When the morning light rises, the oasis has returned to calm. In the early morning light, people can be vaguely seen shuttling through the streets, cleaning up the bodies of war dead people and collapsed wooden houses.

The powers haven't slept all night. It doesn't have any impact on them. It's just that the powers are exhausted. In the end, they are a little tired. However, looking at the tall and thin woman sitting in the middle of the room, everyone didn't feel tired, even full of pride and energy.

The sage's cabin has been burned down. At present, the cabin where Angela lives is the house of the indigenous people of the oasis. In the face of the rumored deceased but suddenly appeared former sage, the original works in the oasis are excited and respected from the bottom of their hearts. Without saying a word, they vacate the cabin where they live, and they are willing to squeeze with others. This shows Angela's popularity in the oasis.

Angela listened to her subordinates' report and counted the loss and death toll of the civil strife in the oasis. Her complexion was always light. When she heard that the two Qin family powers who led a group of powers against the counter attack, she suddenly asked, "their names are Chen Dong and Fang Minglei?"

Ban Yi nodded and said, "yes, they used to be the powers absorbed by the Qin family. Thanks to their first suppression of the rebellious Qin family powers, they minimized the loss of the oasis."

After hearing this, angel smiled low and said, "I underestimated him!"

Kur and others couldn't understand her, but ban Yi understood. If Lou Dian didn't do it this time, I'm afraid they couldn't recapture the oasis in the hands of the Qin family so quickly. Chen Dong and Fang Minglei's backwater to the Qin family is probably arranged by the building hall. After thinking so, I was more grateful to the brothers and sisters of the Lou family. If it weren't for them, they always thought that the sage really died to save the oasis, so they would entrust the oasis to Qin you and make Qin you the successor sage.

The oasis aborigines led by Kur and arimu sincerely support Angela, who is worthy of the title of "sage". So I feel angry and disgusted at the Qin family's imprisonment of sages and the occupation of magpie's nest by doves. I wish I could kill the Qin family on the spot.

After straightening things out, Angela ordered people to deal with the mess and appease the survivors one by one. After thinking about it, she got up, walked out of the cabin and went to check the situation of the oasis with the people.


it's dawn.

Lou Ling got up vaguely and felt the burning pain in some parts of his body. Even if he was injured, it would take several days to heal, and he would feel the pain. In addition, it is summer. As soon as the sun rises, the air becomes hot, and the wound is even more uncomfortable.

"Come on, drink some water."

One hand held a transparent glass and handed it to her. Lou Ling drank a large glass of water with that hand. She felt better. When I opened my eyes, I saw the man sitting in front of the bed, yawned, said early, slowly got up and sat against the wall.

Due to limited resources, the so-called beds are just covered with a mat on the ground. When you sit up, you can lean against the wall and stick to the slightly cool wall. You feel more comfortable. When it gets hot, you move another position and change the other side.

She narrowed her eyes and was sleepy. She almost forgot the man staring at her with a black face. However, because he was injured now, he couldn't do anything even if he wanted to. Lou Ling, relying on his special situation and being a little bold, was not afraid of the abnormal bad mood and completely ignored him.

One person squinted and the other stared. After sitting for a long time, the building hall didn't move until the sweat came from the forehead of the building age, and the sweat flowed to the wound, causing a hot pain. The ice in the space was taken out and put in the room to cool down. When passing through snow mountains in winter, take clean ice and put it into the space. In summer, it's just convenient to cool it.

After the air became cool, her spirit was better. She put her hand around his neck and smiled and said, "are you angry?"

"How could my brother be angry?" he smiled and said sarcastically. "I'm happy that I have a sister who bravely serves the people. I'm happy! I saw such a powerful sister for the first time last night. It's estimated that soon, my sister will fight for all mankind. I'll give up my family for everyone. I understand."

"..." well, the poisonous tongue of the second middle school revived again and said he was not angry.

Lou Ling secretly left her mouth, but her hands hugged him tightly until he finally reached out and took her into his arms. She couldn't help laughing again.

