Last time, Chen Xi quickly found the book and succeeded. Why did they call unsuccessfully? Chen Xi didn't refuse their call. All this is the independent behavior of the book.

Chen Xi frowned. This book has independent consciousness. It's even more difficult. I thought it was a dead thing before. Now I have the ability to refuse to call. Doesn't it prove that the memory of that book has been revived?

Chen Xi thought that he could simply find time to exile and find a dark secret space.

At this time, the failed group of five said, "again."

Five minutes later, as like as two peas, the summoning spell was exactly the same as it was last time.

Chen Xi continued to watch silently, waiting for the call of Tibetan Lake berry.

One second, ten seconds, ten minutes, didn't wait for the other party's call.


The group of five is a little impatient. This is a legendary summoning array. It shouldn't be so slow unless it goes beyond the search range of legendary items.

"Is that book so hard to call?" Someone said.

"That book must exist. Just now our call array has called it, but it was rejected for a moment. After rejection, it deepened the anti call power, and our call array can't search."

"We need a world-class summoning array, but our level is not so strong."

"Do you want foreign help?"

Several people discussed.

It's rare to meet this kind of situation that can't be searched. If they meet, it means that they have met items above legend.

Why are you so sure? It's because the summoning array is not over, which means that such items exist, but the other party hides them and doesn't let them know.

The five people continued to wait, and the time soon came three hours later.

The five summoners took the initiative to end the call and thought it was impossible to call something.

"It's over?" Chen Xi asked.

"Of course, this call array will continue to search, wasting our energy." He nodded and then turned to say, "I will contact the master. Then we will summon together. The time is agreed to be three days later."


The other four took out their wands and read the spell. A water mirror appeared forward, broke into the mirror and disappeared without a trace. When they left, they carried a large number of spatial fluctuations.

Jiataicheng didn't leave. He looked at Chen Xi and thought Chen Xi had something to say.

Chen Xi shook his head and used a magic of space movement to make the whole person disappear in the sand.

Half an hour later, in the lonely wilderness, he took out the gray fog surging "don't play call".

The summoning array is drawn with black pen. The summoning array composed of spiritual force is formed, and the purple void force forms gas cut tobacco, which rotates and flies over the summoning array.

He stood in front of the summoning array and thought for a moment or put on the abnormal power.

When the absolute black surrounded the whole space, he quietly listened to the silence in the dark.

He organized the language, put "don't play call" in the center of the call array and read:

"Endless darkness, absolutely cold, lifeless closed space!"

"Please accept this call book!"

"It needs a quiet sleep!"

After reciting the exile spell, the blue calling array of the starry sky continued to shine, and the mysterious color of the starry sky reflected on his face.

He thought and ordered the summoning array to summon forcibly. He had the force to summon world-class creatures. The summoning Book shrouded on the ground. Countless summoning fog surged up to form a substantive big hand, grabbed it and dragged it into the gate of the stars.

But a strange scene happened. After grasping "don't play call", the summoned fog passed through its book. The book didn't move at all, as if living in the shadow of another dimension, which could not be caught, let alone exiled to the other world.

Chen Xi's forehead is gradually filled with small sweat drops. This book is too bug. It has the power of calling itself. Therefore, the effect of calling on it is too small, and it can even be said to help the tyrant.

There was no way. He had to stare.

When "don't play call" refused to exile, the call array was also rejected, and it was a very tough refusal. The connection was disconnected in an instant, and then the call array gradually disappeared.

When the black space disappeared and the blue sky and white clouds entered his eyes again, he felt that the dusty books on the ground were like demons, which made people cold.

What should he do?

No, bury it now. He doesn't have any specific way. It's not safe to put it in the Tibetan lake.

It took out the stone man's treasure core, looked for a solid rock and continued to melt through the ground.

After he melted through thousands of meters of the ground, he placed the "don't play call" several kilometers below the ground, and then arranged a magic seal array in the area there, and then arranged a warning magic and light magic to monitor its every move.

A few hours later, he returned to the ground. The ground had been filled. No one knew that there was a call Book thousands of meters underground.

"It should still be inside."

Chen Xi said to himself, took out the magic mirror, explained to it the place just dug, and let it have a look there.

The magic mirror said it understood and quickly made a ripple. Then there was a white light candle in the black to illuminate everything, shining a small space under the ground, revealing the magic array drawn by magic.

Chen Xi, with sharp eyes, was still there when he saw the book. There was a gray fog all over his body, which was illuminated by dim candles.

Chen Xi, just in case, manipulated by magic fortune. The power of magic passed through that layer of magic seal and couldn't take effect. That's reassuring.

"Just stay where you are all your life." Chen Xi said to himself.

Two days later, it was the Summoner's party again.

Five summoners gathered together. In addition, there was a strange summoner. He was wearing a black robe with purple patterns on the robe.

Its whole body exudes a gloomy smell, as well as a gloomy smell of dusk, such as people who are about to die.

This is a dead creature!

Chen Xi was shocked. On the Nile continent, some of the dead creatures were controlled and naturally nurtured. Another was that after being made by the dead mage, the dead mage was negligent in management, resulting in the dead creatures awakening their sense of autonomy and running out to become king.

This is not true. The dead creature stretched out a white bone hand. The bone hand was pale and solid. The bone surface had purple patterns, such as the pattern of the devil, which had a certain power of bewitching.

There were two burning purple flames under its robe. The flame light swept to a group of people present and said in a hoarse voice, "my search power of the call array is already the top in the legend column. The hidden dangers that can cross the border are also very terrible. You are all careful."

Its summoning array is still not out of the legendary level, but jiataicheng said that its summoning array has world-class search power, because the necromancer summoned a terrible existence, and it directly exploded the Necromancer's body across the summoning array.

Fortunately, it is a dead creature. Body death does not mean real death. The crushed soul fire is not all of it. It resurrects and returns again ten years after its death.

It is said that it has died three times. The first two times it died of an irresistible hidden danger, and the third time it died of a terrorist creature attacking it through the call array. Therefore, the world believes that it is recognized as the most close to the world-class summoner.

It should be noted that this title also needs to add a sign of survival. In fact, in the summoner alliance, there are no world-class summoners, but there is no trace.