"Shut up! Who made you talk nonsense? " Luo Luo felt a severe pain in her heart. However, as soon as she roared, it affected the wounds on her face and mouth. The pain made her whole face twist, "hiss -"

in fact, needless to say, she knew something was wrong.

Usually, Sun Tzu, who was so lusty that he could hardly look at Lanke. Luo Luo, who was so arrogant and arrogant, had a swollen cheek and was obviously beaten.

The passer-by looked at Lanke in horror, and saw that she was looking at herself with a smile on her face, and her intestines were blue with regret.

He shouldn't have run so fast!

Even Luo Luo, who was so fierce, was beaten out of temper. He was afraid that he would really be reincarnated this time.

"Luo Sister Luo... " He smiles awkwardly, and the visitor looks at Lanke warily, thinking that it's too late to escape now.

"What are you doing there? Don't you come in yet Luo Luo endured the pain and yelled angrily. He was afraid that his hands would over measure themselves and pit her again.

The only thing she could hope for at the moment was that Yi'ai should do things in a proper way, and don't hurt others with his cruel hand. Otherwise, LAN Ke would really start a storm, and she would be miserable this time.

But in front of Lanke, she did not dare to ask, for fear that the answer would make her more desperate. She managed to stop her mouth with a large amount of goods, but she could not give her any more excuses.

Unfortunately, her luck today is obviously not so good.

As soon as she had finished praying, LANCO said, "why don't the friends from outside come in? Do you want me to invite them in person?"

Luo Luo looks at the glass wall in surprise. Who is there?

But she soon found that her men were looking at lanko in horror. Seeing this scene, what else did she not understand?

Obviously, lanko was right!

This group of pit goods!

At this time, it was Yi AI and others standing outside. Out of fear for lanko, he didn't rush at the front when he came. He didn't stop the man when he rushed in just now. He just wanted to use him to explore the way.

His caution proved to be right.

When he heard Luo Luo's roar, he decided to withdraw first, only to withdraw a few steps later, and lanko's voice began to ring.

Yi AI had to stop.

Even Luo Luo has been attacked. He doesn't think he will be an opponent of Lanke.

After hesitating for a moment, Yi AI decided to go first.

Luo Luo's roar forced him to think more. Although he came here with the intention of seizing the base, he didn't want to annoy Lanke at the moment.

Who knows if that woman's going crazy will kill her?

It's the end of the world. It's normal to kill a few people.

However, Yi AI is smart, but not everyone knows the current affairs as well as him.

When he asked to go in, people on the scene changed their faces. They have all killed people. After the initial panic and tension, they feel very excited every time they kill people.

However, once they think that it will be themselves who will be killed, they panic uncontrollably.

They have all seen people who were killed in despair before they died. No one wants to be like that.

Let them go in and die? Don't even think about it!

Several people exchanged their eyes secretly, then they suddenly moved and ran in different directions.

They don't believe it. The woman in it can be separated!

Now let's see what she does!

Yi AI didn't expect that they would run away suddenly. Seeing this behind the scenes, her face became very ugly, and she scolded "fool" in her heart. But instead of doing anything, he stood still.

Just let him see, the strength of Lanke in the end strong to what extent!

If lanko is not as strong as he thinks

Yi AI slightly raises the corner of the mouth, smile some cool thin.

But at the next moment, his smile became stiff.

A figure flashed away in front of his eyes, followed by several silver flashes, and several people running towards the distance fell to the ground with a scream.

At this time, the fastest of them had already rushed more than ten meters away, but still could not escape the disaster.

Yi AI looked at them in surprise, and then he was shocked to find that there was a shining silver knife sticking at the bend of one of their legs. The tip of the knife was exposed from the knee, and it was obvious that the kneecap had been pierced!

Yi AI's face changed, and suddenly he was very happy.

Fortunately, he didn't run, or he would have come to the same end as those fools now!

In fact, there was another one who didn't run away, but he was not happy at this time.

At this time, he is holding a hostage in his hand. The man is no other than Pang Dahai, the commander of the base. Because dahuahai is a base leader and has no powers, it's easy to control. Out of caution, Yiai lets people take him.

However, Yi AI didn't know that the huge sea was a power until now. He didn't use his powers all the time, and even pretended to be timid in front of Yi'ai, just to be the hostage.Those powers Yi AI certainly dare not take hostage. As for the survivors in the base, Da Da Hai dare not rest assured of them!

It turned out that he was right. Lanko not only went out, but also controlled their leader!

Aware that the people behind the tension, Pang Dahai immediately out!

He raised his elbow to hit his opponent's ribs, and at the same time raised his foot to step on his opponent's toe. Taking advantage of his opponent's sharp pain, Pang Dahai immediately broke out and rushed to Lanke's side.

Yi Ai saw this scene, but he didn't have the courage to stop it. Having seen the power of Lanke's throwing knife, he didn't want to be stabbed by Lanke at all!

LANCO gave him a sneering look, ignored him, and went straight into the living room.

Da Da Hai followed her closely and reported the situation in a low voice: "sister LAN, these people are very cunning. As soon as they came, they took several survivors as hostages. At that time, the other survivors were watching. We dare not ignore the death of those hostages. We have to step back first. However, Zhang Shan and Li Shi are clever and don't give them submachine guns. Later, when they came, I took the initiative to be a hostage. "

"If you lose, you lose. Don't make excuses for yourself. This kind of thing will often happen in the future. If you are still as useless as you are now, I can only consider changing people. " LANCO said mercilessly, "reflect on yourself."

Now that she has straightened out the whole thing, she knows that it's thanks to Jun Tianheng.

If it wasn't for Jun Tianheng, Luo Luo would have broken in at the key time of her promotion. At that time, let alone her successful promotion, whether she can keep her life is a problem!

Although bean sprout is powerful, it's a plant after all, and it's still restrained by Luoluo lightning power.

This time, not only the Wuji team needs to reflect, but also she has to reflect.

Jun Tianheng is likely to leave soon. If she doesn't reflect on herself, she won't be able to play herself to death without her bodyguard?

However, as soon as Lanke entered the living room, she had no time for reflection.

Something happened in the living room.