Chapter 420

The fat man sneered and ran after him with a machete! The bobcat had just run to his car and held the door with one hand!

The brush is a knife! The SM grabbed the palm of the door handle and fell to the ground. The fat man on one side cut off the SM's left hand!

"Ah!" the bobcat looked at his severed palm and screamed loudly. The broken part of the palm was still bleeding!

SM screamed loudly and looked at the fat man in front of him in despair. At this time, the fat man was covered with blood, and the machete in his hand was also covered with blood.

At the moment, the fat man is not like a person. He is just like a senro from hell. He is generally terrible. Looking at the SM in front of him, SM has been scared to soften his legs!

He knows that Xishui town doesn't belong to him anymore. Now he just wants to live!

The bobcat flopped and knelt in front of the fat man: "fat man! Xishui town is all yours. Uncle nine's company is all yours, and the station is also yours. Please, let me go!"

"Hehe, do you know why I only cut your left hand?" the fat man smiled and put the knife on the bobcat's neck.

"I just asked you to sign with a pen! From now on, I'll keep your dog's life, but from tomorrow, I don't want to see you in this stream town!" the fat man said fiercely to the SM.

"I know, I know! I'll sign now..." at the moment, the bobcat is scared. He just asks the fat man to let him go. Now only the fat man can stay in Xishui town. He has no meaning to stay any longer!

The battle was very beautiful. At the moment, Xiao Wang had already received the alarm, which was called by SM, but he just got out of the police car and watched from a distance with a group of people.

He didn't call the police in time, because he knew that when he called the police at this time, those red eyed people would not compromise!

Xiao Wang watched the scene and silently lit a cigarette. He knew that the owner of Xishui town was going to change!

"Wang Suo, why don't we call the police?" a little policeman in the car said to Xiao Wang in front of him.

"Police? How many people do you have? How many people are there on the other side? Rush up at this time. Do you want to be cut into meat sauce?" Xiao Wang said with a cigarette.

"But... But we are the police. We have guns?" the little policeman said helplessly.

"You and I have two guns and sixteen bullets. Can you kill them? Even if you are a sharpshooter, it's not enough. Xishui town will change its master. We'll have to deal with the new master in the future. Go back first. Uncle Xu didn't speak, so let's look at the situation first!" said Xiao Wang.

"But... Someone died..." the little policeman still chattered at this time.

"Well, I see that the world is not bleeding. You are a policeman for a few days. The black road and the white road must be balanced. Now, after the fight, there will be no more disputes in the stream town. Now the town has the final say, let's settle down!"

Xishui town is fat now, which is a good thing! Otherwise, the former nine uncle's men and the remaining fat man's men don't know when to fight.

But now it's completely over. There's only one person in the underworld of Xishui Town, that's the fat man.

Xiao Wang drove away. The fat man and others on one side were at the station, holding the documents signed by SM. The fat man smiled! He got what he wanted, and now the station is his!

"You all listen to me. Now the station and uncle nine's company have changed their owners. Shine your eyes on me!" the fat man shouted at the station staff with a machete!

The driver, the conductor and the management personnel of the station were scared to death one by one. Looking at the fat man in front of him, they quickly nodded their heads.

The fat man asked someone to clean up the battlefield, and then asked Gao Zhong to take all the injured brothers to the hospital in the town. As for the sacrificed brothers, there was family compensation according to work.

Back to the abandoned warehouse in the fat man hardware street, the fat man's blood hasn't been dried. He simply soaked the wound with some alcohol and wrapped his wound with gauze.

Those little brothers on one side are also bandaging each other's wounds. This war is not in vain!

"We have two dead brothers. These two brothers are orphans without families. We can only send them some paper money every year." at the moment, Gao Zhong reported the casualties to the fat man.

"It's a pity for my two bitter brothers, but we deserve this war, but they can't enjoy our blessing. Come on, respect these two brothers!" the fat man poured a bowl of wine and said with the bowl.

Then the men poured wine one after another, and then sprinkled it on the ground! It's a tribute to the spirits of the two brothers!

"Big brother, next, we brothers have to have a rule. We can't break the sand!" Gao Zhong said to the fat man at this time.

