Twenty minutes later, the city hospital.

"Why should I be hospitalized for this small injury?"

Lu Ping holds her waist in the hope that the pain on her body can be alleviated.

"Mom, listen to the doctor."

Lin Wanxi helped Lu Ping lie down in bed.

"Alas, as soon as he gets old, he can't refuse to be old."

Lu Ping stroked the painful position of the wound and frowned deeply.

"By the way, you must not let Qi Nian know about it. I want to wait until I finish the divorce formalities with his father."

Lu Ping said, looking melancholy again.

"Don't worry, I won't say."

"Good boy, you repay good for bad. Mom is really ashamed of you."

"Let bygones be bygones. Now take good care of yourself."

Lu Ping nodded and promised, but her eyes kept wandering.

While Lin Wanxi went to the bathroom, she quickly sent a text message.

"Wan Xi, it's getting late. Go back quickly. Don't let Qi Nian worry about you."

Lin Wanxi was worried, "can you be alone?"

"Didn't you hire a nurse for me? With them to take care of me, there's nothing to worry about. Besides, I don't hurt my muscles and bones. I can walk by myself."

"Well, I'll come back to see you tomorrow morning."


Lu Ping stared at Lin Wanxi's left figure, and the corners of her lips were cold.

"Well, you're hiding in the hospital!"

Before Lin Wanxi left the ward, Bo huaixiu came in directly.

In the face of Bo huaixiu, Lin Wanxi subconsciously went to the hospital bed to protect Lu Ping, "don't mess around!"

"I'm looking for my wife. What does it have to do with you? If you don't want to suffer together, you'd better get out of my way!"

Lu Ping was frightened. She grabbed Lin Wanxi's hand and said, "Wanxi, you go quickly. This bastard will kill when he gets crazy!"

"Don't be afraid. If he dares to mess around, I'll call the police immediately!"

Lin Wanxi took out her mobile phone and prepared to call the police.


Bo huaixiu knocked off Lin Wanxi's mobile phone and took out the dagger prepared in advance to threaten, "if you dare to call the police today, I'll kill you now!"

"Bo huaixiu, I'm the one you want to deal with. If you let Wan Xi go, I'll go with you!"

Lu Ping turns to protect Lin Wanxi for fear that she will be hurt a little.

Before she came, Lin Wanxi suspected Lu Ping of cheating, but her desperate action to protect her now dispelled her concerns.

"Don't you hate this bitch very much? How did you suddenly become a good mother-in-law? Do you want to report to the regiment for warmth and occupy the majority in the division of property divorced from me?"

Bo huaixiu shook a dagger in his hand, and his expression was extremely cruel.

"I've always been a good mother-in-law. It's you bastard who forced me to become a person, a ghost or a ghost!"

"Unfortunately, she is not a good daughter-in-law. Our son doesn't love her now!"

Bo huaixiu laughed wildly.

"Bo huaixiu, enough is enough. Don't make mistakes again and again and humiliate our son. If you want money, I'll give you a pension!"

"Oh, am I only satisfied with that little money?"

Bo huaixiu stared at Lin Wanxi with sinister eyes and sneered, "I'm afraid you don't know until now. In fact, your grandmother's kidnapping is not as simple as blackmail!"

Lin Wanxi stared at Bo huaixiu. "What do you mean?"

"Weren't you very clever before? Why are you like a fool now?"

Bo huaixiu smiled with great pride.

"Do you know that my grandmother was kidnapped and blackmailed?"

"I planned this. How could I not know?"


Lin Wanxi was like a lightning strike.

"Don't be so shocked. It's thanks to Qi Nian's help. Otherwise, I'm to blame."

Bo huaixiu had no sense of guilt on his face, as if he were saying something unimportant.

Lin Wanxi was angry. What made her uncomfortable was that Bo Qinian helped Bo huaixiu manage all this.

No wonder the next morning, he made a decision without authorization, sent the three people to the police station, directly convicted, and gave up her idea of tracing.

In fact, he was hiding the facts for fear that she would find out the culprit Bo huaixiu.

When Bo huaixiu saw Lin Wanxi's look of being deeply hit, he smiled coldly, "my son really loved you before, but that was before amnesia. Now he has no feelings for you. Between his parents, he must be duty bound to stand on our side!"

If it weren't for the facts, Lin Wanxi must think that Bo huaixiu's words are teasing right and wrong and undermining her relationship with Bo Qilian.

But it was so, she had to accept it.

"Lin Wanxi, if it weren't for the unknown child in your stomach, your marriage with Qi Nian would have ended. Where are you in his heart now? You don't have a point?"

"Even if I am not a qualified father, at a critical juncture, he will still be filial to me, who is related by blood, rather than you, an irrelevant outsider!"


Bo huaixiu's words, sentence by sentence, like a sharp knife, ruthlessly gouged out Lin Wanxi's heart.

The source of her pain is Bo Qinian.

After rebirth, she stayed with him like atonement to please and love with all her heart.

But everything was shattered by a loss of memory.

"If I were you, I would live with dignity. Now I will divorce Bo Qinian to save myself from living like a joke!"

Bo huaixiu continues to stimulate her, hoping that she can end her marriage with Bo Qinian as soon as possible.

"Wan Xi, don't be sad. It's bad for children..."

Lu Ping turned her head and offered hypocritical comfort.

Lin Wanxi held back her tears and said to Bo huaixiu with a sinister face, "it's Bo Qilian who let you go, not me. I'll investigate this matter to the end!"

"Well, then my son will go to prison with me. After all, he is an insider and can't get rid of it!"

If he didn't find a way out, how could Bo huaixiu shake out the truth of the matter.

Lu Ping pretended to be indignant. "Just die and take my son. You're a wolf in the heart and a dog in the lung!"

"Doesn't someone love my son very much? You can turn a blind eye."

Bo huaixiu was full of temptation.

Lin Wanxi's hands were clenched into fists, and her heart was experiencing lingchi's pain.

"Wan Xi?"

At that time, Huang Fusen was standing at the door of the ward.

Lin Wanxi saw Huang Fusen and hurried for help. "Huang Fu, call the police, someone wants..."

Just halfway through the conversation, Bo huaixiu escaped like a fish in the pool.

Huang Fusen hasn't figured out the situation yet. When he knows, Bo huaixiu has escaped.

"Wan Xi, forget it. It's not worth arguing with people like him."

Lu Ping stops Lin Wanxi from calling the police.

"If this matter is not solved, he will come to your trouble."

"I'll leave the hospital and live in Qi Nian's small apartment, so he can't get in if he wants to go in!"

Referring to Bo Qinian, Lin Wanxi suddenly felt a pain in the bottom of her heart.

His mind was full of his cheating on her.

Lu Ping looked at Lin Wanxi and asked, "Wan Xi, won't you blame Qi Nian?"

"No wonder it's fake..."