Now we have reached the heaven level. As long as you can help me get the ultimate Treasure Book of Xuanmen, we Xuanmen will be stronger than the five schools in the future.

The future is so beautiful. Why should we die here with Wen Yao? Death is like a lamp out. If you don't do it for yourself, heaven will kill you! Leave Wenyao's camp and come here. The glory of Xuanmen is still waiting for you! "

The second elder's fan power is not ordinary. Originally, more than half of the disciples stood on Wen Yao's side, but it was easy to stand in line. Thinking that they might have to take their lives out, it was not cost-effective.

Another elder with the second elder said: "since the deputy leader failed to attack the heaven level, the Xuanxuan gate has been managed by the second elder. Do you think there is any difference between the Xuanxuan gate managed by the second elder and the deputy leader in office? It is no different now, and it will not be different in the future.

Do you think it's necessary to put your name in it for the sake of no different life? After all, we are all disciples of the same school, and we are still our masters. We really can't bear to see everyone willing to die for a dispensable person! "

"Chai Ke, don't spray shit here! Look at you now, think about the way you wanted to be an elder when you entered the Xuanxuan gate, and think about the expression of a mouse seeing a cat every time you saw the deputy leader when you didn't hurt him... You're just the scumbag who brought the Xuanxuan gate with you and a running dog. What's your qualification to speak?

If there were no deputy leader, today's xuanzhe didn't know where to hide and didn't dare to go out! If it weren't for the generosity of the deputy leader, could you achieve today?

It's only 26 years since the establishment of Xuanmen sect. It's a fact that we all know how to improve our Xuanli. If there is no deputy leader, you can't reach the first level of prefecture level at most, or even the first level of prefecture level!

The deputy leader is so righteous that he has developed Xuanmen with one hand and one foot. Now it's shameful for you to betray the deputy leader. Why do you threaten to destroy the disciples of Xuanmen? Duan Dai, people are doing things. Heaven is watching. If you do more injustice, there will be retribution! "

The seven elders have been fighting with several big men. As the three elders of Xuanmen, the man protected Wenyao and never spoke. Lu Xiaoxiao saw that he put his hand on Wen Yao's back. At the moment, his face was better than just now.

The life of the eldest brother is hanging on the line. The third is a man who can only do things. There is only one woman in the Xuanxuan gate to face four scoundrels and shameless men. No wonder the Xuanxuan gate has become like this.

"Duan MuQing, don't belittle us. If you didn't like Wen Yao, would you stand against us for his life?"

"Yes. It's so impassioned. Aren't you in love with Wen Yao?"

"It's a pity that you love him, but he doesn't accept it. Duanmuqing, don't you think you're too amorous?"

"That's right! You have to work hard with us for him! Duan MuQing, Wen Gaoding doesn't like you. Why do you work hard for him? The second brother is also good. You just follow the second brother. When the second brother becomes the leader, you are not only the elder but also the leader's wife. Why not?"

The words of the two elders made the seven elders blush instantly, and they were ashamed and angry to death.

"Bah! A bunch of shameless miscellaneous Za pieces! Duan MuQing is looking for pigs and dogs, and I won't find duandai such a wolf who can't raise a home and feed enough!"

When the second elder heard this, his whole face was completely gloomy.

"It's shameless to give face! Originally, the second brother said hello to our brothers more than once. If one day, let's show mercy to you. I didn't expect you bitch Biao to give face so shameless. Don't blame our brothers today!"

The second elder said to the disciples of Xuanmen who were loyal to Wenyao: "either choose to stay in Xuanmen or die. You can choose for yourself! Ten... Nine... Eight... Seven... Six..."

Originally, there were more than half of Wenyao's disciples, but under the threat of life, Wenyao's people looked less.

There was not much time for ten breath, but that was the ten breath, which reduced nearly 50% of the disciples who seemed to be loyal to Wen Yao.

Among the 170000 disciples of Xuanmen, more than 70000 are now subordinate to the two elders, and Wenyao looks like 30000 at most.

The reduction of disciples did not make Ling Han and his disciples sad. On the contrary, everyone present breathed out a sigh of relief after seeing the scene.

Faced with 70000 disciples standing on their side, they don't know who will turn against them at any time and stab them in the back. They are more willing to accept this. Now even in the face of death, they still don't change their original heart and are willing to follow the disciples of the deputy leader. Only these disciples are truly trustworthy.

"That's great. After all, most people know current affairs." the second elder looked at many more people on his side with satisfaction. He was in a good mood.

"It's really great! Originally, I was still thinking about how to distinguish between good and evil people loyal to Jian among the 17000 disciples of Xuanmen. Unexpectedly, the two elders immediately solved this problem on the spot. Now we don't need to screen and test one by one."

Lu Xiaoxiao finally opened his mouth and slowly flew up from Nian Jin, whose Xia body was charred in the middle of the square, directly to the two factions and the center, blocking Ling Han in front of them.

The second elder and others frowned slightly. Because Lu Xiaoxiao seems to be just an early martial artist at the prefecture level, but he has reached the heaven level, but he can feel the danger from Lu Xiaoxiao.

After listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Ling Han and others changed her appearance, breath and voice. Anyway, everything changed, but everyone was boiling in an instant.



Lu Zhenting looked at the independent girl in front of him, and his eyes were extremely gratified.

He wanted to shout Xiaoxiao, but on second thought, why?

Xiaoxiao has changed her image, which shows that she doesn't want people to know her identity, so he still doesn't yell.

Wen Yao, who had been in a daze all the time, looked up at Lu Xiaoxiao after hearing the word "madam". His eyes flashed a relieved expression, squeezed out an ugly but sincere smile and said, "Wen Yao, see your wife!"

All the people trembled because of Wen Yao's words.

15 years!