Chu Xiaoxiao thought his brother cheap was really a strange creature. Although he didn't like himself, he tried every means to pick up and ask all kinds of stupid questions. She just wanted to see "piggy page" quietly, but he seemed to have nothing to do but to shake in front of himself.

Chu Xiaoyi just got a kind of fun to tease children. In addition, he had the least pressure to communicate with Chu Xiaoxiao. Naturally, he refused to go around her. When he saw the little thing watching the animation without saying a word, he didn't even look at himself. He deliberately said, "are you angry? I'll come back and separate my parents' attention, which makes you uncomfortable?"

Chu xiaoyisi and she didn't participate at the dinner table before they cared about the children's psychological state.

Chu Xiao glanced at him in surprise. She didn't understand this person's brain circuit at all, and said faintly, "No."

Chu Xiaoyi: "it's not a big deal if you're unhappy."

Chu Xiaoxiao said solemnly, "I'm not so naive. I'm not a three-year-old."

Chu Xiaoxiao really didn't worry about gain and loss for his parents' attitude, and he didn't feel spoiled. Because she has a special super ability, she is very clear about the attitude of others towards herself. The family has not changed her emotional color, so naturally there is nothing to care about. When Han Ya came to dinner, the family also revolved around Han Ya. Chu Xiaoxiao thought it was normal.

Most people always try their best to guess the emotions and true attitudes of others, but Chu Xiaoxiao has no such trouble. She knows the feelings of others at a glance. Mom and dad still love her as usual, then why isn't she happy? Do you want to force them to love themselves more every day?

Therefore, Chu Xiaoxiao was baffled by Chu Xiaoyi's speculation, and didn't feel ignored at the dinner table.

Chu Xiaoyi saw that the little thing looked like a man and a ghost. She also put on airs quite calmly. He couldn't help but show his strange face: "... Aren't you a three-year-old child?"

Chu Xiao said boldly, "please have a little rigorous attitude. I'm three and a half years old now."

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiaoyi saw her speak with her haughty hips on her hips. He finally couldn't help saying, "poof."

Chu Xiao smiled slightly and looked at him incomprehensibly.

Chu Xiaoyi tried to manage his expression, but he was still amused by children's words and said frankly, "I'm sorry, but it's really a little funny..."

Chu Xiaoyi: she's even half a year old. Should she be accurate to two decimal places?

Chu Xiaoyi didn't feel offended at all. He was really amused by "the three-and-a-half-year-old child seriously said he wasn't a three-year-old child", and he laughed vividly to hiccup. He didn't expect his smile to be so low, but the little thing was so funny.

When Xiao Bitu passed the living room, she found her eldest son who couldn't stand up with a smile. Wen said, "are Xiao and his brother so happy?"

Xiao bi was worried that Chu Xiaoyi was still as sharp as she was five years ago. She would have a conflict with her family soon, but now it seems that she is worried too much. After the eldest son came home, he seemed to be a lot more smooth. There was no longer a stubborn man who didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back.

Chu Xiaoxiao said sincerely, "he's crazy." she didn't understand what the other party was laughing at. She seriously suspected that her brother was mentally retarded and laughed wildly for no reason.

Xiao Bi said with a smile, "have fun."

Where does Chu Xiaoxiao dare to contact Chu Xiaoyi? She is afraid of being infected by stupid virus and makes herself giggle. She shrank into the sofa again, distanced herself from Chu Xiaoyi, and didn't want to talk to each other again.

After chuxiaoyi finished laughing, the pressure suddenly decreased and she became more and more interested in chuxiaoxiao. Children are like clean white paper. You don't have to worry about talking to her, and you can never guess how she will answer next second. He continued to attract the attention of the little thing, but she took strict precautions, as if she had decided not to pay attention to others.

Chu Xiaoyi felt sorry and felt that the reason was the iPad in her hand. He immediately called his mother: "Mom, Xiao Xiao always stares at the electronic screen. Is it bad for his eyes for too long?"

