Vol 4 Chapter 151

Name:The Amber Sword Author:Fei Yan
"Will do."

Freya slowly returned to her chair, clutching her knees with an uneasy hand, half a moment, and then whispered, "What shall we do, what shall we do to fight the dragon of dusk? This time, the golden ethnic group is no longer in We are around, even the silver people can't escape the world, and no heroes like the Azure Knight will lead us. We are bare-handed and even caught in each other's battles. Will we still have a chance until dusk comes? "

Milos didn't answer. A spark popped in the bright flame of the fireplace.

Time is like the sand in an hourglass, passing by, and the dull buzzing sound echoes quietly in space.

"As for the future, the future is as shrouded in fog for you and me. Not only me, but even a wise man like Crystal, dare not say all the secrets in the universe."

"Can't even the gods?"

"Not even my mother."

Freya opened her mouth.

"But as long as you still control your destiny, there is still a chance. The black iron generation must hold your destiny firmly in your own hands. This is the last blessing that the mother has given you."

"This is the age of mortals. Neither the gods nor the dragon of twilight can interfere. Whether the future is good or bad is up to you."

"Is this why you chose us to come here, Lord Milos?" The Knight Maiden took a breath and finally knew in her heart the purpose of the Father of the Frost Giant. In such an era, no matter what the reason is, there will no longer be a need for an awakened deity, because the deity is long gone, like a dust, only in the long scroll of history.

"You're smart." The voice repeated.

"What should I do?" Freya asked softly.

"As I said. With the sword in your hand, kill it—"

Freya's eyes widened slightly, she always thought it was a joke, but this time, the voice was serious. "But how could I do that to kill a shrine?" She blurted out.

"Little girl. In your time, you no longer have a deity, no matter how it recovers, and what kind of identity it is. When it appears in this world, it is destined to be just a false god." With a sigh of relief, he paused: "And you, Freya, this is your time ..."

Freya looked astutely across the table. In the empty chair there seemed to be a wise elder, and in this short time he had told her a long enough story.

And many things that she didn't need to know--

With a click, a long crack suddenly appeared on the floor of the room, and at that moment the low humming sound finally converged into a roar of shrieks, and the whole mountain shook. As if sinking slowly, even the floor of the entire room was tilted. Freya was almost thrown out of her position. She hurriedly supported the table and looked in that direction in surprise.

"This place seems to be disappearing ..."

The voice stopped for a moment, then smiled slightly.

"Master Milos?"

"Freya, remember my words, I am waiting for you."

Freya held her breath, maybe she didn't want to. Perhaps it was deliberately overlooked, as if it was not until this moment that she suddenly remembered that the father of the frost giant wanted her to kill herself. Among the rumbling sounds. The huts in this glacier have become more and more inclined, like the cabin before sinking. The spider web-like cracks have begun to appear on all four walls, and the ground is falling apart. Freya grabbed the edge of the table and stared at the empty chair.

"Master Milos!"

"Do you want to say goodbye, little girl."

"No, it's not," Freya shook her head, struggling to maintain balance, and she managed to stand up straight before bowing deeply into the chair. What she wants to say is thank you, but sometimes it is not necessary to speak out.

A crack running through the ceiling appeared above the girl's head, and the ground beneath her feet began to settle freely, cracking, protruding, exposing the ice layer below.

"It's not necessary." The voice smiled slightly, as if shaking his head: "It's not necessary."

"But before the children go alone, they always have to say peace to their elders."

The Knight Girl stood up, rubbed her eyes, and answered with a smile.

"Thank you."

"So let's see you in history."

The voice went silent, and a white halo unfolded on Freya's body. This faint gleam bounced off all the ice cubes falling to the girl, making her stand upright in this collapsed room. And in Freya's vision, the round table was sliding to the side, and across from it, the empty chair suddenly fell backwards, and was swallowed up by the broken ice and disappeared.

"Thank you……"

She whispered in her heart, and the next moment, the collapsed ice layer tilted down, burying everything in the place under the darkness.


I don't know how long it has been in the dark.

Brando, like a blind and deaf, lay quietly on a glacier. The coldness and slippery response from the body told him that there was thick ice on the left and right, and maybe some snow, but otherwise In addition, it was dark, and there was a light breathing sound about a few feet away. Except for his own breath, this light breathing sound was particularly harsh in the silence.

Not knowing how long he had lay or how many times he tried, he was pleasantly surprised to find that he could barely control his numb limbs, first his fingers, then his wrists, and finally his entire arms; he bit his teeth and supported them with his arms. He sat up reluctantly, and tossed for several minutes like this before he finally made his legs feel conscious again. Then he tried to get up from the ground, but just raised his head and hit his head on the ceiling.

