Four people, no matter how powerful or God, are not enough. So all the subordinates and ministers of the whole Antarctic heavenly palace joined in the transformation of the scene.

Watching people busy, but they are all busy because of her.

In the past ten years, she has changed many places in the Antarctic. Basically, as long as she goes where she doesn't like it, people will change it.

But now, the Antarctic emperor came back. The first thing he did when he came back was to hit her in the face and turn all the things she liked into the same.

The initiator, however, stood in front of her in such a dignified manner at the moment.

The tall and straight figure and tall figure made her slim and slim body look so weak in front of him.

Her height was only as high as his shoulder. At this moment, how powerless she wanted to lean against this man's arms.

I don't know why this man can be so cold-blooded. He hasn't heard her say even a word from beginning to end.

The man who tolerated fairy Piaoping in every way and even experienced 5000 years of love for fairy Piaoping in the lower world is really the man in front of him?

The South Pole light projected on him and dragged his figure in the hall very long and beautiful. But at this moment, Fengling fairy was cold all over.

She thought that after experiencing the fairy Piaoping, he would no longer be the cold-hearted and cold-blooded Antarctic fairy king, but now it seems that he is still.

But so what? She is the queen of Antarctica appointed by his majesty. Even if he doesn't accept her now, he will certainly accept her in the future.

Besides, her father. She knew that he had a good relationship with her father.

Thinking of this, although I had just had enough grievances and ruined my dignity, I soon recovered my usual calm.

That's what she loves, isn't it? If he is not such a man, she doesn't like it.

Such a man is, when she hasn't fallen in love with you, he will be endless harsh to you, but once he falls in love, he will become the gentlest good man in the world.

After admiring for hundreds of years and paying for 10 years, Fengling won't be defeated like this.

Fengling fairy stood behind Nangong Jin, put away her sharpness and the unique momentum of the hostess, and stood quietly like a little woman. If Nangong Jin doesn't speak, she won't speak, so as not to make him angry and upset again.

Because she thought of the original fairy Piaoping. Even if she loved her so much, she never said even a word to Antarctica, just silently.

Maybe that's what Antarctica likes.

Nangong Jin stood tall and straight, facing the periphery of the Antarctic heavenly palace, and looked at the changes of the southern polar heaven governing the celestial domain in the far distance and at the lower levels with mana.

The Antarctic heavenly palace was the first to recover, because the four Hongfang brothers scolded them for fear that their master would look at the nearby objects in front of them.

In fact, they are also right. Because since the restoration of the Antarctic heavenly palace, the master's expression has been much better. The face of the black drop of ink has warmed up at the moment.

But the four brothers still dare not neglect anything. They almost mobilized all the civil servants in Antarctica to quickly sweep away all the things changed by the annoying woman at the speed of autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves.

Ten years can change a lot of things. There are many people and great power. In only half an hour, all things and scenery in the Antarctic sky changed by the wind Ling fairy will be restored as before.

"Tell Xianjun that they have all recovered."

Nangong Jin nodded indifferently and said to his four generals, "do you know this is wrong?"

"At the end of the day, you will know your mistake." the four said in unison.

"What's wrong?"

"As one of the four Dharma guardians of the Antarctic heavenly palace, Mo Jiang should exercise all his powers on behalf of Xianjun and manage the Antarctic sky well when Xianjun leaves. However, his subordinates listened to the rumors of Jian and mistakenly believed the so-called emperor's oral instructions, putting the Antarctic sky in danger." Hongfang replied.

"What should happen in the future?"

"No matter who this person is, we should throw her out if she tries to sneak into the Antarctic sky by such a despicable means." Honglang replied.

"Just know."

Nangong Jin was finally satisfied with his subordinate's answer and said, "although you have repented, this mistake has been caused. After performing the task, go to the penalty Department of Antarctica!"


The four Dharma guardians glared at Feng Ling fairy, the culprit, and saw each other's feelings of guilt.

If she wants to succeed in the Antarctic heavenly palace, she must have a good relationship with the military Dharma protector of the four most effective generals under the command of Antarctica.

But obviously, she not only didn't have a good relationship, but also made them hate.

At this moment, she also regretted.

She had known that when the four Dharma guardians told her that Antarctica didn't like anyone to touch anything, she wouldn't move.

Well, she wanted to excuse the four Dharma protectors, but she didn't dare to speak. Because she is afraid of being thrown out of the south pole, that is the real loss of face.

"I don't know what tasks Xianjun has left to his subordinates?" Hongkai asked.

In order to recover the Lord's dissatisfaction with them, the blood tank of the four Dharma protectors is full at the moment.

"Go to the supreme old gentleman and borrow some clusters of samadhi real fire from him to burn Marshal Weiwu's mansion for me!"

Four Dharma Guardians:

Fengling fairy:!!!

what the fuck! Lord, you are so awesome! Oh, oh, the little witch Fengling dares to pretend to be the mistress of their Antarctic heavenly palace and always puts pressure on them with a powerful marshal. Baa, hahaha, well, let's tie ourselves up!

There are as many samadhi true fires in heaven as cattle hair. Although they are immortal in water, only the samadhi true fire in the Supreme Lord is used for alchemy. In order to refine the top elixir of heaven, even the precious Yang Branch manna of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the South China Sea can't extinguish it. If you want to extinguish the samadhi true fire of the supreme Lao Jun, you have to ask the emperor of heaven to order and borrow specific treasures.

Fengling fairy has changed all the furnishings of the Antarctic heavenly palace and made the Antarctic heavenly palace beyond recognition in these ten years. Now try the end of the Grand Marshal's house beyond recognition!

They can guarantee that before the Grand Marshal's house is completely burned down, the mighty Grand Marshal will not be able to borrow fire-fighting equipment.

Seeing that the mouth of the four Dharma guardians was open enough to plug two eggs, Nangong Jin raised her eyebrow: "what? Want to disobey?"

After the four Dharma guardians reacted, they immediately shouted like beating chicken blood: "yes, my subordinates will live up to their mission! They must come back to receive punishment after seeing all the Grand Marshal's house burned down."