LAN Ke had checked in advance. Although there were not many hospitals nearby, there were many clinics large and small, as well as various Chinese and Western pharmacies.

Her goal this time is not only hospitals, but also clinics and pharmacies. Because of the high cost of drugs and the limited funds in her hands, she did not hoard too many drugs in advance, only some commonly used drugs.

After all, medicine is not like food, its shelf life is much longer, and consumption is not as big as food, so Lanke has not been in a hurry to collect medicine.

Until she went to the military region and made up her mind to build a base, she decided to collect more medicine. She didn't prepare these medicines for herself, but for the base.

After the powers awaken, their physical quality will be much better and they will not get sick easily. Even if they get sick, their self-healing ability will be much better than ordinary people.

Ordinary drugs are of little use to the psionic.

At the beginning, Lanke didn't think about setting up her own base, so she didn't pay attention to the drugs. But now it's different. Since the base is to be established, there will be more and more people in the base, and most of them will be ordinary people.

At the end of the world, the climate was bad, and the physical quality of ordinary people was too poor. Without air conditioning and heating, they would easily fall ill. They could not do without enough medicine!

It's not just drugs, but professional medical staff are also essential to make the base run normally.

Lanke actively arranged for Baihu to come to the nearby rescue, in order to seize the opportunity to recruit people, especially various professionals. With people, the base can develop better.

So, she can't let people die. She has to find a way to keep them alive.

Of course, there's another important reason why she's going to go to the hospital. She has to collect a lot of heterogeneous nuclei.

The off-road vehicle drives very fast, and the heavy haze does not affect its speed at all, because the driver is Lanke. In the haze, we can vaguely see the figure of different species. They greedily stare at the off-road vehicle, eager to tear it open and find out the delicious prey hiding in it.

Too fast speed makes them shy and dare not get too close.

However, there are always some brave people who will not die in order to eat.

In the dark, an alien suddenly flew out from the side and hit the car door very fast. His sharp nails seized the car body. A badly deformed ugly face was clinging to the window. He turned his eyes fiercely and looked greedily into the car.

Sitting next to the car window were Li Tianzuo and Li Tianyou. It was the first time for them to encounter this kind of battle. When they saw the heterogeneous body lying on the car window, their ugly faces were even more deformed because they were close to the car window. They immediately screamed and kept hiding.

That scene is too terrible, alien distance is too close, twisted face seems to be grinning, it seems that the next moment will be able to rush into the car, anyone watching will be nervous.

It's not only Li Tianzuo and Li Tianyou, but also other people in the car. Only Mo Ying and Zheng Yue are better.

Of course, the best performance is still Lanke, she killed more xeno, even if the xeno really rushed in front of her face, not to mention across the window.

When she heard the scream of terror, Lanke just raised her eyes and glanced in the rearview mirror without paying any attention to such trifles.

Of course, she has the courage to do so. Just before she got on the bus, she secretly released bean sprouts. At this time, no one can see the roof, bean sprouts are wrapped in the luggage rack, green and small leaves flutter in the wind, fine fibrous roots spread throughout the car.

Those roots are too thin to be found even if they are close to each other. What's more, there is a heavy haze at this time.

As soon as the alien species collided with it, one of the fibrous roots quickly entangled it. The tip, which was thinner than the embroidery needle, mercilessly penetrated into the heart of the alien species and devoured it greedily.

The people in the car don't know where they are. They get nervous when they see the alien approaching, but they don't know that the whole car body is covered with death traps. It's good that the other species don't come. If they come, they will die.

The bean sprouts were swallowed up so fast that the hapless alien soon lost all his strength and was thrown away by the high-speed off-road vehicle, far behind him.

When Li Tianzuo and Li Tianyou saw that the alien species was thrown away, they were immediately relieved and felt the sense of survival.

"Oh, I got rid of it at last." Li Tianzuo leaned lazily on the back of his chair. He felt that all his strength had been exhausted in the moment just now.

"Yes, it's frightening." Li Tianyou patted his chest carefully, and his pale face showed that he was still in shock.

The rest of them took a pitiful look at them and thought it was over? Tucson is broken!

Sure enough, the sister and brother had no time to be happy. They only heard "bang bang" two times, and two other species hit the SUV.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah The shrieks rang through the sky, and the two brothers and sisters widened their eyes, almost without breaking their voices.

LAN Ke frowned slightly and said, "if you go on like this, you won't have to go out in the future."

Hearing this, the two brothers and sisters quickly covered their mouths for fear that they might cry out again.Zheng Yue looked at the pathetic appearance of her sister and brother and said, "in fact, there's nothing to be afraid of. White knife goes in and black knife comes out. You're used to killing more."

Mo Ying also said: "you'd better get used to it as soon as possible, or the hard days will come later. It's your luck that Lan Jie is willing to take you. Don't waste Lan Jie's pains. "

Feng Li patted Li Tianyou on the shoulder and said, "it's OK. In fact, I'm afraid. Just don't look at them. We're in the car anyway. They can't get in. "

The sister and brother are not ignorant. Knowing that Zheng Yue and others are out of kindness, they nodded honestly and began to reflect.

There is something wrong with them. They have been staying at home these days. They are used to living a comfortable life. They even have less courage.

Mo Ying is right. They are very lucky to follow LAN Ke. If they don't know what's good, they will dig their own grave.

You know, there are no useless people around lanko!

If they had formed a useless person, what qualification would they have to stay with lanko?

It's the end of the world. They don't deserve to die! If you want to live well, you have to summon up courage and practice your real skills!

After the brothers and sisters want to understand, they quickly apologize to Lanke.

"Sister LAN, we know we are wrong."

"Yes, sister LAN, we will never be like this again."

LAN Ke glanced at their pathetic appearance in the rearview mirror, laughed and said with profound meaning, "if you don't want to die, you can adapt as soon as possible. The next day is not easy."

She said this, slamming on the brakes: "the hospital is here."