Very narrow space-

This was Brando's first idea.

What is this place?

This was his second thought, and his ability to think seemed to gradually return to his frozen, stiff brain. He gradually remembered everything that happened before his coma. Kou Hua seemed to awaken the awakening **** with his dark soul. The key to everything was the purple crystal suspended on the platform. Then the entire Spiral Hall collapsed. This is something that never happened in the game, and now this place ...

This place should be under the abyss of the Spiral Hall?

By the way, what about Frost Fang? He remembered the huge bug. He thought he would be eaten by the other person when he fell so low. He did not expect to escape by accident.

It is a pity that the lighting object is not on him. He used up his mana again when he was tangled with Djal, otherwise he can at least cast a spell to see the surrounding situation instead of guessing here. Brando thought about it and decided to see what it was. He remembered that there was another breathing sound not far away when he was lying on the ground, so he immediately groped and groped for it, but left. After a few steps, my hand immediately touched a soft human body with a little temperature.

"It's okay. It doesn't seem to be dead." Brando groped on the other side for a while, and suddenly found something wrong, he scratched it with his hands and finally confirmed that it seemed to be a woman. This discovery scared him and was about to close it, but the other party seemed to be awakened and made a soft ‘um’ noise. It's a strange girl's voice. Brando burst into his heart and let go. Asking in guilty conscience: "Miss Studeau?"

There was no response in the darkness, Brando only saw the other person open his eyes.

Don't ask him why he knew the other person opened his eyes.

Because those silver eyes were shining in the darkness.

The cold sweat on Brando's forehead fell at that moment. "The people of silver, the son of gold? I rely on, isn't it Aloz? Is it so coincident that the first one touched her?" Brando couldn't believe that if he groped on Aloz, Will be mocked by that little mother dragon. Maybe something like a hungry ghost came out. And this is second, what if she gets furious? Or what to do if you cry again? Aloz's previous performance in the Spiral Hall impressed him.

But he shook his head immediately, no, this wasn't Aloz. Aloz's eyes were those with light silver-colored golden pupils, typical of the gold ethnicity. And this pair. It is said that the eyes of the people of silver are not the same, but because the eyes of the people of silver are not so light, these eyes are somewhat like the eyes of Princess Griffin. But of course Princess Griffin is not here, is it the little prince? Brando sweated even more. He would have been ridiculous to let the little prince wear women's clothing. Now he still makes this joke. I don't know what the other person thinks of his teacher.

But no, how could the little prince have a chest? Brando immediately realized that he wanted to be crooked. He suddenly remembered that he seemed to have caught a girl before he fell. He thought it was Shidor, but now it seems that his guess is wrong.

Thinking of this, Brando took a step back and looked at the opponent quietly, not sure if the opponent was a friend, or it was better to wait for the opponent to react first.

He just retreated, and heard a voice that looked like Orchid Orchid and asked, "Why did you recognize me at that time? I mean, how do you recognize my human form?"

This sentence seemed to be a flash of lightning, righteous and just right on Brando's head, making him stiff.

"Weak ... slightly dark Kou Hua?"

"Um." The silver eyes blinked slightly, as if they disappeared in the dark for a moment, and then reappeared: "That's my old name, I haven't used it for a long time. I'm Kou Hua now, Just call me Kou Hua. "

its not right. Brando thought, right. The first running wolf that appeared in the dusk, the eldest daughter of Esis, as the twilight wolf, should not have a pair of blood-red eyes, and the voice should be the kind of cold sound he was familiar with before Line, and what's going on here? Is it Aloz's prank, no, absolutely not. If it was the little female dragon, she would never make such an obvious mistake in pupil color, and it is not so difficult to change the pupil color by magic.

He frowned, and couldn't help asking: "You ... Are you really Kou Hua? Esis's eldest daughter, the first running wolf in the dusk, one of the supreme monsters?"

The silver eyes moved up and down because of nodding.

Brando took a breath.

At this moment he finally reacted. This is not Kou Hua, this is Kou Hua's kindness. However, this cognition has led him into confusion. What is going on? Kou Hua's dark side has become the **** who will wake up, but her body only has the good side, which means that the dusk wolf The young lady of the tribe is not a double character. It's a true one-two soul. He suddenly remembered what she had called that Kou Hua-her sister.

This script is not right, Brando yelled a secret, Kou Hua on the dark side became the **** to wake up, and Kou Hua on the good side also survived, which is different from history. Brando remembers the history in the game, Kou Hua's dark side and good side are all gone, and after this copy of the Temple of the Hibernator, Esis's eldest daughter no longer exists.

