After two days of fighting, the large-scale spiritual disaster finally ended. Chen Xi received the global report collected by Qixing ship, and no large-scale spiritual disaster has been found.

Small spiritual disasters occur from time to time, but the local people have learned about the magic of exorcising ghosts. The magic power that erupts together can not be underestimated, and countless little ghosts have been eliminated.

When humans began to struggle, no one could resist their rise. Ghosts shrank in the ghost world and dared not step into the real world.

That night, the evening news reporters in many countries showed a happy face, reported a long list of ghosts, and conveyed the great victory report of each country to quell the local spiritual disaster.

Although many large spiritual disasters have the shadow of light elves, the main battle is not fought by humans at all, humans are still very happy.

Because the light of victory brings tomorrow to many desperate people, they all come out of despair.

"Starting tomorrow, we will enter a new era. Although there will be all kinds of ghosts in the future, we can learn magic, develop the power of exorcism magic, and build a strong magic civilization on the earth. The future can be expected!" The news reporter of China Central Television was full of confidence.

With that, his face glowed with confidence, which infected many people in front of the screen.

Standing on a scorched land, Chen Xi took a look at the land that had been ploughed by magic. The smoke curling up in the distance seemed a little lonely in the dark night.

He returned to the border tree, where thousands of meters around the border tree were intact and vibrant. The faces of people living here were not the same as those of other places. They seemed to regard it as a paradise of peach blossoms.

He thought for a moment, why don't he take the bright angel to sweep around the ghost world?

"Angel, do you want to travel around the ghost world?" Chen Xi asked.

The angel readily agreed and came with Chen Xi to a place of urban legend, which is the birthplace of many ghosts. However, after being swept away by the light ELF KING, the ghosts lost their real homes and were forced to live in the ghost world.

When he came to the supernatural channel leading to the ghost world, Chen Xi was surprised to find that this channel had been destroyed by some creatures with external forces. The internal channel is not suitable for human beings to enter now.

Then Chen Xi searched eight places all over the world. Without exception, all the world channels of urban legends were destroyed. It seems that ghosts know that there is a terrible existence comparable to the sun in the real world. They have no fighting spirit to attack, and all turtles live in the ghost world.

No urban passage does not mean that there is no way to the ghost world. Chen Xi thought of two ways to enter the ghost world.

First, play supernatural games and lead to the ghost world.

The second is to summon the stream, summon a street light, find an extradition ship by the river and successfully cross the river.

The former will disturb the mysterious existence behind those supernatural games, while the latter only calls risks, with less risks.

On balance, he decided to use summoning to solve the entry method.

However, before the call, he logged in to the supernatural legend forum and went to the chat room to talk about the situation in some ghost world.

"Does anyone play supernatural games? What's the situation in the ghost world now?"

Compared with the past, there are hundreds of times fewer people in the chat room. The barrage of chat has not been brushed. Before, there were thousands of barrages a second.

After waiting for ten seconds, a man finally replied: "brother, who dares to play supernatural games now? Now they all learn magic. Only some people who like adventure dare to play supernatural games."

He thought, isn't he responsible for the desolation of the supernatural forum.

Instead, the intelligence trafficker on the private letter website asked him if he knew what the ghost world was like. Seeing him, Chen Xi went to contact the director of the China psychic Bureau.

Now Chen Xi is a big man. The director returns information every second. Their psychic bureau is also doing intelligence work to investigate what kind of situation the ghost world is.

A few minutes later, Chen Xi got that the psychic bureau had just sent someone to play the game to investigate the situation:

"The difficulty of supernatural Games has soared. All games start with top difficulty, and you will die if you enter.

The intelligence port is closed. Now no one knows what the ghost world is like.

There was no news from the spies who broke into the house by the psychic Bureau, and everything was isolated.

At present, there is a great period of supernatural recovery, and there are great changes in the ghost world! "

This report is very long, including the intelligence of some monster forces on earth. The monsters surrendered one after another and decided to advance and retreat together with mankind.

However, humans do not believe them, so both sides are in friction and there are a lot of disputes. Maybe there will be a war between monsters and humans in the future.

After reading these things, he took a spaceship to the moon and started the 306th call of life.

The 306th time, he wanted to summon the street lights to inquire about the ghost world, and bring the bright angels to a great cleaning, so that they could not launch a general attack in nearly ten years.

He first drew a summoning array, then painted it with abnormal ability, hummed, black hit the world, and the color of the starry sky floated in front of him, which was very magnificent.

He calmed down and recited the call spell of the street light he had read before.

"Two kingdoms of plants from the Nile continent..."

After more than ten seconds of calling mantra, the eight flames slowly rise, gather, rotate and twist into a wonderful gate of the starry sky.

Looking at the door, Chen Xi waited for a while.

The call array was not cancelled or closed. The search was ongoing, but it took a long time. Chen Xi didn't receive a response after three hours.

In the face of such a long time, Chen Xi was naturally not idle. He had already sat in the spaceship, parked at the edge of the calling space, looked at the scientific knowledge attached to the intelligent brain, and polished his knowledge hungrily.

Wait until the fourth hour, the summoning array finally found the existence of the road guide lamp. It seems that the road guide lamp is really close to extinction. It is too difficult to search. It is estimated that the road guide lamp found this time is also a variant.

No, a consciousness is connected, but before Chen Xi takes a look at it, a consciousness comes from the calling array - the other party refuses to call.

Chen Xi immediately let the summoning array summon forcibly. No matter what attitude it took, move it over first.

Fortunately, Chen Xi reacted quickly. The gray call fog couldn't help but kidnap the road guide light and start the journey. Five seconds later, there were layers of ripples at the star gate, and a pure black road guide light came into his eyes.

This street pilot lamp is not the standard shape painted in "don't play call", and its color is also an unprecedented pure black.

A strange purple light was burning in the wooden lanterns, and two large fan leaves danced disorderly. They twisted around in this low gravity vacuum environment, looking like they were about to die.

However, with the sudden change of its roots, thousands of small thin lines pierced into the soil of the moon, its leaves stopped shaking and became very quiet.