Si Tong agreed.

For nothing else, just because she helps Meiyou, she can easily learn the secret of the creator God. If this is compared to a business, it will undoubtedly be good for her.

"Great!" Meiyou looked very happy. She began to look at the cheese pupil seriously. After two eyes, she said at the end: "I'm going to start in two or three months. Next, she will continue to look for warriors and Companions to go with us!"

Her head tilted slightly to the side, and Meiyou continued: "although I think you are beautiful, I still don't want your head.

"I can't afford such a risky thing!"

Spit out.

The appearance of sick Princess spitting out her tongue, coupled with her only Lori's height, is also very cute.

Si Tong didn't pay attention to these. Her eyes always fell on Meiyou. Finally, without any omen, she said in Japanese: "clear choice, choice, choice, choice."

This is a clear choice

Suddenly listening to Si Tong's conversation with himself in another country's language, beauty first was stunned, and then nodded: "は い..." translated as "yes".

Suddenly, Si Tong changed to another country's language and continued to ask: "어떤사람을찾았습니까?"

"...." Meiyou didn't immediately respond to what was going on, but she tried to recall the vocabulary and replied to Si Tong: "많 이 있 습 니 다..."

"Sindsiediricher?" before Meiyou reacts, Si Tong changes to German and continues to ask Meiyou questions.


After speaking more than a dozen languages in a row, Meiyou could basically take a few sentences at the beginning. Later, she was so tired that she begged for mercy in her mother tongue:

"I can't, I won't..."

The Buddha gently touched the Buddha's forehead. Meiyou's face was very bad. Chaosi Tong suddenly exclaimed and asked, "how can you do anything!"

How can you speak any language!

She is the princess of country y. she was forced to learn the languages of many countries since childhood.

Even if Si Tong is the owner of Shura Island, she is only a college student. She is so young that she can master the languages of so many countries!

And the pronunciation of every country's language is quite standard! Even if Si Tong began to learn as a baby, she can't reach this level! She is the kind of "plug-in" in the population of Miao country!

"In addition to your mother tongue, you are the best at Chinese and Spanish." Si Tong pointed out Meiyou's language, which is very convenient.

In addition to her native English, Meiyou is really good at Chinese and Spanish. She can even speak Chinese and Spanish as smoothly as Mandarin.

As for the languages of other countries, some of her can only have a simple conversation. She is not proficient, but she can only speak a few words.

"Yes..." Meiyou nods.

Meiyou didn't notice that Si Tong asked her in other countries' languages because Meiyou spoke in English when she first met Si Tong.

Just now, she knocked on the door of Si Tong's bedroom and talked with Si Tong in Chinese. It's very standard Chinese pronunciation.

Now Si Tong has a complete understanding of Meiyou's language mastery.

"You go back." Si Tong didn't hesitate. She turned and walked to the bedroom above the stairs.

"Oh..." Meiyou turns around obediently and walks downstairs in the opposite direction to Si Tong.

What makes Meiyou feel strange is why she wants to listen to what she says.

If Si Tong asks himself in any language, he will answer in any language. If Si Tong wants to go by himself, he will really go

Hello, is Si Tong a princess or is she a princess? Why does she listen to Si Tong's words? She is the princess of country Y!