So Lu Xiaoxiao simply told the truth. What if he was lucky?

Facts have proved that she is indeed a beautiful girl who saved the Antarctic continent and the LORD God in her last life.

The middle-aged man was surprised and said, "are you Lu Chenxiao's sister?"

Lu Xiaoxiao was delighted: "yes, I'm his sister. Uncle, do you know my brother?"

"Yes! Of course! This magical boy has become famous here."

"Where is he now? Is he still in your village?"

The uncle shook his head and said regretfully, "he and his fiancee duo'er have been taken away by the law enforcers."

"Why did the law enforcers take him? Where would he be taken?"

"Xiaoxiao, the water has been put away."

"You go to take a medicine bath first. After taking a medicine bath, I'll tell you slowly."

"OK." Lu Xiaoxiao nodded and was taken into the bathroom by ah Xin.

Axin took Xiaoxiao into the bathroom, put her in the bathtub and said, "this is my sister's dress. Do you need it?"

"Thank you. I have a change of clothes."

Ah Xin was stunned. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaoxiao had something as precious as a space ring. He hurriedly said, "OK. By the way, here are three pots of water. After soaking in the medicine bath, pour these three pots of water into the bath bucket and wash it again."

"OK, thank you."

"You're welcome," said Axin, and he stepped back with a red face, without even looking at Lu Xiaoxiao.

After the magic rock touched the potion, it began to melt slowly. Then Lu Xiaoxiao felt like he was soaked in a basin of seaweed mud, but he slowly regained consciousness.

After taking the medicine bath, she took another dip in clean water, but Lu Xiaoxiao still felt dirty. Then she poured out the clean water and washed it again with the spring of life. Only then did she put on clean clothes and skirts.

After going out, Axin, Axin's father and Axin's lobby brother were waiting for her in the hall.

"Thank you for your help."

Assin said, "it's nothing. It's just a small effort. And you don't seem to want to be a bad person."

Lu Xiaoxiao smiled back, then looked at Axin's father and asked, "uncle, you just said that my brother was taken away by the law enforcers. Why did the law enforcers take him?"

"The demon world doesn't welcome humans, so a magic rock that can freeze human bodies was added at each entrance. Lu Chenxiao and duo'er fell down a few days ago. It was also ah Xin who was on duty there at that time.

Your brother has developed a powerful internal mental skill, which can convert dark elements into energy to supplement himself. Therefore, magic rock has no effect on him. Instead of being trapped by magic rock, he quickly sucked it dry. "

Lu Xiaoxiao:... So does Hunyuan Heart Sutra have such advantages?

"Axin took him and duo'er home. Two hours later, the law enforcers came to take him and duo'er away. We are all guilty and can't compete with the law enforcers, so we can only apologize to them and watch them taken away by the law enforcers.

However, I didn't think they were bad people, so I asked ah Xuan to lead people behind. If I had a chance, I could save them. Unexpectedly, those law enforcers were all miscellaneous Za species. They took a fancy to duo'er's beauty and tried to occupy duo'er. Lu Chenxiao used his powerful mental skills to save duo'er. Even if the strength of those law enforcers was better than him, they were still in front of his mental skills cannot withstand a single blow.

Originally, ah Xuan planned to take them away, but their fight attracted more powerful law enforcers. They threw magic rock on Lu Chenxiao and duo'er and tried to hurt him while he absorbed magic rock. Who knows whether Lu Chenxiao has the mind method of absorbing people's dark elements, duo'er doesn't know anything evil in his body. In short, those law enforcers tried to hurt him All their tricks are useless to them.

However, after all, there were many law enforcers. They couldn't resist the continuous attacks and were finally locked in the prison car. But you don't have to worry too much, because ah Xuan told me that the law enforcers had exhausted all kinds of methods to escort Lu Chenxiao and duo'er. Now, no one dared to touch them except throwing magic rock on them, and they were constantly attacking the law enforcers and magic rock The dark elements are absorbed and the strength is promoted all the way. Now, in a short time, it has been promoted from Xuan level to Tian level, which shocked the whole demon world. "

Lu Xiaoxiao:!!!

So, does Hunyuan Heart Sutra and spell poison have such great power?

So, should she breathe a sigh of relief for her second brother and second sister-in-law, or should she sweat for them?

"Where are the law enforcers taking them now?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked.

"Wang Du."

"Where are the kings?"

"Purple City."

"How far is it from here?"

"The demon world is divided into seven cities, namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple. The red city is at the outermost part, encircling the Orange City in a ring, and the orange city encircles the Yellow City in a ring. The Purple City is at the center of the demon world, and the king capital is at the center of the Purple City."

Luckily I'm not on the lower continent.

"So it is." Lu Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "thank you, uncle. Before, your family saved my brother and now they saved me. How can I repay you?"

Uncle waved his hand: "saving a life is better than building a level 7 floating butcher. It's just a matter of lifting a hand. Girl, don't worry."

As soon as Lu Xiaoxiao wanted to speak, the lobby brother on one side opened his mouth.

"All the people who fell from the top are surprised that there is such a world below. Why aren't you surprised at all, as if you knew there was such a world from the beginning?"

The big brother's question also made uncle a little stunned. Yeah, why isn't she surprised at all?

"Yes, I began to study here after my brother fell down. I know that there is another space below."

"So, you know all the people below us are demons?" asked the lobby brother.

"Yes." Lu Xiaoxiao nodded.

The lobby brother was silent for a moment and asked, "may I ask, how did you know about it?"

"My husband told me, because he knows everything from ancient to modern."

Lu Xiaoxiao obviously saw that the eyes of the lobby brother were dim.

"Xiaoxiao girl, this evening is our blessing night. Why don't you stay here for dinner."

Lu Xiaoxiao said with some regret, "my husband, my eldest brother and I came together. There are seven of us. There are too many people. It would be too disturbing to stay here for dinner."

"Although you jumped down together, there are eight teleports in the demon world, distributed all over the world, and even one in the lower continent. I'm afraid it's not so easy to find everyone. If you don't dislike our small village, you can live here and think about the long term."