Vol 4 Chapter 149

Name:The Amber Sword Author:Fei Yan
"How could I do that?" Freya looked into the air, the direction of her voice, and when she was so surprised that she got up from the round table, she didn't even know: "How could I stop a **** from waking up?" There was a mess in her mind. I don't know why Milos chose her. She was just too ordinary to be an ordinary person, and had nothing to do with the gods. In fact, she thought she had enough receptive power. Since escaping Butcher, a series of changes that have taken place around her have made her dizzy. She finally managed to figure out a clue, barely adapted to the identity of the current knight non-commissioned student, and then suddenly, one Suddenly she asked her to help prevent it from resurrecting?

What does she take to itch. Can Wei 鍪 ㄐ @ 矗  0 @ 矗  0 0  翊  翊  翊  翊 穑 穑 穑 穑 穑 穑 穑 涣 穑 穑 穑  蛐 砣  蛐 砣  蛐 砣  蛐 砣 蟮 蟮 蟮  婀  婀  婀  婀  婀  婀  蛐 砘 嵴 庋   蛐 砘 嵴 庋      晗 v  ┑ 淖 詈 笠 ┑ 淖 詈 笠 ┑ 淖 詈 笠    锸 傺 躺 傺 傺 傺 詈 蟮 詈 蟮 詈 蟮 詈 蟮 詈 蟮 詈 蟮 詈 蟮 詈 蟮 詈 蟮              茁 逅 茁 逅 茁 逅 茁 逅 茁 逅 茁 逅  hot  烨 嗟 锸 锸 锸  螅  嬲   螅  嬲   螅  嬲   螅  嬲   螅  嬲  竦 竦 笳 庑 ┘ 笳 庑 ┘推移 hijiān's progress was gradually sealed in the books, and was stored in the bottom layers of the shaman's parchment literature, and it was not re-lifted until thousands of years later.

Freya suddenly interrupted her delusion, and blushed and shook her head quickly. Whatever it was, it was impossible to think. It was obviously a god, how could she be killed by a mortal. How do you want to pull out the Lion Heart Sword, stab the giant **** and then record it into history? This kind of thing is very out of tune. If Brando ’s guy writes history, this may happen. Anyway, It's just as absurd.

She patted her face gently, trying to quiet herself, waiting for Milos to speak.

Milos seemed to wait for a while before he said:

"It's actually very simple, as long as I wake up and pull out the Lionheart Sword to choke me to death, it's all right."

Freya's eyes widened. With her mouth half open, she even forgot to put down her face, as if petrified, and froze there.

Suddenly, Milos laughed. "Your imagination is very rich, little girl. But it is certainly not that simple as you think."

Freya blinked, her long eyelashes fluttered slightly, and she froze for a moment before she could tell that the giant's father was teasing her. This made her a little bit upset. What could she say, but it was a god, and the **** was joking with mortals. Is there such a precedent in history? But even gods. It was also a weird guy with Brando's temperament. Freya slandered in her heart, but only a moment later, she suddenly reacted and looked at it with a little panic: "You, can you see what I think in my heart?"

"After all, I'm a **** anyway. Don't worry, little girl, I don't account for a little offense than you just did." The voice laughed.

That is to say, you have heard it. Just not thinking about it, Freya's face turned red. She opened her mouth, but was speechless.

"Let's get back to it, little girl, in fact this matter is not really difficult for you."

"How come, I'm just an ordinary person. You suddenly asked me to stop you from waking up. It's impossible to say anything." Freya shook her head and felt that she couldn't do it.

"It's because you are an ordinary person that I will choose you," the voice replied.

Freya froze slightly. She heard something in this sentence and asked with a little confusion: "Why?"

"Because in such an era. Only ordinary people have the power to determine their fate." The voice paused: "Have you heard of the story of the Azure Knight?"

"You mean that the azure knight broke through the sky and caused the stars to fall, so it brought the legend of the mortal era?" Freya suddenly felt a little hesitant, she nodded, "I used to hear this when I was very young Bedside story. "She didn't finish some words. At that time, the mountains of Butch were still lush green. As soon as spring, the mountains and the mountains were blooming, and the war seemed to be a distant term. Will there be today after years?

The owner of that voice seemed to see the girl's low mood, and he gently relieved: "Sorry, reminds you of the past. But this story is very important to you and to me."

"Isn't that a fairy tale?" Freya raised her head and asked wryly.

"So do you believe it ever happened?"

