Chapter 206

"Hey, my honest brother can't lie at all. You can talk to Uncle Yao,

Now Xiaodan of our family is going to be angry. Look at being with Zhao Li so late and saying, "what are you talking about?" Yingying makes trouble on one side.

Zhang Tiezhu's face turned red and white. She was very helpless. Alas, this little girl has grown up and is not good at all. She knows to brush herself.

"Say, are you alone in the office of the village committee with Zhao Li?" Xiaodan asked with his mouth, looking a little angry.

"Xiaodan, I won't lie. I'm alone with Zhao Li, but we used to do this," Zhang Tiezhu said.

"Ah? You are so bad. You often talk with Zhao Li in the middle of the night. Hum, ignore you!" Xiaodan angrily tooted his mouth and turned his head to ignore Zhang Tiezhu. He was so jealous.

"No, no, Xiaodan, my mouth is stupid. It's not what you think. Zhao Li and I just have something to discuss at work. Oh, my God, I don't know what to say!" Zhang Tiezhu feels that there is a crack in the ground now. At least he can get in.

Yingying looked forward and backward with a smile and said, "ha ha, brother, you are so cute. We are teasing you. I know you won't betray us Xiaodan! “

"How could this be possible? Oh, forget it, I'd better go to the sunspot to sleep. You go to bed early and get up early tomorrow morning!" Zhang Tiezhu said to the two little beauties with a red face. Then he hurried away from his home, closed the door and jumped like a deer in his heart.

After Zhang Tiezhu left, there was a silver bell like laughter from two goblins in the room. Zhang Tiezhu said angrily, "hum, two little girls are still playing tricks on me at night. I really can't bear you! “

Zhang Tiezhu shook his head. He can only sleep in sunspots tonight.

When Zhang Tiezhu looked back, his mind was still constantly recalling Xiaodan's appearance in a sling. He was so frightened that Zhang Tiezhu quickly shook his head and didn't think about it. The picture just now was embarrassing to death.

When he reached the dormitory of the security team, Zhang Tiezhu knocked on the door. Then he heard the lazy voice of the sunspot: "who's holding your lung so late?"

"It's me, Zhang Tiezhu. The sunspot opens the door!" Zhang Tiezhu said.

The door opened. The sunspot looked at Zhang Tiezhu in front of him bleary eyed and said, "top your lungs, brother, come to inspect the work and post so late?"

"What post are you looking for? Who are Xiaodan and Yingying in my house? There's no place to sleep tonight. Just sleep here and get up early tomorrow!" Zhang Tiezhu yawned and walked into the dormitory of the security team.

"Oh, my God, what's the smell?" Zhang Tiezhu just yawned, took a deep breath, and a smell came to his face. When the sunspot turned on the light, Zhang Tiezhu could see clearly the situation in the security team dormitory. It was a battlefield!

The air inside could not be described as turbid. The smell of smelly shoes, socks and feet was in sharp contrast to the fragrance of the two girls in his family. Zhang Tiezhu almost spit out when he smelled the smell.

This is more than that. The ground is in a mess. Smelly shoes are here and there. There are leftover beer bottles and soup ditches on the ground, peanut shells scattered and cigarette heads everywhere. What's more surprising is that some people don't know how long ago they ate and threw away half of the apples that were rotten and still put there.

And from time to time came silly root's startling snoring. It was like the whole window was shaking, but a group of people around them slept very peacefully, and even said a few whispering nonsense!

My God! Zhang Tiezhu felt dizzy if he stayed here for another second, so now he chose to retreat.

"Ya, sunspot, how can you sleep in this place? This stink, this stupid snoring, mine? Your survival ability is just like a Xiaoqiang!" Zhang Tiezhu said with his nose covered.

The sunspot rubbed his eyes blearily, picked up a half bottle of beer left around him, Gudong drank a few mouthfuls and said, "top your lungs, everyone is used to ha, brother, can't you sleep? There's still a bed there. Make do with it!"

"Ah, I can't sleep with you even if I sleep in the wheat field tonight. This is suffering!" Zhang Tiezhu said with his nose covered.

"Top your lungs, then I can't help it. Brother, find your own way out, ha ha!" the sunspot yawned and stretched his waist.

"Well, well, go to bed early and let everyone clean up here tomorrow. What's the matter? Can people live here?" Zhang Tiezhu quickly evacuated the scene with his nose covered.

"I see, brother, go slowly!" the sunspot yawned and closed the door.

When Zhang Tiezhu came out, he felt deeply frightened. The group of big men gathered together. It was a big pollution of the environment of Taohua village. If he didn't do anything tomorrow, he must let them clean up the house. He originally wanted to find a place to lie down.

But now he found that he didn't even have the courage to stand for a while. Zhang Tiezhu reluctantly walked on the country road in Taohua village, wondering where to spend the night.

