Lingjia text: "...!"

Beep: "My father and mother only taught me to be good at school and not to make trouble. They didn't teach me that I can't speak when the teacher is talking. And I just spoke after you finished reading poetry. You didn't speak when I spoke! What's more, we've been standing here for so long. You won't find us a seat and just stand like this , do you mean to let us all stand like this in class? "

"Yes!" lingjiawen agreed with her discontentedly. She didn't like the teacher at all.

"Sharp teeth and sharp mouth." master Zou made no secret of his bad attitude towards Dudu and lingjiawen. He asked, "what level is your father?"

Dudu didn't want to say, "Wuzong."

Lingjiawen said, "my father is a martial saint."

"I'm also a martial artist. How can I teach my children so unreasonable? It seems that I must be obsessed with martial arts and don't have time to teach you well on weekdays. Some of our parents feel that they are great martial artists because of their poor qualifications. As a result, their martial arts are not inferior, and their children teach them very well.

In my opinion, such parents should educate their children at home. Their strength is not high, and they also learn from others to act as experts. As a result, both sides failed. "

Dudu thought that Mr. Zou was a sour old man with snake essence disease. Just trying to refute him, he pointed at the back with his fingers and said, "there are still some benches, tables and chairs there. Go and move them and sit in the back."

In addition to the children in the first three rows, some are big and some are small, and the back is arranged in the order from short to high. Lingjiawen wanted to say that she and Dudu are the youngest children in the class, and they should be allowed to sit in front.

But just when he wanted to speak, he was pulled by Dudu. Under the sign of his eyes, lingjiawen bit his lips and followed him unhappily to move tables and chairs behind him.

There are some tables and chairs on the back wall. You can see that they are all broken and should not be left there. I don't know how long they have been piled here, full of dust.

Lingjiawen was unhappy on the spot.

This master is really going too far!

"Master, all the tables and chairs here are broken and dirty!" lingjiawen couldn't help saying.

"If it's broken, you can fix it first. If it's dirty, there's water outside. Go fetch water to clean the tables and chairs. I'm surprised if you two are young masters and young ladies at home. If so, I'll report to the leader immediately and let special people serve you. If not, do it yourself. There are no servants in our private school who work for you."

"Poof... Hahaha!" after Mr. Zou said, a boy of about five or six years old sitting in the front couldn't help laughing.

Seeing him laughing, several children in the class laughed.

While Mr. Zou heard that some children in the class laughed at Dudu, he not only didn't open his mouth to scold, but looked at the children who laughed at Dudu with spoiled eyes.

"Forget it, Xiao Wen, let's do it ourselves."

Dudu knows what's going on here.

From what the master said when he ridiculed them, and then look at the children in bright clothes in the front row, who have become the Dudu of human spirits. How can you not know why the master scolded them?

He dared not say that he was the son of the Lord. He was afraid that once he said it, the teacher's weak heart would explode.

Lingjiawen followed Dudu to move a dirty table whose dust had turned black to the last row, and then found two benches.

Seeing that one leg of the table was lame, the whole table couldn't be placed stably, so he went out to find a stone under the table and let Xiao Zi cut the stone flat and stable through the space.

After fixing the table, they brought two small buckets of water and wiped the table and bench clean.

When the two little guys were working, the master didn't pay attention to them at all and continued to talk about his lessons.

When Dudu and lingjiawen finished their work and sat down, two five or six-year-old boys on one side nodded friendly to them as a greeting.

Not long after sitting down, the teacher announced that the class was over, rested for a quarter of an hour and continued.

After saying that, he didn't even look at Dudu. He smiled and asked the boy in the front row who laughed at Dudu: "young master, do you know the poetic skills taught by the master just now?"

"Oh, yes. Class is over. Don't be wordy."

As soon as the Master heard the other party's meeting, a big chrysanthemum bloomed on an old face.

"It's good to have a meeting. We're going to start writing poetry next class. The young master can think about what kind of poetry to do first. If you need any help, you can go to the next room to find the master."

"I see. It's so wordy!" the boy waved his hand impatiently and drove Mr. Zou away like a fly.

While Mr. Zou was talking to the boy, Dudu rubbed his head against the other two boys sitting in the last row and asked, "Hello, my name is Lu Li and her name is Jiawen. You can call me Xiaoli and her Xiaowen. Please take care of me when we meet for the first time."

Seeing that Dudu and Xiaowen are so polite and good-looking, the two children also have a good impression of them.

"Hello, my name is Wang Wu and his name is Wang San. We are brothers. We are all classmates in the same class. If we need help, we will help as long as we can help."

"Hello, ah Wu, I want to ask the name of the child who has a good relationship with the master?"

Wang Wu cautiously glanced at the front and saw that the people in front didn't look at him. Then he carefully whispered, "his name is Duan Geng, but he is a man of great background and status. In this private school, you must not provoke him. People sitting in the front three rows can't be provoked by people like us."

Dudu frowned: "what's his origin? What's his identity?"

"His surname is Duan. What identity do you think he is?" Wang Wuyi looked like he hated iron and didn't become steel. He felt that Dudu was really a special steamed stuffed bun.

The children here are Duan, Chai, Guan and Murong. Who won't have a heart, and then ask in fear what the relationship between these children and the elders is.

Only Dudu and Xiaowen looked at each other with a dull face. After seeing the incomparable confusion in each other's eyes, lingjiawen couldn't help asking, "do all those surnamed Duan have identity? What identity? Are they the children of the leader of Shenwu sect? But... They don't seem to have children? The leader of Shenwu sect has only two proud disciples!" Uncle Yan knew it.