This is a good question. Freya has been there for a while. Does she believe in myth? There are many myths and legends, both Eruin and Cruz. The distance is like the record in the poem of the Cang, and the near is like the story of the ancestor Emek and his knights who expanded the territory. There are folk legends, such as those in the forest that scare children, black prophecies, but should people believe these stories? Some of these stories are fabricated, and some of them are true, but after decades of success After hundreds of thousands of years of Miao biography, and more or less exaggerated art, it has already lost its original appearance.

Perhaps the legend of Emperor Aike is still in sight, and the story of the King of Flames and the other three sages is only the glorious narrative on the murals. As for the earlier legend about dusk, it is as far away as It is a dream. Those dreams have beautiful dreams and nightmares, but no one can say that those are true, those are false.

Freya paused for a while before asking, "That's true, right?"

"Some yes, but it did happen, it happened on this land."

Freya knew that Milos's next words might be the focus, and she calmed down and listened quietly to the father of the frost giant. The surroundings were quiet, and Chai He was burning in the fireplace, making a mooring sound. Sometimes she felt that this spacious room might be located in a mountain of a deep mountain, and she could even feel the legend from the depths of the mountain. I do n’t know when it started, and there was a low, buzzing sound all around.

The tea has a scent, the tea beads flying on the tablecloth have not dissipated the temperature, the silver knives and forks reflect the warm luster of the candlelight, and the light flames on the white porcelain tea tray are swaying, either bright or dark.

"That has to do with the war of the Twilight Dragon. The gods are arguing over the future of this world, Martha. Our mother, as always, is watching us above the lobby. There is the Tower of Babel, and later because of the war It turned into a ruin, at least in that era, or the center of civilization. On the golden temple, there is a beautiful marble floor like clouds. I can only stand at the end of the long queue when the gods rank second. When the dispute was most jiliè, the voices of Alves and Crystal echoed throughout the hall. "

"Is it a dragon of fury and a dragon of knowledge?"


"'Why do we implement this plan?' Alvers said so sharply, he is the most violent temper among the mother's children. Tiamat, although more resolute, is much calmer than him. Telling, as if telling a personal story: "Crystal did not return, but Alvers continued to sneer: 'The bronze generation has been lost. In my opinion, it is more consistent to return to the ancient times. The beauty of order. We should never listen to those stupid lies, let alone put the decision power in the hands of the waste, this is a conspiracy at dusk, which can just wipe us out. ',' Stop, Alves. 'At this time Crystal finally opened her mouth. She was Alves 'youngest sister. The relationship between the two was once considered by gods to be stronger than the immortal top that never breaks. But at this moment there are also faint cracks.' They are also mothers. Child, do you say that you want to make your mother sad? ”, Under the aggressive offensive of his sister, Alvers also panicked:“ Sorry, I do n’t It ’s intentional. 'He replied, but the wisdom of Crystal is endless. She continued:' Whatever you say, the arbitrators will naturally judge right and wrong. Our task is to guard the operation of order. Instead of intervening. Here, you can only choose yes or no. ', After a moment of silence, Alves only replied:' I never agree. ', He looked at his sister, disappointed beyond words. The break between the two people is like the birth of the Xinhai Sea. The gap is rapidly forming and cannot be bridged. "

Freya quietly listened to the story, even if she could only listen to the description of Milos, she could imagine the jiliè dispute in the floating cloud temple, but she felt a little incredible. There will be disputes. Shouldn't they always be the guardians of the world of order, like the elders who are tolerant, silently guarding the beings on the continent. Whether it is mortal slander or gratitude, the share always comes from heaven, but it has never been demanded.

"Why?" She finally couldn't help but open her mouth. "'Those wastes', are you talking about us?"

Milos's voice paused for a moment: "Yes, our dispute is because of a choice."


"Whether to continue the mistakes since the age of the gods or to give the right of choice to mortals, especially when facing enemies like the Dragon of Dusk, this choice seems extremely heavy even for the gods."

"But why is there such a choice?" Freya asked.

"Do you know the Bronze Generation?"

Freya frowned and shook her head.

"Actually you've seen them," the voice reminded.

The young girl froze slightly, but this time Milos did not let her continue to guess, but directly answered: "The term of the Bronze Generation has been rarely mentioned, and the people of silver and gold have all related literature Destroyed, rare preserved parts are locked in forbidden places that ordinary people cannot reach. Because it has proven that Master Martha's mistakes, although the mother does not care, does not mean that our children can easily accept, The Bugatians are also the same, and the Bronze generation is the monsters scattered on the earth. On the former earth, except for the glorious people of order, it is the seed of chaos at dusk. Given the magic between order and chaos, it does not exist. In this world. "

Freya is completely stunned. She knows the ethnic group of gold, the people of silver, and the generation of black iron, but she has never heard of the original monster, the bronze survivor between silver and black iron. In this way, she rubbed her forehead subconsciously, feeling a little dizzy. The owner of the voice apparently noticed this too, and asked, "Do you feel a little weird?"

