Chapter 108

Just a few chickens and ducks and a pig. What can you do? Can you sell money to build a house? If you need to tell me directly, will I Zhang Tiezhu not give it to you? " Zhang Tiezhu said angrily.

"Top your lungs, I'm angry when I look at these forced people. Am I him!" the sunspot looked at these guys and thought of looking for guys to go up and give them a look, but he was pulled by the silly root around him.

"Elder brother, we dare not, dare not again!" several people said in unison at this time.

According to the truth, stealing things should be reported to the police station in the town, but they are all from the same village.

Moreover, these young men are still young, so Zhang Tiezhu doesn't want to do anything to them, but announces that they will be expelled from the security brigade.

"I'll fire you if I beat your lungs. It's not cheap. These grandchildren dare to sneak around under my sunspot's eyes. I have to teach a good lesson today!" the sunspot said angrily at this time.

Fortunately, it's the silly root. Otherwise, the sunspot really wants to find a stick to beat them again.

"Well, sunspot, there's something wrong with our management. Don't call around all day. I'll have to rearrange the security brigade later. Let these people go back first!" Zhang Tiezhu said to sunspot.

Then let those guys go back. At this time, Zhang Tiezhu also felt that his security brigade must follow the rules, otherwise it would be like a plate of loose sand, with no discipline at all.

In addition, the people in the security team are basically idle young people in the village, including some sneaky people. If this goes on, it will certainly not work. There must be rules. We must go up to the line with these people.

"Sunspot, Zhao Li and I came to the meeting, and the others dispersed first!" said Zhang Tiezhu, letting those sneaky guys go first.

"Top your lungs and don't understand people's words, don't you? Big brother asked you to go away. Don't go away!" the sunspot repeated it to those people angrily, and those people ran away in fear.

Zhang Tiezhu, Zhao Li and sunspots came to the meeting room of the security team. Zhang Tiezhu lit a cigarette.

"Top your lungs, big brother. We lost our face when such a scum appeared in our security team today,

Hey, if brother silly didn't hold me today, I would beat those guys today! "Said the sunspot angrily.

"It's not a question of whether to fight or not. It's useless to fundamentally eliminate these people's bad nature. We must change this idle habit. From tomorrow, our security team must be regular and regularized. We can't swing around like this anymore!" Zhang Tiezhu said.

These idle young people don't do their jobs. If they go on like this, something will happen sooner or later.

Zhang Tiezhu and sunspot discussed for a while, learned some problems existing in the security team, and made strict adjustments to the time of standing guard.

Zhang Tiezhu also asked Zhao Li to carry out some farm work regularly when she was not in the village, take everyone to participate, and change the atmosphere of doing nothing all day.

Then Zhang Tiezhu divided the personnel. Each road, including the corner of the village, was arranged in place. The responsibility was assigned to each person, and there were rewards and penalties. In this way, the system was basically improved. Zhang Tiezhu formulated several rules:

First of all, the first point is not to steal things, and then everything should focus on the safety interests of the village to prevent the loss of public and personal property in the village. This is also the purpose of the establishment of the security brigade City, and it is not allowed to fight each other.

Because fighting with each other will affect unity, which is also the most important point. The security brigade in the village wants to maintain combat effectiveness.

Then we must first have cohesion, so that we can stand up when the village faces a strong enemy.

For example, the last time Zhang million was subdued under the leadership of Zhang Tiezhu. If there were contradictions between himself and himself, he would be defeated by the enemy in an instant.

Zhang Tiezhu made a series of plans and prepared to buy unified uniforms and batons for the brothers of the security team the next day. In order to regularize, first of all, the clothes should be unified. Zhao Li can take money from the financial account book to buy clothes and batons for everyone.

In this way, everyone was wearing uniforms, and the villagers could see that they were members of the security team. Zhang Tiezhu made it very carefully, and the sunspot nodded, admiring the eldest brother's leadership and organizational ability.

Zhao Li was also surprised to find that Zhang Tiezhu, who had not read for several years, did have an excellent leadership style in organizing and arranging things.

Zhao Li now feels that Zhang Tiezhu is really getting closer and closer to success, because he has too many places worth learning. These advantages will become the premise for Zhang Tiezhu's development in the future.

"Silly root, do you like our peach blossom village?" at this time, Zhang Tiezhu turned to the silly root around him and said.

Silly root was asked by Zhang Tiezhu, so he touched his head and said, "of course I like it. Everyone is so kind to me, and there are so many brothers. Of course I like it!"