Forget it, you'd better spend the night in Uncle Yao's shed. At least uncle Yao's dormitory is much cleaner than the dormitory of the security team. Ya, that's the only way!

Zhang Tiezhu came to the edge of the canal and walked all the way along the river towards uncle Yao's shed. In the distance, Zhang Tiezhu actually saw a little weak light!

What's going on? Uncle Yao's shed light is still on? Hasn't uncle Yao slept yet?

Zhang Tiezhu felt very strange, but on second thought, it's good. Uncle Yao must have been drinking all night, meditating and remembering his hard life.

At least uncle Yao didn't sleep. It's more convenient for him to go in. Zhang Tiezhu doesn't have the heart to call him up when he's asleep.

Zhang Tiezhu excitedly walks towards the shed. It's more than 11 o'clock now. Zhang Tiezhu is not very sleepy. He even plans to talk to Uncle Yao for a while, and then drink some wine to sleep.

Zhang Tiezhu approached the shed slowly, but he found something wrong. It seemed that there was a sound from the shed. When his ears stood up carefully, he could still hear a whisper as if someone was whispering.

Zhang Tiezhu was stunned and listened carefully. Suddenly, the sound disappeared again, followed by a violent shaking sound!

What? What the hell? Zhang Tiezhu couldn't help feeling strange and felt that the shed suddenly heard a slight shaking sound.

As the shaking became more and more intense, the slight shaking evolved into violent shaking. Bursts of shaking sound almost made Zhang Tiezhu feel that an earthquake was coming.

Zhang Tiezhu stepped on the ground hard, determined that there was no earthquake, and then continued to walk towards the shed. Slowly, as the shaking sound became more and more intense, Zhang Tiezhu even felt that the whole shed was shaking!

Is uncle Yao in danger? Where did you fight with someone? Or does someone want to steal my lobster?

Ah, who is so bold? Zhang Tiezhu clenched his fists and rushed towards the shed in a gust of wind!

Zhang Tiezhu stormed over, raised his fists, rushed to the front of the shed, pulled up the curtain and shouted, "Uncle Yao, who is here and who is it? Are you in danger?"

After Zhang Tiezhu gave a loud drink, the shaking of the whole shed suddenly stopped, and the surroundings became silent. Zhang Tiezhu looked at the scene in front of him and was stunned there.

The scene in front of Zhang Tiezhu made the whole person blush and at a loss.

Uncle Yao was lying on the bed with a middle-aged woman. His clothes were untidy and trembling. He looked at Zhang Tiezhu with a very embarrassed look.

Although the woman is middle-aged, she is also a half old Xu Niang. She has a special charm. At the moment, she is looking at Zhang Tiezhu in surprise and holding her quilt corner. The small bed in the shed is still creaking.

As soon as Zhang Tiezhu saw the scene, he immediately understood what had happened just now and what was the matter with the waves of shaking. Zhang Tiezhu quickly waved and said, "I'm sorry to disturb you, uncle Yao. Who is this aunt?"

"Iron pillar, why did you come here? Hey. I'm so sorry to let you see this picture. Hey, I'm too drunk to control. This is my old face!" Uncle Yao said shyly.

"How are you?" Zhang Tiezhu looked at the middle-aged woman in bed. She was not from her own village at all, and she had never seen her in the nearby village.

"Young man, don't say anything about today. I'll give you how much you want. Remember, don't say anything!" the woman panicked, grabbed uncle Yao's old cotton padded jacket, put it on and slipped out of the quilt like a catfish, and then got out of her bag to get the money.

Zhang Tiezhu was stunned. He just came to ask Uncle Yao for a place to sleep, not to catch the traitor. Why is this woman so nervous? Zhang Tiezhu couldn't help feeling very helpless.

"Come on, young man, this is for you. Don't be too small. It's just a sealing fee!" the woman took out a large banknote from her pocket and put it on the table.

Zhang Tiezhu saw that there were at least two or three thousand yuan. Zhang Tiezhu immediately had a number in his heart. The woman was so nervous when she was seen sleeping with Uncle Yao, and she took out so much money at once. It was obvious that she wanted to keep her mouth shut.

Moreover, he was afraid that his identity would be affected. Zhang Tiezhu thought that since the woman was so afraid of the wind, she must be an identity figure. Zhang Tiezhu wanted to know who the woman was.

Zhang Tiezhu pushed the money away and said, "I don't want the money. What's rare? Haven't I seen the money?"

"Young man, why are you so stupid? Look at how much you can grow land in this Taohua village a year. This 3000 yuan is enough for you to grow land for several years!" the woman desperately advised Zhang Tiezhu.

"Oh, hey, don't join in blindly. You know how I am, the money for growing tomatoes a month is ten times more than you!" Uncle Yao said helplessly.