Loudian didn't dare to hold her too tight. She had a lot of burns and scratches on her body. It looked terrible. Although he knew that it was some flesh wounds, it still made him nervous and unacceptable. If this kind of injury happened to him, he would feel that it was just a small injury. He couldn't even say the pain, but when it happened to her, it was another matter, and even it was difficult for him to accept it.

When the impulse to let her experience go, nothing hurt her and made him uncomfortable. He knew that she didn't want to hide under his wings all the time, and that she wanted to grow up, but it was impossible for him to let go.

"At the end of the world, who can not be hurt? And this is also a kind of merit!" Lou Ling boasted, really painful and happy. She did what she wanted to do, did not lag behind, did not need his protection all the time, and proved that she was not weak, which made her very happy.

Lou Dian looked at her with low eyes for a while. Gradually, this originally slightly green and childish face overlapped with the face with a determined look quenched by the end of the last life. It seemed that even if he trapped her around like a bird in a cage, he still couldn't break her wings. Even if she was slower, she would become the person in the last life.

His - building age!

I couldn't help lowering my head and gently printed a kiss on the upturned corner of my lips. It doesn't matter. No matter what the world will become, he won't let go in his life! No matter how far you go, he will keep up and won't let you leave alone.

He was fluffy by his sudden tenderness. Lou Ling looked at him for a while and moved away carefully. She thought he was going to be abnormal again because of his injury. Who knows he just smiled at her gently. In his dark eyes, it was no longer dark, but reflected her red face.

However, the rare and warm atmosphere was soon broken by the knock on the door. Lou Dian frowned slightly, looked at Lou Ling and reluctantly opened the door.

Outside the door, Angela and others saw the warm and smiling face of the man who opened the door, but they felt a chill jumping up from his back. They thought there was any danger around. They looked around carefully, but found nothing strange.

"Let me see you!" angel Ya put her hand between her wide cuffs and said with a calm smile, "Miss Lou is all right."

"OK." the building hall was clear and light.

Angela asked Kur and others who followed her to wait outside the door, picked up their robes and walked into the wooden house.

When Lou Ling saw a guest coming, she wanted to get up. She was stopped by angel. Lou Dian also had an expression that she should sit, so she continued to lean against the wall and didn't get up.

There is nothing in the house except a mat as a bed. Angie Yasuo lifted up her robe and sat on the ground. Her every move showed an extreme femininity, which even made people ignore her ugly thin face.

Lou Ling looked straight again until Lou Dian coughed, immediately looked away, floated to his face and smiled at him.

Angela felt the coolness in the house and looked up to see the pots of ice in the house. She didn't think the powers who were busy rebuilding the oasis would have time to send ice to cool them. After thinking about it, angel's eyes flashed, her face smiled and said with a smile: "how's Miss Lou's injury? Thank you this time, and hurt you..."

"Just know!" Lou Dian said calmly.

Lou Ling: "... Ha ha, nothing."

Angela ignored the shady man and talked gently with Lou Ling. Her voice was a little rough, but it wouldn't be hard to accept. It was a sexy voice. It didn't hurry or slow. It sounded very comfortable. With her bright amber eyes, people couldn't help indulging in it.

Lou Ling was only absent-minded for a while, so he concentrated on resisting the invisible bewitchment.

Angela was surprised to see that she recovered so quickly, but her purpose was not to confuse her, challenge Lou Dian's endurance, slightly take back her ability, and her attitude became more and more sincere.

"Before the end of the world, Qin you and I were excellent friends. When the end of the world came, she came to the desert for tourism. When there was a disaster all over the world, I invited her to take refuge in the oasis. She was worried that the Qin family would not be protected because of the sudden disaster, so I took the oasis as her card and allowed her to manage her own power in the oasis. She tried her best to satisfy her what she wanted, but who knows..." Angel's face was disappointed, and her bright amber eyes darkened.

