Vol 6 Chapter 26

Name:The Amber Sword Author:Fei Yan
"Recognition horn, what is this?"

Brando was placing his hand on a stone pillar carved with some kind of sea beast, and looked back. In front of him is a page of light screen, which glows from the top of the stone pillar-almost the same as his system menu, but with slightly different colors. The system menu usually emits faint green light, and one is presented as a whole. Light golden.

There is a huge table on the light screen, displaying thousands of items from top to bottom. Brando even saw the heart of ice, the Tilsgut furnace, the rune tortoise boat of the Jiagu people, and the bracers of Shadow Scream. This is extremely rare items and equipment in the game. As for the other rare gems like ice heart, elemental potion, and water essence, there are hundreds, even thousands.

This is the way the Tyrmos traded—a total of five clans participated in the fair, including the Misty Clan, Yongdong Port, the Binghai Clan, the Longfang Clan, and the Roers Sea People. Most of these clans are just passing this route, or are being repaired in the nearby waters. As for the farther away, the ship group may not be willing to come here for a special trip-or they have originally booked the route and are not willing to easily depart.

The stone pillar that Brando was at was the pillar of the Misty clan. When he heard his question, the elder misty side answered immediately: "That is a flute made of the third long teeth of a sharp seal. This creature With the ability to manipulate water flow, this ability comes from its third elemental tooth. A flute made with this long tooth can manipulate the element of water, and even increase human affinity for water. "

"Can I see it?" Brando asked again.

"Of course you can, Dear Master Mage Journey, if you put your thoughts on the item on the disc, you can see its specific appearance."

Brando glanced at the table again, and felt deeply shocked by the wealth of the Tyrmos. If the items on the list are real, bringing them to any place in Vaund makes it easy to build a country.

Not to mention behemoths like the Empire, but at least a small country like Eruin is no problem.

He sorted out his mind, and refocused on the sharp seal bone flute. In fact, he was very interested in this thing, because the bone flute had a sea-blue water drop symbol-this is the top water element item. The seal of the elements that will be on it.

If it's just ordinary top-level element magic items. The seal is only half a drop of water. If it is an artifact of water, there will be several layers of blue ripples on the periphery of the drops. The more blue ripples, the higher the level of the artifact. The seal of this bone flute is a complete drop of water, but without any ripples, indicating that it is a relic of water element second only to the artifact, which is placed in the game, which is the highest-level mythical item.

Such equipment. Brando hasn't seen a few items even after crossing this world, let alone in the past, his best equipment is just enough to get on the side of mythological equipment.

Brando focused his thoughts on the bone flute. What appeared was not the illusion of a sharp seal bone flute, but instead, as he expected, a familiar menu popped up in the system:

Order of Heaven

(Myth a +)

Defense 1, blood +47, will +35. Perception +22

Hofward's Gin: When the wearer uses elemental power, Hofward's Valiant Valkyrie collects gold for him and stores it in the horn. The wearer can hold the horn to drink gin, and each sip of liquor will restore 35% health and increase its strength by 12% for a quarter of an hour.

Comprehensive calcification: the wearer is blessed by ancient spirits, his skin and muscles are as tough as rocks, and the wearer receives 25% physical damage

Elemental affinity: ‘Wind and water surround you —’. Water and gas element affinity +10, fire and earth element affinity -5.

A small poem inscribed on the horn:

‘The Father ’s God chooses from the crowd,

It was a generous drinker, a brave and fearless warrior.

He and them,

Thunder and lightning surged and the waves broke.

The boat floated at the foot of the vortex and above the waves

The warriors sang.

Pour sweet wine,

It was a generous drinker, a brave and fearless warrior.

They brought back glittering gold and silver and jewelry,

Sleeping in dreamland,

Under Houghward's tree,

Praise of the Valkyries. ’

Brando was suddenly shocked by this attribute, a + level mythological item-this is the highest level of mythical item, only a line away from the second artifact. In fact, it is the lowest level artifact in "Sword of Amber". There is no substantial difference in price.

He finally recovered his mind, and couldn't help but ask, "Is this also for exchange?"

"All the items on this disc can be chosen by you, Dear Master Travelling Master." Elder Mist replied.

Brando glanced at the list again and saw several artifacts on the list. He couldn't help but feel his throat dry. "What about the price?" He asked dryly.