"Do you want to be with our brothers in the future?" Zhang Tiezhu smiled and continued.

"Of course, brother, I really want it. I like peach blossom village and I prefer to be with my brothers. Have a good time!" silly root said foolishly.

He really likes Taohua village, especially the warm feeling brought to him by the big guys in Taohua village. Since silly root helped everyone with farm work last time, he has deeply fallen in love with Taohua village.

So that every time silly root returns to the humble house changed by the pigsty in his village after school, he will feel the loss.

"Then you'll stay in our Taohua village for a long time. I'll change you into a security uniform tomorrow to help sunspots manage our security brigade together. What do you think?" Zhang Tiezhu smiled and patted silly root on the shoulder.

As soon as silly root heard Zhang Tiezhu say this, his eyes lit up happily and said, "really? Brother, can I stay in Taohua village in the future? “

”Of course it's true. You're my brother. You'll go to school with me in the future. You live in sunspots after school and manage the security brigade together. Isn't that good? "Zhang Tiezhu said.

Silly root is big and practical. Compared with fat man, Zhang Tiezhu thinks silly root is more reliable. Fat man and sunspot manage the security brigade together. In fact, he doesn't do anything and patronizes laziness.

If it comes to fighting or safeguarding the interests of the village, the fat man must be the first to run, just like Zhang million last time. The fat man not only ran away first, but also called his arch rival Wang Degui. Zhang Tiezhu almost felt that he had lost his face.

”Well, brother, I'll take root in Taohua village in the future. Hey, hey, thank you, brother! "Silly root said happily.

In Taohua village, you can not only eat enough every day, but also sleep without wind and rain. How good.

So Zhang Tiezhu gathered all the security team members in the village and held a small meeting to announce that sunspot and silly root are now responsible for managing the security brigade in the village.

It is mainly in the charge of sunspots and assisted by silly roots. Then, it is carefully divided according to the time and area of duty.

At this time, everyone made clear their work objectives. The security team in the village finally had a rule and was no longer a mob.

The next morning, Zhang Tiezhu found someone from the wholesale department outside the village to buy 100 sets of security uniforms and black rubber rollers, and gave them to each brother.

Now in the village of Taohua village, four or five young people in security uniforms can be seen patrolling the village. They are in groups of three, led by one person, and a group of people patrols for two hours, 24 hours a day, very organized and regular.

Zhang Tiezhu also specially made a large security uniform for silly root. Looking at the brothers wearing brand-new security uniforms and holding batons, they looked majestic one by one. Zhang Tiezhu couldn't help feeling very happy.

"Finally, we are on the right track, and we won't be scattered like before." Zhang Tiezhu and Zhao Li said when they stood by the field of the village.

"You really have a way. You didn't expect to regularize them in such a short time. Although a lot of money was spent this time, now our village finally has a number of formal security forces!" Zhao Li admired Zhang Tiezhu very much.

"It doesn't matter how much we spend. As long as it's standardized and worth spending, we won't lose a penny!" Zhang Tiezhu vowed.

Since planting tomatoes and raising lobsters, Zhang Tiezhu's canal project and his own tomatoes have made a lot of money.

But Zhang Tiezhu is still very low-key. He never spends a penny indiscriminately.

But in the construction of the village, Zhang Tiezhu will not spend less.

"Come back after all the money is gone. Hey, hey, look, isn't the money coming?" Zhang Tiezhu smiled and said, seeing a small pickup truck coming.

Zhang Tiezhu knew that Xu Ying had come to collect the tomatoes. After the efforts of silly root and the villagers, the last tomatoes have been directly and neatly placed in the warehouse. Just wait for Xu Ying to pick them up.

"Come on, sister Xu Ying, I've already given you the code. Just go and pick up the goods directly. It saves you trouble, hehe!" Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Oh, thank you so much, Zhang Tiezhu. How can you put it so neatly for me? It really saves me a lot of heart!" Xu Ying came to the warehouse and saw a basket of tomatoes in it.

Xu Ying didn't expect that Zhang Tiezhu would be so considerate. He made all the tomatoes well, saving himself a lot of labor costs.

"They are all old customers. We can save you as much as possible and make it as convenient as possible. Isn't it easy? Hey, just calculate the weight directly!" Zhang Tiezhu said with a smile.

"Yes, these tomatoes are the same as small watermelons, much better than last time.