Chapter 576 - What Is Wrong With Aleksis?

After Mischa came home, all what's left from dinner was immediately taken care of by the robot servant, so they could relax.

"I feel so stupid," Aleksis said out of nowhere as they were already in bed preparing to sleep.

"Eh, why do you feel stupid?" Alaric asked in puzzlement.

"Uhm... I remember when we were in Singapore, on the night before we were married, you actually told me about how your mother died while giving birth to you in Romania... I should 've been able to connect everything and find out sooner that you're Uncle Rory's son... "Aleksis looked at Alaric with an annoyed face.

"Nicolae told me that he was born in a hospital in Romania in the midst of war and his mother died after giving birth... He has a home in Romania, and so do you. All of the clues were there... Why did I not think in that direction?? Ten years were wasted because of my idiocy..."

"Shhh... Don't say that. You weren't at fault. I never told you that my mother died because of the war... You never would've imagined that I was born in 1945. If I had told you that information in more detail, surely you would have been able to connect everything... You weren't the one at fault. I am. I'm at fault for covering up my identity from you, even though we were already married. I should have trusted you..."

Alaric hugged Aleksis and gently patted her back to comfort her. "Now isn't the time to discuss who's at fault. That's in the past. What matters is that we're now back together. But... if you insist on knowing who's at fault, I'm the one to blame…"

Aleksis suddenly burst into tears in her husband's embrace. "You weren't at fault... but I was. I should have trusted you from the start. I looked for you for years, but after we met, I tricked you by pretending to be an ordinary person. You didn't even know my real birthday..."

"Ouch... What am I supposed to do? I never blamed you, and I don't want you to blame yourself. You did the right thing. You shouldn't carelessly tell the secrets of the Alchemist clan to strangers, especially when you're the daughter of the clan leader..." Alaric started to get confused because Aleksis didn't stop crying.

To him, what they were talking about was very trivial, but why was Aleksis so sad?

"I caused Uncle Rory and my father to go after you. I also caused Uncle Kurt to commit suicide, leaving his son to be fatherless... You were almost dead and was in a coma for six years, unable to see the birth of your own children... You also couldn't be in their lives for ten years... In fact... even though you're a very loving father... they can't accept you easily as their father... All because of me..."

Aleksis continued to cry.

Alaric finally gave up. He lifted the duvet and invited Aleksis to sit on the couch to calm down. He felt that something was wrong. Aleksis shouldn't cry over such trivial matters. Moreover, he had repeatedly stressed that Aleksis was innocent.

"Honey… What's wrong? Why are you suddenly so sad? Is there something you didn't tell me?" Alaric gently asked. He stroked the crying girl's back.

After sobbing for a long time, Aleksis finally looked at Alaric with an aggrieved face and a pair of glistening eyes.

"I became emotional because here in Bucharest, I saw how close you are to Mischa even though he's not your biological child..." Aleksis softly said.

"I still don't understand..."

"When I just woke up from the coma and learned that I was pregnant with our children, I ran away from home and lived with Nicolae at his home in Bucharest. At that time, I was furious at my father and Uncle Rory because they were the ones who caused your death... I just wanted to run far away, and Nicolae helped me. He was my only best friend at that time... and I stayed in his place for three months..."

"Oh..." Alaric only knew of this now. He now understood why Nicolae loved his children so much. Even since they were still in the w.o.m.b, Nicolae had helped care for the two children. There was a feeling of jealousy in his c.h.e.s.t, but he tried to suppress it. "Then...?"

"When I saw Mischa tonight, I remembered how kind you've always been to your four foster children, and Mischa's love and loyalty to you really showed how good you are as his father figure... and that made me sad... because you should've had the role of father to Altair and Vega since ten years ago..."

"I still don't understand why that would make you sad... I can still be a good father to Altair and Vega forever. I have a lifetime to catch up on the time lost. I don't mind..."

"I also don't know why I'm sad... What's clear is that thinking about what happened ten years ago and my pregnancy when you weren't there made me unable to stop crying," Aleksis shed tears again.

"If that makes you cry, then don't think about it. Just think of something else..." Alaric was still trying to persuade his wife. "Or do you want to read a book? How about watching a comedy movie?"

Aleksis shook her head. She just buried her face in her husband's embrace and continued to cry. She later stopped crying from exhaustion and fell asleep on Alaric's l.a.p.

He felt really confused. He didn't know why his wife suddenly became so moody, just like a woman with PMS.

Ah... He just realized that they hadn't been together for more than three weeks, so as a lover and husband, he hadn't seen Aleksis being moody as a sign of her having in her PMS. Maybe this was what was happening.

He looked at Aleksis. She was sleeping on his l.a.p with a peaceful expression. He smiled to himself. It's fine if he had to be inconvenienced like this once a month if it's for Aleksis. He just had to get used to it, he thought.

He carefully lifted Aleksis back to the bed then laid down beside her, hugging her. He was relieved to see that Aleksis finally stopped crying and was able to sleep, although his little heart was a bit disappointed because if Aleksis had PMS, it meant that his wife would soon have a period, indicating that she wasn't pregnant.

Okay, then we can try again, he thought - trying to console himself.