I have to say that this horn made him very emotional, but he also understood that such equipment was also extremely precious in the past games-the more precious they are, the closer the price is to astronomical numbers-astronomical numbers in offline trading.

He was already a travelling mage, and Earl's Count, Lord of Valhalla, but at this time, he couldn't help feeling a little shy.

He doesn't have much resources at his disposal-at least he thinks so.

"Master, look back." The Elder Mist seemed not to worry about Brando's ability to pay, he pointed back and replied to the latter.

Brando's gaze followed his short thick fingers and looked behind the list. "Five points ... light, water, and five points of wealth? Wait, meaning that exchange of this horn requires ten points and five points of wealth?"

His tone was a little hasty, which made the Elder Misty a little uneasy, and the latter hesitated before answering: "Master Mage, do you think this price is too high? ... This is the case, I don't think this price can not be adjusted , You know, according to you, this is 'almost a thousand years ago', the price we set when we last traded with the Travelling Masters, which has been so long since the last transaction. We may not be too familiar with the market To understanding……"

"No, I mean ..." Brando was taken aback by the elder's eager explanation. Elder Mist was half the teacher of Miss Fairy, even Miss Tata showed respectfulness in front of him. He But never thought the other person would talk to himself like this.

But at this time, Bai Mi shook his tail to his feet, and gently scratched his trouser legs. Then he told him with a spiritual message: "Hush, don't talk. The power level and authority of the Travelling Mage is much higher than you think. Your power comes from the power of the world's creation, every element and resource you create. , All come from this world, mortal business value material and wealth liquidity, but this is of little significance to the Tyrmos, they need to 'increase', so the resources of the Master Mage It's unique to them. "

"You mean the elements and wealth born from the land and resource cards. Are they really 'created'?" Brando asked, incredulously.

"To be precise, it is" creativity "," Bai Wu replied, "It is not surprising that the travelling mage was the creator of the world, so you understand, with so much creative power In exchange for a horn of little value, this offer is not high for them. "

"Horn of no value," Brando muttered to himself, immediately feeling that his values ​​and worldview had been severely damaged.

He turned back and said to Elder Mist: "I want this horn. How do you exchange it?"

"No problem, Master Mage." Elderly Mist replied respectfully.

Brando took a moment to glance at his pool of elements. The water and light elements each have seven points, fourteen points of wealth, and seven points of prestige. He reluctantly glanced at the list, which contained two sub-artifacts, the Elements of Boss and Kaggaz's wing machine. Unfortunately, the price had exceeded the limit he had endured.

He carefully scanned the list up and down again. Only silently left the stone pillars of the Misty clan and headed for the next ship. This is the leading battleship of the Binghai clan. The stone pillar stood in front of the battleship and was carved into a columnar crystal. Brando put his hand on top of the crystal. Suddenly, a list popped up, with a lot less stuff than the Misty clan. There were no secondary artifacts, but there were some rare materials.

It seems that this clan is much weaker than the Mist clan, but Brando knows that this clan is a craftsman of the Tyrmos, they are usually more interested in materials, so it is reasonable to have less magic equipment.

He looked at them one by one. The richest of the five clans was the port of Yongdong, followed by the Tirmos tribe who called themselves the Roers sea people. As for the mist clan, they could only be ranked third. According to Bai Wu said that this clan has a short history. They have a tradition of hunting sharp seals, so they can accumulate rich wealth so quickly.

Eventually Brando swapped out a Royce list for a belt called 'Leyek's Leather'. This is a rare piece of mythological equipment that happens to have been seen in the game. This belt has a feature that enhances the duration of the rage. At the time, it fell on the hands of the world's top Berserker player to help the opponent in several times. Win the singles title in the Evergreen Crown.

This belt is not as good as Hofward's horn in terms of order, but it is very practical for Brando, because the fanatic talent of the dragon of war is also regarded as a rage effect.

Reyek's Leather, Indigo Belt

(Myth d-)

Defense 2, Constitution +33, Strength +27, Dexterity +12

Reyek's Wrath: ‘Reyek ’s mind leaped with a clearer and clearer idea, that is boundless anger, which is like a sharp tooth that can easily cut steel. ’When the wearer activates Rage (or described as Rage) and similar abilities, the number of uses per day is increased once and the duration is doubled.

Then a necklace.

Heart of Royal Tao


Defense 3, Strength +22

…… (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!