When the summoning force became the tool in his hand, he realized the wonderful sense of himself, that is, the summoning force. It seemed that as long as someone used the summoning force around him, he could detect and slightly interfere with it.

But all this is based on the fact that the summoning fog is not active. If the summoning force is active, Chen Xi is difficult to control and needs to spend a lot of energy on subtle induction.

When he was familiar with this power, one sixth of his mind finally turned the memory of fetal state to the day when he obtained abnormal ability.

Recalling him again, he found some clues.

On a thunderstorm and rainy night, the frightened child unconsciously hears the footsteps. The footsteps are like stepping on the pulse of the heart, just like entering his body and controlling his heartbeat.

After that, he heard a very slight sound. It was that the bed board was cracked.

Chen Xi has a bold guess. If the footsteps are a strange existence and his footsteps are constantly close to Chen Xi, can it be understood that his memory is getting closer and closer to Chen Xi until it is integrated into Chen Xi's memory, but that memory is sealed by it, so Chen Xi doesn't know.

If this explanation can be successful, Chen Xi's abnormal ability may also have a legitimate explanation.

The angel of light once said that this abnormal ability level is very high. It can never be mastered by humans, a weak creature. It must come from external force change.

If the existence of the second real name itself controls this body, which is the ability to "abnormal source" and touch anything abnormal, then after Chen Xi has the second real name, the abnormal ability inexplicably came to his body and was mastered by him from childhood to junior high school.

"Wait, I practiced my abnormal ability until I could retract and release freely in junior high school."

"Maybe it's not the result of my efforts. It's the second real name in junior high school. It helps me control my abnormal ability." Chen Xi thought.

This is one of his ideas. There is no evidence yet. He jumped again with that one sixth of his mind, starting from junior high school, that is, the time period when he mastered the power of summoning.

There are only two actual real names in his body, and the third real name has not been successfully branded into his body, otherwise his body skin would have been foggy.

So he was sure that the second real name was in his body long before the supernatural game began.

It should be the master of the abnormal ability. When the core memory is sealed in his body, the abnormal ability may be bound to the real name. If you have it, you will have that strange power.

Soon, that part of the mind turned to the memory of the day before junior high school. That day, he just sealed the power of calling.

The seal is not accurate. Specifically, he can control the calling force to close at any time, focus his ability on his hand, or spread his ability throughout his body.

That day was also a thunderstorm night.

The intermittent rainstorm madly destroyed the trees outside the house. The huge white lightning cut through the sky and crashed into the lightning rod on Chen Xi's roof, causing all the electric lights in his house to flicker for two seconds and greatly reduce the brightness.

In a house on the first floor, Chen Xi was practicing his abnormal ability every day. He reached out to touch the broken wood. There was a crack in the wood.

By the way, there are cracks in the floor under your feet, but the damage of this ability is extremely subtle, such as a grain of sand in the sand sea, so the floor has not been damaged yet.

He touched the wood and tried to control that strange power every day. He was afraid that it would hurt people.

I don't know what happened this day. Thunder struck the lightning rod and suddenly darkened the light, making it suddenly dark.

It was at that moment that his heart jumped high, the crackle of rolling thunder rang at the eardrum, and the adrenaline was very high.

In other words, the scare value is too high, soars out of the limit of endurance and faints directly.

But Chen Xi didn't faint. Frightened, he found the feeling of controlling his abnormal ability.

After that, try it dozens of times and successfully turn off the anomaly ability.

When he turned off the abnormal ability, the rain outside the window gradually decreased. I don't know if there is any relevance during this period.

It is thunderstorm and rainy night to obtain the ability of abnormality, and it is also thunderstorm and rainy night to control abnormality. What happened at the moment of change.


Chen Xi is serious on the surface. In addition to separating a little mind and spirit, he constantly calls himself with his double real name to maintain the power of calling. All mind and spirit recall that time, check it again and again, and use super perception to perceive the sound, air molecular changes, temperature changes and other information perceived by the body at that time.

Unfortunately, it's just his memory, otherwise his perception can go out of the wall and see the outside world.

After continuous induction, he found that he was probably frightened by lightning at that time. After all, lightning exploded on his head, which was very scary.

At that time, it took advantage of the weakness to control this power for him. It may also leak subtle knowledge to make his body muscles know the control method, but his brain has no memory of this.

Chen Xi is silent. Since there is a second real name in his body, he has touched the truth. Why doesn't it appear? Has he been pretending to be stupid and staying in his body?

"Who are you?" Chen Xi asked himself.

He stood there for ten minutes without responding.

No one responded to him, which made him feel powerless. Why didn't the goods appear? Can't memory replace it?

Chen Xi, who was covered with fog, sat on the stone and threw the small stone out. He thought of the man in black when he was three years old. He might know something.

He thought about it, stretched out his hand and called the call. The power of the call moved with his heart. The crystal box was immediately called to his hand and silently felt his real name.

The first real name, the second real name, and the third real name that has not yet been formed.

Which is his real name?

He felt confused and couldn't tell who he was.

Maybe he is the strange existence. At the age of three, he poured his core memory into the three-year-old child and replaced it as "Chen Xi", and consciously sealed a large piece of memory and forgot the past in order to protect himself from those hidden dangers.

But what about abnormal ability?

Chen Xi felt that his heart was a little confused, so he cancelled the call array of his heart, and a strong fog disappeared, but there was still a gray fog on the surface. Even if he took off the hat of his black robe, there was a gray fog on his face, hair, neck and other skin to cover his true face.

He used a strong light curse to shine on his face and touched his face with his hand. It was still the same face.

However, he looked at Xiao Hui from the perspective of calling contract and saw that his face was another face.

Chen Xi's face is gloomy. Is the gray fog so strange?

He didn't show the way to control the summoning power on his face, or did he say that with this knowledge in his brain, the summoning power would wipe his existence into another identity to hide him?

He removed the strong light and shone it on his face for the second time. His face was impressively replaced by another face.

Even the wandering ray could not help but make a surprised sound. It was the first time to see such a strange phenomenon.

Chen Xi tried back and forth dozens of times. Each time he removed the black fog, others looked at his face differently. Only when they looked at their own face did they have no abnormality.

At the end of the experiment, Chen Xixin was cold and realized one thing.

Is this the end of the summoner?