Chapter 692

Rose carries ten million yuan, which is the money beyond myth shares. Now her own shares have been sold to winter group.

Rose drove all the way, but her heart was constantly fluctuating. Rose's mind changed while driving

Ten million on yourself! This is not a small amount, but 10 million!

With so much money in her hand, rose thought that the money was not only enough to cure her illness overseas, but also to completely emigrate abroad, buy a house by the sea and live the life she wanted!

Rose gradually moved her heart and thought about the money beyond myth shares. How can she say that she got it from Gu Sanqiang's clever struggle with the fat man? Just go back and give it to sister Zhao. How much can she get?

Ten million! Not a small number! At the moment, rose drives a car and lights a thin cigarette. While smoking, she is sorting her thoughts

This is the last vote. I promised myself! Now that the last vote has been successful, why don't you take the money and fly away and completely stay away from this circle?

Ten million is enough for you to do whatever you want. After following sister Zhao for so many years, what do you get?

She helped her cheat so many people, but she got very few. She sold her conscience, but sister Zhao only gave advice and layout. In the end, she got the most! How many times have you narrowly escaped death and taken the biggest risk, but you haven't even collected enough for an operation for such a long time!

Rose took a big puff of smoke and gradually recovered her composure! Who is sister Zhao? I worked so hard for her for what?

Rose can't remember her previous memory clearly. She only remembers that when she just woke up from the hospital bed, the person she saw was sister Zhao. She helped herself with cosmetic surgery. She helped herself with liposuction and surgery, and then created a perfect self, but she took herself as a tool to make money and cheat others!

And her own damn headache. Sister Zhao controls herself with the medicine in her hand. Sister Zhao is not her benefactor. She is just a hypocrite who specializes in using herself!

Rose thought more and more at this time, but at this time, sister Zhao's phone called!

"Rose, where are you now? Is it convenient to listen to the phone?" the other end of the phone is sister Zhao!

"Sister Zhao, I'm fine now. I'm out and heading for you!" said the rose at the moment. The rose calmed down and took a cigarette.

"Rose, you should seize the time to join us at the stronghold. Two people from Jinlong group followed us just now and were killed by us. We must leave the county by tomorrow morning at the latest, or there will be big trouble. By the way, do you have the money beyond myth shares?" asked sister Zhao.

Rose listened to sister Zhao and said, "the money is on me. There's no problem at all!"

"That's good! That's it. Come back now and let's share the money. Rose, you did a great job this time. You ate Gu Sanqiang first and the fat man again. We made a lot of money this time!" sister Zhao said happily to rose. Sister Zhao was very satisfied with rose's performance.

"Is this the last time, sister Zhao?" Rose said on the phone to sister Zhao. She really didn't want to do such a thing again.

"It's our last time in this county. After that, we'll leave the county for a vacation. I'll contact you when we have work!" said Sister Zhao at this time.

"But I don't want to do it again! Sister Zhao!" Rose said to sister Zhao at the moment. Rose thought it was her own work to harvest the mountain. Who knows that now this greedy sister Zhao still wants to use her to continue fraud in other places. Rose has a feeling of being bound!

"Silly girl, what are you talking about? Why don't you do it so quickly? Don't you want to make money for surgery, rose?" sister Zhao said to rose on the phone at the moment.

"Sister Zhao, let me tell you clearly. How much can I share this time?" the rose asked sister Zhao on the phone, reducing the speed of the car, and finally simply parked the car on the roadside.

"It's still the old rule, one tenth. I'll give you two million. Listen, you come to me as soon as possible and take out your money!" sister Zhao said anxiously at the moment, waiting for the rose to go back.

With a cold smile, rose directly parked the car at the entrance of an alley, pulled out the car key and said to sister Zhao, "sister Zhao, I'm taking such a big risk this time. It's me who comes out on the cusp of the storm. You give me two million?"

"Aren't the rules always like this? You're too few?" asked sister Zhao.

"Sister Zhao, I don't want to do it again. Two million is really too little for me!" the rose said to sister Zhao at this time.

