Lu Zexiao felt that his consciousness was already in a free state, and his whole body was so uncomfortable and painful that he broke through the limit he could bear again and again.

At this moment, he felt as if he would die all the time, and he felt as if he would never die again.

The whole person floats like a boat on the stormy sea in severe pain and crazy sadness.

Although it has been pushed to the peak of destruction again and again by the waves, the next moment at the trough, this page of boat will automatically appear again.

Hearing the dialogue between the phantom and the city Lord, Lu Zexiao tried his best to stop him.

He is definitely not a person who will ask for help if he lives.

Although he gave them the antidote, he gave it voluntarily before he left. So if people don't give it to him now, he can't blame others. He disdained to do such a thing. I don't care if I'm afraid of death.

After listening to Lu Zexiao's words, the phantom didn't speak any more. He went directly into the door, slammed the door shut, and then locked it from the inside to prevent the disgusting City Lord from coming in again.

Karina's cry was always there, but the phantom couldn't like her.

If Karina was not possessive and would not let them go, although she said they were distinguished guests of wolf city and her life-saving benefactor, she had been looking for someone to monitor them.

If she didn't, they would have left early. Where would today's situation happen?

So at this moment, the phantom thought: cry, cry to death!

The phantom took out the life spring and sent it to Lu Zexiao's mouth little by little.

When the spiritual spring of life enters the body, the bulging of blood vessels inside will become less frightening.

"Come on, give me all... Pills with fusion... Or elimination effect... And take them."

At this moment, no matter how determined Lu Zexiao was to run the heart method of Hunyuan Heart Sutra again and again, his desire to dig out his chest and dig out his heart by himself was not good.

At this moment, Lu Zexiao finally knew why even a little injury would die after the werewolves were attacked by blood clan people. At the same time, he also knows why the blood clan people who can live forever and come back from the dead want to destroy the werewolf so much.

Because the two races are mutually reinforcing.

Although the phantom felt that giving Lu Zexiao all the pills would make his situation worse, he had no other way at this moment. So as soon as he gritted his teeth, he simply listened to Lu Zexiao and took all the pills with fusion or elimination effect in the space ring to him.

There are no fewer than ten pills of all kinds. He forgot what each pill was. Anyway, as long as it was refined by the Lord, it must be right.

Lu Zexiao's situation is indeed too bad to be worse.

Blood clan and wolf clan are the two indigenous primitive races of the Antarctic continent. Like the elf clan, they are the three special races of the Antarctic continent. Strictly speaking, they do not belong to human beings, but a new ethnic group in the plane.

Elves represent life, blood clan represents death, and wolf clan represents fighting. Only the sap of the tree of life can calm the fury of the two races from the source of blood.

Facts have also proved that Lu Zexiao's choice of being a living horse doctor is correct.

Because when he was in the Antarctic continent, Wuyan liked to develop all kinds of pills and use all the good things he thought could be integrated to refine.

And there is really the sap of the living tree.

Moreover, the tree juice of the life tree not only adds the life spirit spring, but also integrates the fruit juice of the immature fruit of the life tree, as well as the elixir refined by all the spirit grass with aura and life in the space at that time.

Don't look at this small pill. When it was refined, it could be condensed with a large jar of life spring.

So after taking ten pills, Lu Zexiao felt much better. The almost crazy pain in the body is no longer so crazy.

As soon as the phantom saw it, the terrible face that had been burned so that it could not see its face raised a surprise smile.

"Childe, useful!"

Lu Zexiao clenched his teeth, propped up his body, sat cross legged and began to operate the mental method of Hunyuan Heart Sutra.

At this moment, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the two evil forces that collided with each other in his body and could not be integrated together. After he took the pill, he slowly collided less badly. Under the operation of the mental method in Hunyuan Heart Sutra, these two forces, no, should be three forces, began to be absorbed by his body.

Lu Zexiao was surprised: how can it be three forces? What the hell?

He knows the power of blood clan and the power of wolf clan, but where does the third power come from?

What Lu Zexiao doesn't know is that when the sap of life meets the mixture of blood clan and wolf clan, it will directly produce the power of life, so this third power is the power of life of the elf clan.

Under the operation of the mind method of the Heart Sutra, these three forces are not only absorbed by his body, but also directly transformed into a powerful force after absorption.

In fact, no matter the little leader of the blood clan or yak, the chief guard of the wolf clan, they can be called experts, but they still can't compare with those sky level experts. At least at their present age, there is no way to compare.

Lu Zexiao knew that the blood clan and the wolf clan did not need to cultivate their strength. For them, the purer their blood was, the stronger their strength would be. As long as time comes, or there is a certain opportunity, they will grow up immediately. And their growth height will be higher than all ethnic groups.

The two strands of blood in his body, one is the purest little Lord of the blood clan, and the other is the legitimate son of Ya family, whose blood is second only to the wolf City Lord.

Once these two pure blood are activated by a certain force, they will be immediately transformed into an almost terrible energy.

Lu Zexiao, on the other hand, had a blessing in disguise after enduring endless pain.

After feeling the pure power in his body, Lu Zexiao immediately began to absorb it. The powerful power made the white light on him stronger and bigger.

The phantom on one side was stunned after seeing the earth shaking changes of Lu Zexiao. One moment is still hovering on the edge of life and death. The next moment is not only free of life worries, but also ready to advance?

"Phantom, give me a pill that can hide my breath."

"Sir... You..."

"I don't want them to know that I'm promoted. It's bound to cause a thunderstorm. I have to wait until I leave here."

"Ah!!" the phantom nodded quickly and gave Lu Zexiao a hidden pill.