Freya nodded.

"Then start with the order of the ancient times."


Kou Hua's cold voice echoed over the hall

"Before the world of Warnd was born in the light, the gods and Martha's supreme existence first appeared in the chaos. With the help of Martha, the gods weaved the world and created 17,000 Thousands of oracles came to manage this world. Then the oracles created a family of gold from the blood and corpses of the people, and this is the origin of the golden people. "

"Gold race. Servant, warrior, firm guardian of order."

"Then there was a silver generation. The silver generation was because Martha made a contract with the four elemental monarchs, using the elements as their bodies. The people created by the blood of the gold ethnic group. The silver people are thousands of thousands. Thousands, the kingdom they live on is a subject of order. "

"This is the ancient classical order, and it is also the most glorious era. The Tower of Babel stands in the center of the world and monitors the earth. There is a fortress on each of the four kingdoms of the kingdom. Valhalla and Avalon are just one of them. Legend has it that the ground was paved with silver. The sky was shining with diamonds, the trees were bearing gold fruits, and the river was full of milk. "

"But such a glorious dynasty fell into the dusk."

"In the following two epochs, the people of the Gods rebuilt the world twice, but what happened? The people of the Gods passed away one after another, but all the wisdom about the ancient times has passed to this day. The most glorious victory of the Twilight Dragon. It still comes from the last war. "

And just as she spoke word by word, the entire Spiral Hall. Under the control of a certain force, the platform that overturned the center was completely distorted under the huge force. More than a dozen long bridges were twisted into a twist like a twist and pulled down to the abyss. Brando had previously This sudden change was saved, but he immediately found out that it was just getting off the wolf hole and entering the tiger's mouth.

All reasons are due to previous Kou Hua's actions.

Everyone's attention was focused on the battlefield where jiliè was fighting in the middle, and Brando and the little mother dragon were just assaulting Enlec, causing this side to be a mess. However, the eldest daughter of Esis flew to Gray Sword Master Mephiste through this mouth. She only met with Mephisto in the mid-air symbolically once, and was cut in the waist by the sword of Grey Sword Master, just as Mephistre was still wondering how the existence of this demigod in the chaos era was so unbearable. At the time of the blow, Kou Hua fell in a certain direction with the strength of the Grey Sword Master's blow.

She fell in the middle of the hall. Behind her, except for the throne above the platform, there was only the amethyst suspended in the air.

The situation at the time was so stubborn. How could both sides of the battle go to see what direction Kou Hua fell to, but it was this neglect that gave her the greatest chance. The moment he approached the amethyst, Kou Hua turned back in the air and turned his claws towards the amethyst. If Mephiste noticed Kou Hua's subtle movements, she would be wary of her presumptive misses, because the grasping force was so horrible, at least there was the strength of the pinnacle of the law. Under one claw, the crystal suddenly shot Shattered.

Then, in an instant, the scene of Brando's sword that had previously escaped the Lizardman Sword Clergy happened.

The spiral hall trembled, and then the whole ground spun down and subsided. All the long bridges above the abyss were torn into a long thin strip. Except for a few people with flying ability or spells, most people even Including which black-robed knights fell on the instability in the first place. Brando didn't know what to do at this time. He looked up and could barely see Akane piercing the azure gun in the wall across the hall. Fortunately, it did not fall, but it was no longer seen in the crowd. The figures of the Laurens, not to mention the little prince and the eldest son of the Cruzs.

Several people in Shire also had no news. Brando tried to connect with his heart, but only felt that a noise came from below, and something was disturbing the spiritual world of everyone in this hall.

In this place, he can only think of one thing.

But for a moment, he saw a huge mouth suddenly appearing in the darkness below. The thing was like a giant sand bug. The opened huge mouth was filled with thousands of teeth. Bran Just a glance to understand what it is Frost-biting tooth. This **** thing is here. It turned out that it didn't originally live in the glacier, but was locked under this hall.

He should have thought about it.

However, he grasped the edge of the long bridge with one hand, looked up, looked at Kou Hua in midair in a puzzled way, and some understood what the eldest daughter of Esis wanted to do in the game. He could Never heard of such a thing.

"I've experienced that war myself."

Kou Hua floated in the air and finally finished the last sentence, her eyes were a little blurred, as if she was remembering.


(Ps: The second one is sent to me. Today is another 10,000 words a day. Don't wait and see, please give it a try. Do you want to continue watching the 4D updates tomorrow, quickly, give some momentum, o (v) o roll ~.) (To be continued ...)