When Yuan Ling is thrown out of the border, he will certainly bloom his powerful energy and is destined to quickly attract more than 80 of Huo Qian. Once they come, even if futu is dead, they will never escape the fate of death.

The 15 dragon guards were scared to split their eyes by the move of floating slaughter. They scattered one after another to prepare to escape from different places. First take the yuan Ling in hand.

Unexpectedly, they scattered and flew out, and a stronger barrier than them blocked their way.

The barrier is temporary. As soon as futu lets go, the barrier will collapse immediately, and he will be surrounded by the 15 dragon guards again.

But from the beginning, what futu thought was not to go out by himself, but to keep yuan Ling and explode himself. Therefore, although 15 dragon guards worked together to break the temporary border, they were scared to death when they looked at the swollen body of the futu.

Self explosion!!!

What he thought from the beginning was self explosion!!!

He even wanted to leave all of them here to die with him, so he showed weakness from the beginning, showed his poor strength, and asked them to put down their ideological burden and despise the enemy.

At this moment, everyone regretted. Regret drove him to a dead end and pushed himself to a dead end.

However, there is no turning back. Futu's body has grown bigger and bigger. They can't help taking the time to break this temporary boundary.

"Captain, we're wrong, you go, don't blow us up!" a Dragon Guard shouted in panic.

However, futu ignored him at all.

More people simply knelt down and begged futu not to explode.

After all, it only takes half a minute for the self explosion to start and end, but it takes more than half a minute or even a minute for them to break the barrier together. Therefore, compared with kneeling for mercy, everyone chose to kneel for mercy.

However, futu was not moved at all: "I said that if I fight, I will take you to be buried with me. I won't suffer at all if so many traitors are buried with me!"

He is not a fool. These spineless traitors will gather around him as soon as he gives up self explosion and turns away. It's like letting him waste his power before. They also admit that if he really waste his power, they will kill him immediately.

So once the negotiation fails, his only way out is self explosion! Protect yuan Ling of Nangong Jin.

While talking, half a minute passed quickly. Futu's body had swollen to a certain extent. 15 traitors stretched out their hands and blocked them in front of * * * * in panic. Explosion, right in front of you!

"Why not? It's really a loss! Tu Tu, I thought you wouldn't be so stupid if you remembered the past. As a result, you're still a silly dragon!"

A clear and pleasant voice sounded, which shocked the dragon's body and shook the heart God.

Then, the swollen body that could not even control itself subsided rapidly under the package of a powerful force.

Before him, a noble and cold God appeared, the paralyzed face he had always hated. In the arms of his paralyzed face is Lu Xiaoxiao, the girl he has missed for a long time!
