Chapter 1029

As soon as the voice fell, the quality inspection team leader took out a small bottle to the people in front of him, then directly unscrewed the bottle cap, shook the liquid inside and said:

"Everyone can see clearly that the small bottle I am holding now contains the most widely used oxytocin in the market. These things seriously endanger the quality of agricultural and sideline products and disturb the market balance. Let me demonstrate it to you." the captain of the quality inspection team said.

Holding the syringe in his hand, he pumped the oxytocin in the bottle into the syringe, then took out a cabbage, stabbed the syringe into the cabbage, pushed the syringe, and pushed all the liquid in the syringe.

At the moment, the people looked at the situation in front of them and couldn't help but exclaim!

"You see, this oxytocin entered the vegetables in this way. Let's have a look again." the captain of the quality inspection team said to the people in front of him and broke the cabbage in front of him.

The cabbage leaves as like as two peas, showing pinholes, which are exactly the same as the cabbage that we had before.

"Ah, it turns out that the hole on the vegetable leaf was not bitten by insects, but the trace left by the syringe?" at the moment, the merchants said one after another. After seeing this scene, they finally realized it.

"Are the vegetables in Taohua village really framed by others?" the merchants said one after another at the moment.

"I can tell you that we never add any oxytocin to our vegetables, and we disdain to add this kind of thing. Some people with ulterior motives buy our vegetables wantonly in order to add additives to frame us. We also have a lot of inventory, which can be tested on site by comrades of the quality inspection department!" Zhang Tiezhu said to the businessmen in front of him.

Before long, the people from the quality inspection department tested and compared all the indicators of these inventory vegetables in front of the merchants. All the values reached excellent and there was no problem.

"Those guys who throw vegetables in front of you, smash stalls and groan in the hospital are just a bunch of clowns. We open our eyes and see clearly that there is no quality problem in our things." Tang Sasha said to the merchants.

"Well, we have done everything we should do. All the destructive rumors about vegetables in Taohua village are deliberately made. For such people, our quality inspection department will investigate their legal responsibility together with the police, and will return the innocence of Dongtian group in the fastest time." said the person from the quality inspection department at the moment.

"So it is..."

"Who is so brazen to do such a thing?" the businessmen said one after another.

Some businesses are thinking that the group will do so this winter. Don't they want to prevent everyone from asking for compensation and renewing the contract?

For a time, the merchants were also skeptical and the people were in turmoil

At this time, Xu Ying stood up and said to the businessmen in front of her: "partners, we invite comrades from the quality inspection department this time just to restore the truth of a fact, not to show, let alone force everyone to believe and accept this fact. Everyone has the right to choose."

"Mr. Xu, why don't we understand this?" several merchants asked at the moment.

"My meaning is very clear. Although the truth has been announced, we are not forced to continue to cooperate with our winter group. In addition, we still insist on paying a lot of money. If we want to cooperate with our winter group, we will continue to sign contracts. If we think we are making a show or have doubts about our group's products and want to terminate the contract, it is up to you We have only one purpose, that is to find out the truth, "said Xu Ying.

Xu Ying's words are very pertinent and opportune.

Zhang Tiezhu and Tang Sasha nodded on one side and silently praised Xu Ying's words.

After listening to Xu Ying's pertinent statement, the originally turbulent people immediately felt like they were reassured.

"There is no need for the vegetables in Taohua village to smash their own signboard for small profits. I think someone must be operating in a dark box to frame them. I choose to continue to cooperate with winter group!" a merchant at the moment said.

At the moment, all businessmen think it is reasonable. The strength and product quality of the winter group were obvious to everyone at the last agricultural seminar and exhibition. The product quality itself is excellent. In addition, with Taohua village, a well-known village as a planting base, there is no need to speculate for such a small profit.

"I also choose to continue to sign a contract and cooperate with Taohua village. At the same time, we are waiting for the truth of this matter!" several businesses said one after another at the moment.

Zhang Tiezhu smiled at this time, stood up and said, "partners who doubt the product quality of our Taohua village, I can say an ugly thing. Our Taohua village is really not so bad for so much money. We don't need to do such a bit of opportunism."