But now what is going on. History has somehow changed.

Could it be that this is the original setting in the game? If the resurrection will resurrect the awakened god, then enter this historical line, if the resurrected **** cannot be resurrected, enter the historical line in the game. Brando suddenly felt a little stunned. It is no wonder that no one in the game has ever seen the **** who will wake up again. It turned out that the history has changed and the result has been written down.

But now there is a problem.

wrong. It should be a big problem.

Brando realized that their group seemed to have inadvertently changed history, and it wasn't like Ampelsel who would just change the history of Eruin. The eldest daughter of Esis. The darkened Kou Hua, the difference between such an existence and a noble meeting of the Eruin, does not need to repeat it, but also understands the importance. And if Brando remembers it correctly, the next big chapter after the birth of the Empire is the return of Esis.

This will be a process that can even affect the entire great magic wave. It even changed the future direction of Warnd, shaking the foundations of that terrible war in the future.

What's more, this change is different from Ampelsel and it was triggered inadvertently, even completely beyond his expectations. No one knows whether this change is good or bad. Brando can only be sure that in the game, Esis was killed by the player, because before the recovery of Esis, her twelve daughters were also killed, and the process was almost the same as hibernation. Killer Kou Hua in this copy of the Temple.

Now that Kou Hua has survived, what about Esis? And if Ehess doesn't die, what will Warnder look like?

Brando could only think of five words.

Twilight of the world.

He looked at Kou Hua with such embarrassment, and kept thinking about these things in his mind, and even for a while he forgot what he said. After a while, or Kou Hua broke the silence, she said softly, "I seem to scare you, right?"

Brando's heart burst slightly, and he quickly shook his head.

"So why have you been in a daze?"

"Because I want to kill you," Brando answered seriously.

"Ah!" Kou Hua was startled, but looked a little puzzled: "Why are you killing me, Mr. Human?"

Brando was silent for a moment, in fact he was not joking, but he did have the thought in his heart: "Because you are the daughter of Esis, the first wolf in the dusk, in the near future, your The mother will be resurrected again. And if you were still alive at that time, it would be unfortunate news for human beings. If you live, many people will die. "

Kou Hua blinked.

"You seem to be a prophet who can't hide anything from you, Mr. Human," she paused. "My mother once told me that in the darkness that no one can see, a river flows quietly, That river flows to an unknown future. Those who can see that river can see the end of the future. Mr. Human, can you tell me why you can see everything after that mist? "

Brando pursed his lips. "For some special reason."

The killing in his heart had already begun, so he no longer concealed it. It was also a tiring thing to tell a lie all the time. He told Kou Hua at this moment that he felt very relaxed. He exhaled, and the kind Kou Hua was very popular among the players. He didn't have any ill feelings about this simple-looking little girl, but her existence itself was a threat to Warnde, and she obviously also herself Knowing this, it is not surprising.

The more he did, the more nervous Brando was, because it proved that his conjecture might be right.

"Tell me these, it's your secret, Mr. Human," the young girl replied quietly, calmly: "You told me because you knew I could keep your secret, right?"

Brando nodded, and the kind Kou Hua Bingxue was smart and had already guessed what he thought.

"But what if a third person here hears our conversation?" Kou Hua asked again.

Brando was shocked. He knew that the other party would never threaten him with empty words. Since Kou Hua said so, he must have pointed out something. He hurriedly turned around, and at this time Kou Hua had recited a mantra. Suddenly, the dark underground light suddenly appeared, Brando narrowed his eyes under the sudden light, and then he finally saw that he was sitting. The embarrassing man at the other end of the ice cave was not far away.


Brando felt a strange weird feeling in his heart. Kou Hua, Anlek, plus him, this small group of three people gathered in this small space, is it really true that the enemies are not together? But he felt a little weird right away. This place was so big. How could he not notice the third person's breathing at such a close distance, even if he hadn't noticed it before, there was no reason why he would not notice it after waking up .

Thinking about this, he turned back and saw some naughty little cunning in Kou Hua's eyes: "I used some tricks, Mr. Human, wouldn't you blame me?"

Teased by a real demigod, Brando almost didn't laugh at him. He pointed at the embarrassing Anleke, and simply asked: "Do you expect to rely on him to save your life? If it is someone else, it ’s okay, but This person seems to be my enemy, right? "


(Ps: Two more ten thousand to arrive, what about today's ticket?) (To be continued, please search floating astronomy, the novel is better updated and faster!