If it's not because the soul is not integrated now, it's inconvenient, otherwise it's better to come ten times a day!

If Lu Xiaoxiao can know what he is thinking, he will definitely have stomach Fei: boss, you can last two hours at a time. You want to kill me two or three times. If you want to come ten times a day, I must lose my kidney Shen!

Bent down to pick up the brassiere that was still on the ground when someone grabbed it. A big gecko in the back was also bending down with her unknowingly.

Then, as soon as she picked up her bra, because someone's mouth was on her back and two big hands were on her chest, plus the weight of his body, she pressed her shamelessly. Although as a master close to God level, this weight was really nothing, but she would not exert her mysterious power in front of him, Lu Xiaoxiao was crushed on the spot.

Now, not only the brassiere fell to the ground, but also people fell to the ground.

"Oh, go away! I'm going to get dressed. Don't bother me."

Lu Xiaoxiao tried to drive someone away like a fly.

However, someone suddenly bit her earlobe.

"Ah --"

Lu Xiaoxiao shouted, turned around reflexively, and then, like a little pet that couldn't escape the palm of his owner, he was directly picked up by someone lazy and threw directly into the bed ****************************************************************! I told you not now. Dudu du... Um... Dudu Du will come back... Um... "

Others say that the LORD God is holy and noble and does not eat fireworks between people.

Only Lu Xiaoxiao knows that he really doesn't eat human fireworks. He... He's a carnivore! He eats meat!


"Don't be distracted!" someone finally heard a hoarse voice to show their dissatisfaction.

"Oh - Nangong Jin, are you a dog?" she bit her! Woo woo... It hurts!

Lu Xiaoxiao painstakingly rubbed the position at the junction of her shoulder and neck. As a result, someone bit her chest again.

"Ah -" Lu Xiaoxiao screamed and suddenly sat up.

But the man who had just been tossing about on her now came under her and took another bite on the inner side of her thigh.

Lu Xiaoxiao: "

"Nangong Jin, can you stop biting? It hurts!"

"Madam, you are delicious!"

Lu Xiaoxiao: "

Nangong Jin didn't have the habit of biting people in the past? Why did you suddenly start biting?

Then, Lu Xiaoxiao endured the pain all the way and watched someone bite here and there on her, from her neck to her calf.

Lu Xiaoxiao was so angry that she decided to put her feet in his mouth when someone took another bite. Let him bite!

Then Lu Xiaoxiao did, but someone didn't dislike it at all. He took a bite at her toes.

Lu Xiaoxiao's surprise is not over yet. Someone has bitten her instep and instep again.

Her feet were the most ticklish. When she was bitten, she fell into bed with a ha ha smile.

And someone bit her foot completely.

Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't get rid of it with the greatest strength. He could only laugh and roar angrily: "Nangong Jin, don't you think it's dirty? I just stepped on the ground."

Satisfied, she chewed Lu Xiaoxiao's whole body all over. Looking at the small strawberries planted by him everywhere on her white skin, some big and some small, all over her body, Nangong Jin was in a good mood.

The tall and towering body fell down like a fallen god, suffocating Lu Xiaoxiao's breath in an instant.

"It's not dirty. As long as it's on you, it's the most beautiful and clean in the world."

Lu Xiaoxiao doesn't know how much Nangong Jin likes her feet.

It's not that he likes to show off. The Xiaoxiao body of his family should be thin and have meat. Nangong Jin didn't understand that her slender body could have such a bloody concave convex figure.

In particular, her hands and feet are flesh, white and tender. The small pink fingernails are like cherries and scattered pearls. Every time he sees her bare feet, he can't help but want to kiss them.

Nangong Jin's words made Lu Xiaoxiao's heart move slightly. He stretched out his hand to cover his broad and thick chest. It seems that this man has used today's integration. If he doesn't do anything, he must be unable to escape. Therefore, Lu Xiaoxiao simply caressed him gently in his sensitive place, blinked and asked: "Really? Even if I get old in the future, you will think I am the most beautiful in the world?"

Nangong Jin, who always thought he was a man of abstinence, couldn't help moaning. He found that his body was like a soldier who lost his armor. He couldn't hold on for a second in the face of his mother's teasing.

Countless kisses fell on Lu Xiaoxiao's body. Nangong Jin blushed and looked at her affectionately: "yes, no matter how long we were together, you are the most beautiful woman in the world in my heart. Moreover, with me, you will not be old. We will always love each other and happily watch our children and grandchildren born."

Lu Xiaoxiao thought that Dudu would grow up, marry and have his own children in the future. Then she can see one of her offspring born in 20 or 30 years, but she won't be old. Must it be a good feeling?

"Ow ~"

While dreaming, Lu Xiaoxiao was bitten by someone again.

After yelling, Lu Xiaoxiao finally got angry at someone lying on her.

"You've bitten me everywhere. How can I see anyone later?"


No one paid attention to her. Someone continued to control his reason and planted strawberries on her.

He definitely did it on purpose!

Looking at the strawberry marks all over her body, Lu Xiaoxiao was directly depressed and turned over fiercely, pressing her tall and tall body under her.

"Lady..." how can he grow strawberries without strawberry field?

"You see you bit me. I'm covered with strawberry marks. How can I go out?"

Nangong Jin's eyes suddenly looked ferocious: "who dares to see them? I dug their eyes! It's all right, madam. Come on, plant two more."

"My grandpa will come to dinner later. Do you want to dig his eyes?"

Nangong Jin: "

The LORD God is not afraid of heaven and earth. All the people in a space are His believers. Even his three brothers worship him now. Only the old man, the grandfather of Lord God, is still his grandfather although he is only 70 years old. He deserves respect.

"Well, I'll plant it tomorrow."

Lu Xiaoxiao: "

When he was speechless, he was knocked down by someone again, but this time Lu Xiaoxiao became powerful.