In the past month, there has been heavy fog on the sea, and there must be supernatural ships. Their shapes are not real shapes, but translucent ships.

They are physical or illusory. Some cannons sink warships, and some ghost ships directly hit ships with their heads. Ghosts incarnate as pirates. Ghosts land on the deck and wash away all their wealth.

But now they can't face the visitors from the sky. The vast sunshine is like the most violent poison, so that all the gray smoke begins to spontaneously ignite and emit white light.

In the burning gap, Chen Xi took the ghost catching token and caught several powerful ghost King ships.

In particular, the most powerful ghost ship had a very high hull, and the shells were destroyed by the light spirit. Then Chen Xi released the weak ghost king in the rune, let the light spirit destroy it, and caught the ghost ship ghost king into the rune.

Since then, the largest ghost fleet in the Pacific Ocean perished overnight and disappeared forever in the world.

The power brought by the light ELF KING is absolute. Chen Xi suddenly realized that he has the power to dominate the supernatural forces on the whole earth.

The absolute power is advancing by leaps and bounds, which makes Chen Xi feel a little confused. Is he living in a dream.

But this is the reality. The light power of the light ELF KING is a disaster for the supernatural creatures at the present stage.

Summoning is indeed the most powerful plug-in.

With this in mind, Chen Xi calculated his strength and found that his strength had entered the first stage of Summoner strength.

Previously, he proposed the idea of three strength stages of the summoner. The first stage is to use the summoning technique to obtain the ability to sling the supernatural forces on the whole earth.

Now he has the light ELF KING and can walk horizontally on the earth. No supernatural creature can hold in front of the light ELF KING for ten seconds.

"The second stage of my plan is to summon in the space environment, but now the earth has not been tranquil. I have to establish the earth's magic system before I can safely go to outer space to play summoning." Chen Xi thought.

The happy arrival of the first stage greatly increased his confidence.

After sweeping up the ghost ships in this sea area, Chen Xi took out the talisman and summoned the ghost ships inside.

The largest ghost ship is an ancient Galen ship. The Yin Qi range is also four meters. Chen Xi doesn't know where their limit is, but according to the ghost ship, the Yin Qi strength of ghosts can't grow to four meters.

No progress is possible unless you go to the grey world.

The ghost king who went to the gray world will still be suppressed when he returns to the earth. In fact, this ghost ship is a small boss with 4.5 meters Yin Qi strength in the gray world. Unfortunately, the earth environment is unfavorable to it, and its strength is pressed within four meters.

If you want to solve the problem of increasing the strength of ghosts on earth, you have to rely on the pyramid in the sky.

"Twilight will eventually cover the earth. At that time, ghosts stronger than me will clean up the master. Please don't fight against them. There will be no good end..." the ghost ship is also an annoying master. Like the ugly ghost, the body is controlled, but I still think the so-called God will save them.

Chen Xi uses the mantra to forbid words and doesn't want to hear it nagging.

"Go ahead and try your speed at sea?" Chen Xi said.

The sound of breaking the waves sounded, and waves of black slapped his hull.

The ghost ship is very light. Its speed at sea is faster than that of some warships. There is an inexplicable force under it to push the ghost ship forward at an extremely high speed.

Looking at pieces of sea water broken like a sharp knife to form a long wind breaking zone, Chen Xi found that the sailing speed of the ghost ship had exceeded the speed of the golden age of Griffins.

If you want to calculate, the speed of the ghost ship has reached the speed of civil aircraft. The strong wind hit the ship wall and made a violent friction sound.

Chen Xi and others have been sitting inside the cabin. No matter how loud the sound outside is, it will not affect the inside.

"It's incredible that this rotten wood can withstand so much pressure. It's worthy of being a supernatural creature." Chen Xi sighed.

"We are the transport ship force among the supernatural forces. Without this speed, we don't have to be king." The king of the ghost ship said proudly.

The entity of the ghost ship king is a ship. In front of Chen Xi, there is a broken Mini boat. It's not very good-looking in terms of shape, but it's much better than the ghost king with a full face.

"Transportation? Are you going to send troops to occupy the earth? " Chen Xi asked.

The king of ghost ship didn't want to answer this question, but somehow he couldn't control his voice and said, "yes, many gods have an idea of cooperation. I'm just a warlord in the Pacific military region, and there are three top ghost kings at the same level in the other three oceans."

Hearing this, the ELF KING on one side couldn't sit still and asked, "where are they? You lead the way. The king will destroy these evil ghosts."

The king of the ghost ship choked and seemed to have hurt them, but he wasn't to blame.

This is not, he said again: "they are..."

After hearing this, the elf king sent out a glowing light in the light group, and the sound spread into Chen Xi's ear at the speed of light.

"Chen Xi, I can help you catch them and make them atone!"

When Chen Xi heard this, he had a black line on his forehead.

He pondered for a long time, thought about the words of Huwang, and said tactfully: "we don't need to come to the door in person. As long as they know that the Pacific ghost ship has been destroyed, they will come to the door and theory. We just have to wait for them at the established place."

"Oh, why?" Asked the ELF KING.

"Think about it, you have the power to destroy their family, but they don't see it with their own eyes. They will only see you as a thorn in the eye, and then unite the forces of the three oceans to besiege you. At that time, you can have one pot, which is convenient and won't miss the net."

"Isn't it the same with our family cleaning up?"

Hearing this, Chen Xi knew that the ELF KING was straight and said, "we can't scare the snake. By the way, you don't know how to scare the snake. Let me put it another way.

They are lucky that you can destroy a family and think that the unity of the three races can defeat you.

But if you destroy another one, the remaining two must be afraid and hide directly into the gray world. How can you find it? "

"I see. It seems that I was reckless." The ELF KING eased his radical attitude and agreed with Chen Xi's suggestions.

Miss mu on one side had no opinion when she saw Chen Xi fooling success again. She knew that he was eager to go home.

But when will the knowledge book of the magic lighthouse be called? You should know that the construction book of the magic lighthouse is located in the Dharma God library, deep in the core, has the top magic prohibition, and the power to resist the call is also the top.

Many summoners tried to summon the books of the Dharma God library, but failed one after another. In most cases, taboo magic struck through the space crack, causing great damage to the summoning place.

It's not appropriate to go back to the land call construction book. It's safer to call at sea.

She told Chen Xi about the situation. Chen Xi knew it clearly. She took a look at the vast sea. The night was thick and the dark environment would not let outsiders observe anything unusual.

He nodded and said, "in that case, let's start now."