Next, Zhang Liang did not take out other antiques, and Guan Shanyue did not propose to see them again. First, there are too many people on the bus, so it's estimated that Zhang Liang doesn't want to show off his wealth. Second, Zhang Liang is also proficient in antiques, so Guan Shanyue has little chance to pick up a leak.

In the past, Guan Shanyue bought antiques not for collection, but to make money, so they all relied on collecting them. If you spend a lot of money on antiques, it's not in line with his usual style, so there is no publicity. Today, it's generous enough to spend money on high price fans. The main reason is that I seldom used to be involved in miscellaneous study and like them. They talked about antiques for a long time. The more they talked, the more speculative they became. They felt it was too late to meet each other.

Time passed quickly, and the train had entered Yichang. Zhang Liang asked, "have you ever been to the Three Gorges?" Liang Huikai said: "it's a pity that although I'm from Hubei, I went to the north after graduation. I just came back to develop. We haven't been to many places in Hubei. What's interesting about the Three Gorges? "

"I don't think it's much fun, just to experience the magnificent dam," Zhang said. After the impoundment of the dam, the torrent of Xiajiang River turned into a calm lake, which lost its magnificent and precipitous natural beauty. As the ancients said in their poem, "the waves of the Three Gorges are strong and the autumn is deep. There are many meteorites in the sky, and apes are shocked when they lose their wood. It rains all the time, and it's sunny everywhere. You can't feel it any more. Of course, some people say that "Gaoxia is still there, Pinghu is more beautiful." everyone's experience is different

Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "my understanding of the Three Gorges still remains in Liu Baiyu's the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, saying that" ten thousand rivers rush into the gorge, and then they come straight to the huge reefs. The thunder is strong, the torrent is surging, and the waves are like thunder; the ship is like an arrow from the string, and a little bit less, it will be smashed... " But anyway, we haven't seen the Three Gorges in the past. There is no harm without comparison. Ha ha. "

Zhang Liang said with a smile, "yes. When you get to Yichang, you have to taste the local food. Of course, fat fish is the first choice along the river, and Xiba road is the place where you eat the most fish. This fat fish is a local feature. It's snow-white. It's said that it's a deep-water Yangtze River fish that lives below 150 meters and is difficult to catch. If you go, you have to bargain with the boss, or you will be killed. But if you have money, it's OK to kill something. You should contribute to the local economy. Ha ha. "

Guan Shanyue full of black lines, said: "then I can't be the big head of injustice?" Zhang Liang said with a smile: "I'm sure I'll be a big wrongdoer. When I see you, I'm a stranger and I have money. Who will I kill if I don't kill you?"

Guan Shanyue joked: "you are slandering Yichang people. Yichang was called Yiling in ancient times. It has a history of more than 2400 years. This is the birthplace of our Chu culture. It's rich in history and culture. To say that Yichang people are not good means that you and I are not good? "

Zhang Liang said: "it's good and bad to have a thick culture. If you go to Shandong to live for a while, you will know that drinking rules are cumbersome. You have to kowtow more than 100 heads during the new year. I think it's a burden to drink every day. "

Guan Shanyue said, "it makes sense. What else is worth seeing here in Yichang? " Zhang Liang said: "this is the hometown of Qu Yuan and Wang Zhaojun, as well as the east entrance of the Three Gorges. It is a place for ancient military strategists to fight for" upstream to Bashu and downstream to Ninghu. ". Therefore, there are many places of interest in Yichang, such as Quyuan temple and Zhaojun village, as well as many sites of the Three Kingdoms period, such as Changbanpo and Maicheng. But it's not very well-known. It's not easy to see.

There is also a pass to go to the Three Gorges Dam, so you can find a guide directly, which can not only save time, but also talk about the local customs. I forgot that nationality, they said they had their son to plant a Wutong tree in the yard, and to give birth to their daughter was to have a Cinnamomum camphora. The son grew up, Wutong tree leads Phoenix, married a Phoenix Phoenix, and the daughter grew up, and cut the camphor tree into a camphor box, and gave it to her daughter. If you like any girl, you should first see if there is a camphor tree in the yard. Don't make a joke. "

Xiaoxiao soon arrived in Yichang. It was still early, so they found a hotel to stay first, and then took a taxi to the legendary Xiba road. When you get there, there are fish restaurants all over the river. Some restaurants have Mercedes Benz and BMW in front of them.

Cao Qiushui said: "you see, these restaurants are very simple. They are all bungalows with glass doors and windows. The decoration of the rooms is also average. The only advantage is that you can realize that they are eating by the river. But the fact that their bosses are all driving Mercedes Benz and BMW shows that business is booming. "

Guan Shanyue said: "it's all the light of the Three Gorges. When our steel plant is put into operation, there will be more people doing business with each other. Therefore, the riverside park built by us on the riverside should first make catering more popular, so as to promote each other. "

After walking along the street for a while, I saw a restaurant named "fangweng restaurant". Cai Xiaoying said, "the name of the hotel is new. Let's eat here." Guan Shanyue is kind and ready to go in with two women.

Cai Xiaoying is shy. Although she is out of town, it's not pleasant for people to look at her with different eyes? Slap him in the hand and say, "do you have any rules?" Guan Shanyue had a good time and said, "two ladies, please!"

They came early, and there were no other guests in the hotel. When the boss saw two beauties coming in with a man, he said that the bodyguards were not like bodyguards. He couldn't guess what the relationship was. But the restaurant owner had a lot of knowledge and didn't mean to, so he quickly let him in.

The boss first made a pot of Yichang big leaf tea, then came over with the menu and asked, "what would you like to eat?" When you are a bodyguard, you have to look like a bodyguard. Guan Shanyue immediately looks at two beauties. Cao Qiushui said, "I come here to eat fat fish. How much is it?" The boss said, "I have a fair price here. It's 100 yuan per kilo."A fat fish costs two or three jin. It costs several hundred yuan to eat a fish in this small place. I always feel a bit at a loss. Cao Qiushui said: "no, we just asked other people, no bargain, they said 80." The boss immediately said, "I'm new! But for the sake of being your first customer, 80. "

See the boss so happy discount, always feel cut a knife. However, even though they had settled down, they didn't want to change places. The boss recommended the Yangtze River Shrimp and ordered two vegetables.

Guan Shanyue and Cai Xiaoying grew up by the river, but they didn't know what the shrimp looked like. When the dishes came up, I found that this Yangtze River Shrimp was really cheated. It was a very small shrimp and sold 41 copies.

Cao Qiushui said, "we have been cheated one after another." Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "fat fish in white soup is not bad. It's delicious. It's not in vain that we were chopped. When you go out, it's normal to be slaughtered, and the shrimp is as good as the shrimp. You can eat all the shrimps' skin and supplement calcium. "