There were many small sounds in the earth hole. The black skeleton spider listened carefully and preliminarily judged that there were tens of thousands of insects in the sound from the hole.

Xiao Hui squints at the inside. The hole is very small. There is no difficulty for shadow creatures.

The black skeleton spider didn't hurry to get in. First, he spit out a pile of black cobwebs with his ass and weave his legs into a big bewitching cobweb.

Then he went in, mended some places, made the sewing firm, and turned into the hole.

The cave is not dark. There are some fluorspar as the light source in the cave.

After Xiao Hui went down to the ground, he heard more than 100000 insects crawling. They gathered together and moved their own things tirelessly.

The smell of a pile of insects remained here. Xiao Hui tried to identify the familiar smell and went to one of thousands of small holes.

The black skeleton spider itself has a small volume. Many insects on the road are controlled and taken out of the cave by it to try to speak in tree language.

The insect waved the air with its tentacles, and the grass beside the earth hole shook.

What did the two communicate?

Chen Xi received a response from the black skeleton spider.

Insect: "hello?"

Xiaocao: "bewitching?"

In this way, there is no communication. The grass are not fools. They are smart. They know that the insect is bewitched. They don't say the second sentence after the first sentence..

After catching a few insects, he found that most of the insects here understand tree language, but they understand too little tree language. They only send out simple self-protection statements such as "hello" and "I have no malice", and higher tree language can't be said.

In addition, Chen Xi found that their leaves use light shaking air. This operation is too delicate for him to express. Even if he accurately controls his throat to shake, it is difficult to speak tree language.

"Does it have to rely on summoning to summon something to understand the tree language?" Chen Xi pondered and felt inappropriate.

Now summoning is not safe at all. He always feels that he will summon something he doesn't want at any time. This uneasy feeling comes from the three failed crossings.

"Learn the tree language magic of the false Dharma temple first." After making a plan, Chen Xi directly used the ghosts left on the earth to dive into the temple of Dharma to learn magic.

The time to learn magic was three days later. Chen Xi, who first learned the magic, quickly modeled the magic. There was a little green light between the bone wands. He gently touched his mouth. The throat of his mouth began to deform, and his pronunciation became a very strange sound. If there was nothing, he didn't say anything.

This is a temporary magic. 20:00 magic once can speak the language of the tree, but the tree is different everywhere. The magic is not necessarily common in the whole region. It depends on the face.

Fortunately, Chen Xi succeeded in looking at his face this time. He said an inaudible sound with his mouth. The grass at the bottom shook and responded.

Chen Xi's ears lit the magic of listening and successfully read the language of grass to the effect that you are good.

After communicating with the grass, Chen Xi asked them about the danger in the forest. The answer is not clear, but you can ask the big tree.

Chen Xi ran to ask the tree. The tree is gentle and its roots are more than 1000 meters deep underground. He replied that there is no danger in the forest, but there is bloody turf competition underground. If animals want to experience, they can go underground.

Chen Xi was fascinated when he heard the speech. How can he drill a hole? Besides, it's so narrow below. Is it really a person?

The tree can reply completely. The underground is a wider and wider world. Until hundreds of meters below, a huge underground world has been formed, and many night vision creatures are fighting underground.

By the way, Xiaohui has dived hundreds of meters underground. After several rounds, he came to a very wide place. All kinds of powerful Zerg are active below, and bloody natural selection pictures are staged from time to time.

Of course, there are roots under the ground, but these roots are few. Most of them are the roots of giant trees. They absorb the nutrition of dead bodies under the ground and grow rapidly.

In this miracle of life, the bottom is actually the territory of the Zerg. It seems that the social structure of the tree world can be further improved.

The surface is the paradise of plants, and the underground is the world of Zerg. Both sides affect each other.

Chen Xi suspected that the birth place of the master magic spider was underground. After a bloody fight, he stepped out of the surface and obtained strong growth potential through the miracle tree, thus evolving into a huge magic spider.

Of course, the above is just Chen Xi's wishful thinking.

After understanding the social structure of the tree world, Chen Xi himself wants to see the miracle tree, but the location of the miracle tree is too far away. According to a tree friend, the metal object above is inserted by the miracle tree more than 100000 meters away. The real miracle tree can support the sky, with its own light, and the local trees or animals will get the best growth environment.

Of course, because life is too rich, many people with lofty ideals will go to that area.

The roots of potential trees will rise and migrate to that area.

The Zerg who want to be insects on insects either kill them all the way from the ground, or go to the surface, or fly to the sky.

In other words, it is not only the birthplace of life miracles, but also the treasure of fish leaping over the dragon's gate. Everything wants to compete.

Therefore, the miracle tree area is very dangerous, because everyone is fighting for territory, and there are killings all the time. The dead bodies will be instantly absorbed by the roots of the miracle tree, resulting in the area being clean, bright and natural.

The peripheral areas of the miracle tree are very peaceful, and there will be no stories of land disputes all the time. Only killings often occur underground.

Knowing that the area of miracle tree was too dangerous, he didn't start immediately, but planned to accumulate strength.

Now Chen Xi has two powers that can be used. The first is the thinking liquidity of the Black Pyramid, and the second is the Necromancer's magic.

Summoned more than 3000 times, Chen Xi's dead materials have piled up like a mountain, and there are countless powerful top predators, except for the terrible power of the master magic spider.

Now Chen Xi is afraid that the control of the dead creatures under his control is not delicate enough. In this tree world, once the tree is wiped, it will be besieged to death by local protection forces. There is no need to hide it.

The Black Pyramid was temporarily placed. He took out his wand and summoned small necromancer creatures to train their control. They should be accurate. They should not wipe a tree too hard to destroy it.

In the tree world, all battles tend to be accurate. Inaccurate creatures all die on the battlefield and turn into nutrients to be absorbed by the big trees.

As for those huge dead creatures, Chen Xi hasn't found a good way to manipulate them for the time being. Press the bottom of the box for the time being.