But who knows that Qin you is not popular enough, and even wants to occupy the whole oasis and manage the oasis into one of the bases of Qin family. So Qin Yousi didn't care about their friendship, designed Angela, and finally imprisoned Angela in the ground kiln. Fortunately, angel's power is purification and bewitching. Qin you needs angel's power, so she didn't kill her at the first time.

Angela's power is purification. The unique purification can not only purify the water polluted by the virus into clean water that humans can drink, but also purify the materials harmful to ordinary people's health in exotic animals, so that ordinary people can have one more kind of food, so as not to starve to death because of the lack of food.

Angela's power is too precious, and it is also a card to stand at the end of the world. As long as you can control Angela, you can get clean water and food, which is enough to drive the powers all over the world crazy. Angela only tells her good friend Qin you the secret of her power. Unexpectedly, Qin you will fight against her and save her life.

It's not sad. The friend who thought he could hold the back stabbed himself. Is there anything more desperate than this?

Lou Ling listened quietly. Although Angela said very pitifully and her expression was very sad, how did she feel that Angela was betrayed by her lover? It seems that the meaning of life has been lost all at once

"What about... Qin you?" Lou Ling asked again.

Angela recovered her indifference from her sadness and said faintly, "naturally kill her! Cut the roots so that she won't have a chance to escape and turn defeat into victory!"

"..." well, that's her brain tonic.

Angela is like a good elder who treats the younger generation. She carefully tells Lou Ling to have a good rest. Later, she will ask someone to send some supplements to her. It doesn't matter to take this place as her own home... It's a pile. She is gentle and considerate, which makes Lou Ling feel uncomfortable again.

Finally, Angela left. Lou Ling was finally relieved and said to the man next to her, "brother, do you think she's strange?"

Lou Dian touched her head and said, "no wonder, she's old and sees you as a daughter!" then sighed, "who makes my sister so lovable? She should!"

Cold hair stood up again. Lou Ling looked at him in horror and wanted to say don't be so weird. Isn't she obedient?

Angela did what she said. After an hour, someone really sent a pile of things, as well as pots and pans and desert specific tonics.

When Lou Ling learned from Lou Dian that Angela has been in her 40s this year, because of her special powers, she finally calmed down. It turned out that Angela and Qin you are love beyond gender and age - well, she's mending her brain again!

Loudian didn't like the things sent by Angela, but Angela's move was also a sign that she regarded them as the benefactors of the oasis. This kindness is commendable. After pushing all those things to the corner, Lou dianjing took out the pot and gas from the space, went to the kitchen to cook bird's nest porridge for her, and made some side dishes by the way.

I really enjoy my life as a patient.

On a hot day, louling was blowing air-conditioning - the air-conditioning sent out by ice, and eating bird's nest porridge to replenish qi and blood.

"When shall we leave the oasis?" she asked while eating. Before her injury healed, she didn't have to worry that he would abnormally toss herself. Suddenly, she felt that the injury was really worth it. If it is normal, it must be made to cry.

Lou Dian raised her eyebrows slightly, squinted at her and said with a smile, "if you want to go today, my brother has no problem."

"... no, I'd better stay for a few days."

Loudian was noncommittal. After she finished eating, she cleaned up all the things, and then went to close the doors and windows of the wooden house directly. In broad daylight, she lay down and slept with her in her arms.

"I'm not sleepy." Lou Ling pushed him out a little and carefully moved his hand - this beautiful hand is spinning around her waist, ready to do something bad! Is he so sick that he won't let her get hurt?

Lou Dian's hand slid up along her pajamas, touched the bandage on her back and slid over her spine. After touching her, she let her go. She just bit her neck and said, "I'm sleepy. Sleep with me."


The author has something to say: today's goal:

Louling goal: try to appease the freak who wants to be angry!

Loudian goal: try to press her on the bed and make her cry until she dare not!


It is found that this article has been 400000 and is finally coming to an end ~ ~ ^ o ^ and the editor say that it is finished in 45W words and 50000 words. It should be finished~