"As we all know, our Taohua village is the first village in China to discover underground oil. 10% of the annual oil production profit goes into our village. In addition, I also have pharmaceutical factories, herbal medicine planting bases, farms and hotels. Each expenditure can make the people of our whole village carefree for the rest of their life. We have no reason to take advantage of this We came to Jiangzhou with only one purpose, that is to give green and health to the citizens of Jiangzhou! "Zhang Tiezhu said to a group of businessmen in front of him.

"Well said, we believe that Taohua village's products are fist products. We not only do not return goods, but also continue to sign contracts and order. From tomorrow, we will put all the goods on the shelves!" businessmen at the moment said one after another.

"Yes, we just want to unite as one to resist this despicable slander. At the same time, we will find out the truth, protect our reputation and interests with the law, and give an account to all the people in Jiangzhou!" Tang Sasha promised to the people in front of her.

"But one thing, no matter whether someone is behind the scenes or not, what should we do if those unidentified troublemakers come again as soon as our goods are on the shelves?" said a merchant at the moment.

"Yes, it's hard to deal with this situation. Sometimes we know it's trouble, but those guys are not easy to mess with. What can we do? Call the police and they'll leave. They'll come as soon as the police leave. Our business is hard to do at all!" the merchants said one after another at the moment.

"Don't worry, the police will intervene in this matter. When the police can't reach it, Xiaofei, do you know what to do?" Zhang Tiezhu said to Xiaofei on one side at the moment.

"Don't worry, if the police can't take care of this matter, I'll solve it for you. I promise you in the name of the head of the Security Department of the winter group branch that if anyone makes trouble, I'll break his hands and feet!" said Xiaofei at the moment.

"Xiaofei, the maintenance of the market depends on you. If there are not enough people, the fat man in Heishui county can transfer all his brothers at any time." Zhang Tiezhu patted Xiaofei on the shoulder and said.

"Big brother, don't bother so much. Just enough of our brothers!" Xiaofei said.

Seeing the renewal of contracts by merchants one after another, Zhang Tiezhu, Xu Ying and Tang Sasha finally showed a smile on their faces.

When the quality inspection department saw that the matter had been satisfactorily solved, they also said with a smile: "Oh, everyone is happy. Iron pillar, we have done what we should do. For the rest, we will contact the police in time, investigate and collect evidence, and give you an explanation!"

"You're welcome. It's really hard for you this time. I Zhang Tiezhu will keep your feelings in mind." Zhang Tiezhu shook hands with the captain of the quality inspection department and said.

"No, we all speak with the facts and the truth. You are a company that attracts investment and develops in the city. It was not long before you came to Jiangzhou to invest. I'm really sorry, but don't worry, we will give you an explanation with the police soon." said the captain of the quality inspection department.

"It doesn't matter. We'll keep in touch in time. When it's over, we'll have dinner together." Zhang Tiezhu said and sent away the people from the quality inspection department.

At the moment, Zhang Tiezhu's phone rang. It was sun Haodong.

"Hello, sun bureau!" said Zhang Tiezhu.

"Iron pillar, the people on my side have taken action and arrested the troublemakers in the name of hospital fighting. The first one is called three guns. Now it has been recruited. Under the instructions of Dadi group and black tiger, it has not only disturbed the market of winter group, but also injured people with weapons. Now this boy has recruited, and I will give you an explanation as soon as possible!" Sun Haodong said to Zhang Tiezhu.

"So it is. Thanks to sun Bureau for helping this time. In fact, it's not very useful to catch those small ones. As long as the people behind them are still there, they will catch them today and tomorrow. Please also ask sun bureau to investigate and collect evidence and catch all those people hidden behind the scenes." Zhang Tiezhu said.

It doesn't matter if these minions are caught. The key is to bring down the behind the scenes planner of the earth group, Luo Wei, so as to give them a substantive blow.

"Don't worry, Tiezhu. They are just a breakthrough for us. Nominally, we arrested them with armed injuries in the hospital, but in essence, our focus is on the investigation and evidence collection of the behind the scenes. If you give me time, I will give you an explanation," sun Haodong said.

"OK, then trouble sun Bureau. My side has basically stabilized and kept in touch." Zhang Tiezhu said hello to sun Haodong and hung up the phone.