Now the nine uncle's company has been eaten down, and now it is becoming standardized step by step. Now Gao Zhong means that brothers can't be soldiers and soldiers as before. They have to have rules and regulations to produce superiors and subordinates, which is also convenient for management!

"OK, let's listen to you. This statement is good. We have a company now, and there must be a hierarchy!" said the fat man at this time.

"Elder brother, please assign it. Now our fixed brothers are all here. There are No. 100. This is divided into four teams. Each team chooses a person in charge to lead the team, and sets up a manager to take charge of our finance and the company's general ledger, and is responsible for the distribution of all the people. However, the final commander is still up to you, elder brother! In this way, you go on with one command, one level at a time At this time, Gao Zhong put forward suggestions to the fat man to show his organizational talent!

The fat man was very satisfied and immediately said yes! Said: "yes, according to Gao Zhong, I will now select my four heavenly kings with 25 people each!"

The fat man selects four gold medal thugs from his younger brothers as the four King Kong around him, and is responsible for leading 25 people each. He must ask his people to obey the management unconditionally.

Four murderous, tattooed youths stood up and immediately nodded and agreed. After deploying the team leader, the fat man looked at the brothers around him, and then prepared to find a decision-making figure as the big horse around him.

The fat man looked at the people around him, and his last eyes stopped on Gao Zhong. Gao Zhong not only has excellent organization and command ability, but also has a business mind. He is really a rare talent.

Because he was not only resourceful but also brave. At the time of killing the wolf, Gao Zhong directly stabbed the wolf in the back of the waist, which gave the fat man the opportunity to hunt the wolf. Therefore, the fat man thought that Gao Zhong was the most suitable horse for his own men!

The fat man said to his brothers: "well, now let's announce something. Now I want to cultivate a head horse as everyone's commander and be responsible for managing our company's accounts and all economic sources. Gao Zhong, this task is for you!"

"Ah! Fat brother... This... I followed my brothers. Fat brother gives me such a heavy burden. I'm afraid I can't afford this beam!" Gao Zhong said modestly at this time.

"Well, well, don't be modest with me. My fat man said you can do it. Don't be whiny. It's your credit for killing the wolf and giving everyone ideas. If you sit in this position, everyone won't have an opinion!" the fat man said to Gao Zhong in front of him.

"OK, elder brother, since you said so, I'd better obey orders than respect!" Gao Zhong said immediately.

The brothers around applauded Gao Zhong one after another. Because of this battle, Gao Zhong successfully ate the station in the town and uncle nine's company. Gao Zhong really made a lot of efforts. Sitting in this position is also a matter for the brothers to be convinced.

"Well, thank you, brothers. Tomorrow we can directly enter and control uncle nine's company business, but now we have a lot of trouble this morning. I'm afraid we have to guard against the next mess!" Gao Zhong said at the moment.

After all, there must be trouble for the mayor after such a big thing.

At this time, the fat man looked at Gao Zhong and said, "nothing, isn't it Xu sanbo? What can he do with us? I'm fat in Xishui town. What can he do to me?"

"That's not true, brother. Now even if the mayor wants to trouble us, the most he can do is to let the wangsuo in the town catch us. It's such a small police station. Where can they beat so many of our brothers? If they're afraid of him, Xu sanbo will transfer people to the county. If the public security in the county comes down, we'll be in trouble!" said Gao Zhong at the moment.

Speaking of this, the fat man is a little guilty. In case he really alerted the County Public Security Bureau, it's really troublesome!

Xu sanbo, an old man, hates himself to the bone. He must be anxious and happy. He will also jump over the wall!

"Gao Zhong, according to what you mean, what should we do now?" the fat man asked Gao Zhong!

"Brother Pang, we are now in Xishui town. There are only two enemies. One is the mayor Xu sanbo, and the other is Xiao Wang, the director of the police station. Xiao Wang said frankly that you had friendship with brother. We can start with him first, turn the enemy into our friend, and bring Xiao Wang to our side. If Uncle Xu has it, it will be difficult for him to do!" Gao Zhong said to the fat man with a smile.