were in the same direction, and lanko couldn't do it again.

However, lanko's speed is faster.

She flashed to the side, kicked one of the mutant tigers in the waist, kicked it upside down, and soon hit the other mutant tiger nearby.

Then Lanke struck while the iron was hot and didn't give them time to react at all, and the rain like fists fell on them.

Not far away, a mighty mutant lion with 10 lionesses is watching. They kept roaring, and their expression was very manic. They wanted to jump on lanko and bite him at once.

But strangely, they seem to be blocked by an invisible barrier and can't get through at all.

Li Tianyou and Zheng Yue both find this strange scene. They think about it and finally look at Jun Tianheng with fear.

Apart from the mysterious Jun Tianheng, they never thought of anyone else.

They were too nervous to find that the mutant panda was getting closer and closer.