When Xiao Bi heard the voice, she immediately reacted, frowned and said, "Xiao Xiao, how long have you been watching today? Did you agree with me to watch for a few hours every day?"

Chu Xiaoxiao's small face wrinkled into a ball, showing a reluctant look, and reluctantly put down the iPad. She saw that the family was helping Chu Xiaoyi clean up the house. She watched the animation against the clock. She didn't expect to be caught. Chu Xiaoxiao stared at the culprit of the complaint, picked up the paper children's book, and still ignored Chu Xiaoyi.

Chu Xiaoyi saw that her small head had to be buried in the book and stretched out his hand to correct her wrong reading habits. He patted her on the back: "don't look like that, lift it up."

Chu Xiaoxiao moved aside in disgust. She didn't want to look up at all. She exuded an unhappy atmosphere of "Oh, don't touch me, I'm bored to death".

Chu Xiaoyi found that the little thing turned a deaf ear to his words, so he repeated his skill and said, "Mom -"

Chu Xiaoxiao jumped up in anger this time. She stood on the sofa in the living room, threw the book aside, put her hand over Chu Xiaoyi's mouth and shouted, "you can't shout!"

Chu Xiaoyi looked funny at her angry appearance. He blocked her two small hands with one hand, and gloated more and more: "Mom -"

Chu Xiaoxiao was going to annoy him. He simply used his little feet and stepped on Chu Xiaoyi's thigh to stop it. Her strength is small and light, and she can't hurt adults at all. However, Chu Xiaoyi cried out in pain and covered her abdomen and suddenly fell down. He seemed to take a breath and fell on the sofa. He didn't get up for a long time.

Chu Xiaoxiao looked at the scene in surprise and didn't understand the specific situation at all. She was sure that she didn't hurt each other. When she used to fight with her father, her father wouldn't be knocked down easily.

Chu Xiaoxiao observed carefully for a long time and said discontentedly, "you are not allowed to pretend."

Chu Xiaoxiao: how can this man touch porcelain openly?

Chu Xiaoyi whispered, "no, you stepped on my waist. I have an old injury on my waist..."

Chu Xiaoyi was motionless and stiff on the sofa. He was suddenly not sure where his hand was touching. He secretly moved his palm to his waist, trying to achieve the lifelike performance.

Chu Xiao was skeptical and retorted, "liar, you were all right just now, and why didn't you treat the injury?"

Chu Xiaoyi said casually: "I don't have the money to cure the disease. It's hard to cure the old injury..."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "you're not a big star. Why don't you have money?"

Chu Xiaoyi immediately asked he Xin to carry the black pot and vowed: "I just look rich. In fact, all the money has been taken away by agents and companies, and I have very little in my hands..."

Chu Xiaoxiao became silent. When she heard this, she was gradually convinced. After all, Chu Xiaoyi seemed to have a bad brain. He really could only do some simple physical work. It was normal for the company to smoke him. Sister Yang Yin said that high school education is not easy to mix in the society, so she must try her best to enter the University. Chu Xiaoyi is not as smart as sister Yang Yin. It is estimated that she can't earn much money.

Chu Xiaoyi groaned with pain on the sofa, showing amazing actor cultivation. He also mobilized his emotions and said pitifully: "when I first went out, I had to live in the basement, and I had to reimburse my work fare. I could only eat boiled vegetables for two yuan a day..."

"I had a high fever not long ago. My throat was hoarse. I had to work with illness in the early morning..."

Chu Xiaoyi practiced Stanislavsky's performance system. Half true and half false, he only wanted to integrate actors and roles. He only wanted to tease the little thing, but he said he was sad. Who made his back pain false, but his words were true.

Chu Xiaoyi has avoided the news at home for five years, and is more reluctant to mention any hardships to her parents. He always felt that as long as he opened his mouth, he would lose completely, and naturally hide the bitter water in his heart. He would rather his family always see the bright side than lose face in front of them.