"You, you dead girl, do you want to turn back? You know, if you disobey me, the family law will not spare you. You dead girl, hurry to bring me money to meet me!" sister Zhao's tone at the moment was obviously angry!

Facing Rose's question to herself, sister Zhao is shaking with anger!

"Family law? Hehe, sister Zhao, don't be conceited here. Now you can't protect yourself. How can you give me family law? Now the people of Jinlong group will come to us at dawn. If it's a big deal, they will die together! Or let's see who's lucky and who can run away!" the rose said disdainfully at the moment.

"You dead girl, you... Forget it, I'll give you three million, and you come back now!" at this time, sister Zhao said angrily to rose. She really didn't expect that rose would turn back at the most critical time!

"Sorry, sister Zhao, I have ten million on me now. I can go anywhere now. Bye!" the rose said to sister Zhao at this time, and then hung up the phone!

At this time, rose threw away her cigarette butts and looked at her bank card. Ten million yuan is now her own. Go to his sister Zhao and let her stay in the county. She is going to fly away with the ten million yuan!

At this time, sister Zhao was waiting for the rose to meet her, but now she was swung back by the rose!

At this time, sister Zhao was almost mad. She went back to call Rose's mobile phone again, but rose had turned off!

Sister Zhao was so angry that she smashed the mobile phone in her hand. She was so angry that she said, "yes, this dead girl turned back water for me!"

"Why, sister Zhao, what's wrong with the rose?" the younger brothers on one side asked around sister Zhao one after another.

"This dead girl has gone against the water with me! Now the girl has run away with $10 million. Anyway, she can't be allowed out of the county tonight. She's driving a red Mercedes Benz. Now take advantage of the night and turn over the county to find me this dead girl!" sister Zhao patted the table angrily at the moment.

At this time, a group of younger brothers immediately stood trembling aside, looked at sister Zhao in front of them and said, "sister Zhao... At this point... How can we get out? We just killed the people of Jinlong group..."

"Yes, you don't want money, do you? The girl swallowed 10 million! 10 million! She is now a betrayal organization. According to the family law, she has three knives and six holes! Nine knives and 18 eyes! You catch her and kill the dead girl! Then we can divide her share!" sister Zhao said coldly, full of murderous spirit.

The younger brothers around me were moved when sister Zhao said so. This time, the maximum share of roses was 2 million, and roses also carried 10 million of organizational funds.

As long as you catch roses, everyone can get at least hundreds of thousands more! These boys are ready to take another risk in this time!

At this time, sister Zhao looked at the people in front of her and said, "listen now. We must find out the little bitch tonight. Now Jinlong group hasn't responded. We have to catch rose first, and then do her to leave! If Jinlong group responds, it will be in trouble!"

"Yes, at this time of the night, let's go to the county to find this little bitch! How dare we swallow the money and grass from the organization!" the people around us said one after another at this time.

"Let's go now. First go to the bus station and railway station in the county. There are several intersections leaving the county. Send someone to watch to prevent the girl from leaving the county. Her car is a red Mercedes Benz. It's easy to find. Go and find her now! I'm going to break the dead girl into pieces!" sister Zhao said angrily at this time!

At this time, rose is driving and ready to escape from the county town at night. Now rose has only one choice, that is, stay away from the county town and escape to the place she can think of!

Now not only sister Zhao is looking for herself, but also Jinlong group. This ten million is not easy to take!

Rose turned the front of the car, stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the intersection where she left the county. She was going to go back to meet sister Zhao. After all, she chose to go back alone.

Just drive to the south of the county, bypass Xishui Town, drive over dongkan village, and then directly get on the expressway! Then you can fly away!

But the red Mercedes Benz is too conspicuous, so the rose should be fast! Take advantage of the night and leave the county as soon as possible!

But at this time, sister Zhao's people also dispatched quickly! Sister Zhao doesn't have many men. She has raised more than 20 thugs. A fraud group depends on her brain. She doesn't need too many thugs! Compared with Jinlong group, it's nothing!