Chu Xiaoyi performed with real feelings on the sofa for a long time. He couldn't help but let the young Chu Xiaoxin dress up. Because she observed the other party's fluctuating emotional state, she felt as if he was really sad and wronged.

Chu Xiaoyi tried not to look up and was curious about Chu Xiaoxiao's reaction. He secretly opened his eyes and took a blind look, but found that the little thing had long disappeared. There was no figure of Chu Xiaoxiao in the living room. She didn't know where to go and didn't pay attention to herself at all.

Chu Xiaoyi couldn't play at once. He stood up straight: "this little boy..."

Chu Xiaoyi is trying to find the missing little thing, but he finds Chu Xiaoxiao drilling his head out of her room. She looked around warily to make sure that the elders didn't find anything unusual, so she hurried back to the living room.

Chu Xiaoxiao's hands were behind her. She hesitated for a few seconds and handed Chu Xiaoyi a red envelope. She said calmly, "take it for treatment."

Chu Xiaoyi took the red envelope blankly. He pinched open his pocket and looked into it. It seemed to be a thousand dollars. He knew the management method of his mother Xiao Bi. He had to hand in the lucky money over the years, and he could only leave 1000 yuan in his hand every year. Xiao Bi didn't embezzle the children's lucky money, but saved it well.

When Chu Xiaoyi left home at the age of 18, he got the lucky money from his mother. It seems that the family still continues the tradition of leaving only 1000 yuan for his children every year.

Rao is Chu Xiaoyi, no matter how thick skinned he is. At this time, he can't help feeling ashamed when he looks at the bright eyes of the little girl. He politely refuses: "no, it won't cost so much money for treatment..."

He wanted to tease the little girl, but she was always sarcastic and had a little temper, but now he was ashamed.

Chu Xiaoyi wants to put the red envelope back to the little thing, but she dodges flexibly. Chu Xiaoxiao said calmly, "take it. You're so stupid and unpromising. If you know you're not doing well, mom and dad will feel sad."

Chu Xiaoyi was stunned and speechless for a moment.

Chu Xiaoxiao really doesn't like Chu Xiaoyi, but she doesn't want the other party to live miserable outside. Chu Xiaoyi is twenty-three years old. If his parents knew that he didn't even have money to see a doctor, they would be very sad. Chu Xiaoxiao doesn't want to make his parents sad. Naturally, he wants to solve their problems.

Chu Xiaoxiao stopped paying attention to Chu Xiaoyi after giving the money. She simply hid in the courtyard for ventilation, as if she was afraid of the other party catching up again.

Chu Xiaoxiao: it's really hard for adults to take this year. Let's finish the Spring Festival holiday quickly.

Chu Xiaoyi looked at the hot red envelope, and his mood was quite complex and subtle. He couldn't help falling on the sofa and sighing, showing a disappointed expression. His sister is a kind and sensible little glutinous rice group. Although she hates and dislikes herself, she still treats others with a crystal heart.

Chu Xiaoyi thought and simply sent a message to his agent He Xin.

Yi: actually, it's OK to have a sister.

He Xin: is it really fragrant so soon?

Yi: [picture]

Yi: I just cried to her and sold miserably. She gave me a red envelope of 1000 yuan.

Chu Xiaoyi took a red envelope photo and sent it to He Xin to show off.

He Xin:?

He Xin: your sister is only two or three years old, isn't she? Do you want money?

Yi: please have a strict attitude. She is three and a half years old now.

He Xin's shameless attitude towards his artists is quite speechless. He inexplicably feels that Chu Xiaoyi, who takes his brother on holiday, is miserable. He should arrange work for Chu Xiaoyi and shouldn't let the other party go home during the Spring Festival. He just wants to ask Chu Xiaoyi to be a person. The other party usually changes his way to be himself. When he goes home, he has to be a three-and-a-half-year-old sister?