The good time is always short. Guan Shanyue helped Huang Ying put on her clothes and said, "honey, we can't stay in the general office. Where are we going next?" Huang Ying thought and said, "how long can you stay with me?" Guan Shanyue patted her chest and said, "today is all yours!"

Huang Ying chuckled: "still patting her chest! I thought it would be a long time to accompany me for the new year. " Guan Shanyue said with an embarrassed smile: "don't worry, baby, this wish will come true soon."

Fiber cloud tricks, flying stars spread hate, Yinhan far dark degree. As soon as the golden wind and the jade dew meet, they will win the innumerable in the world.

Tender as water, happy as a dream, bear to go back to magpie bridge. If the two love for a long time, and not in the morning and evening.

Huang Ying likes this word very much and feels that it is tailor-made for her. Therefore, whenever Guan Shanyue feels guilty for not coming to see her often, she comes to comfort her instead. See his face embarrassed, said with a smile: "do not tease you. It's new year's day. Help me buy a present for my grandfather. " Guan Shanyue said: "simple, this is what I am good at. Shall we go to Baoguo temple? "

Huang Ying said, "OK. But I have to choose the gift by myself. When bargaining, just help me to refer to it. By the way, let's say the opposite. For example, if this baby is good, you say it's bad; if it's a fake, you say I look good. "

Guan Shanyue said with a smile, "don't forget it then." Huang Ying said, "I'm afraid you're wrong when you get excited when you see something good." Guan Shanyue laughed: "that's good, old Buddha. Let's go." Huang Ying asked, "it's near Panjiayuan. Why do you go to Baoguo temple?"

Guan Shanyue said: "I have only been to Baoguo temple and Panjiayuan in Beijing's antique market. Comparatively speaking, I like Baoguo temple. Although in terms of scene, fame and qualifications, Baoguo temple is a little inferior. However, Panjiayuan seems to be more like a massive wholesale market with strong Chinese characteristics. After several visits, it lost interest because the things it sold are too miscellaneous. Most of them are handicrafts. For example, the old "three inch Golden Lotus" shoes can be seen everywhere in the market. As for whether it was picked from the old lady's feet, or it was made by a rural aunt, it's hard to say how it came about.

And professional players to Panjiayuan Taobao are early, ghost city good things more. Although Baoguo temple is not as lively as Panjiayuan, it is more like an antique "exchange" place, with fewer tourists and more convenient environment I thought you didn't want to see Zhang Yu Guan Shanyue said: "don't talk nonsense, people have adapted to the role of Mrs. Cao now!"

They went to a small shop to eat a bowl of Beijing fried noodles and drove to Baoguo temple. The sun at noon makes people lazy, and the stall owner runs a "small" business. There are only a few visitors. The stall owners are in groups, drinking tea, playing chess, or doing nothing in the shade of the ancient trees in the temple. They are just rambling about. Guan Shanyue said enviously, "Yingying, how many years will we live like this? It's a pleasant life. "

Huang Ying said: "no ambition! The child can't make soy sauce, so he wants to retire? " Guan Shanyue said: "I had no ambition. I was forced to make such achievements." Huang Ying asked, "who forced you?" Guan Shanyue said: "of course, you forced me to struggle." Huang Ying said with a sneer: "hypocrisy, is it not hard to fill their own desires?" Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "don't just scold me, or Taobao."

Huang Ying squatted down and looked at them one by one. Of course, her perspective is different from Guan Shanyue's, which is good-looking, especially for all kinds of beautiful gadgets. Small and exquisite snuff bottles, shining emeralds, fat like Hotan jade, bright and eye-catching south red and so on, looked good and picked up a play.

Do you buy things for your grandfather or for yourself? However, although Huang Ying doesn't know about antiques, she knows a lot about jades. Although she is interested in these colorful jades, she can see the quality immediately by comparing them with the ones she wears. She knows that there are no high-quality jades here. After several stalls, Huang Ying didn't find a suitable one, and their "code words" were useless.

When I got to a porcelain stall, Guan Shanyue was a little energetic. She was good at it. Huang Ying glanced and was ready to leave. Guan Shanyue said, "Yingying, how beautiful are these gourd bottles?" Huang Ying knows that Guan Shanyue won't say it casually, so I'll say it with a smile: "the style is exquisite, very new, it's estimated that it's just wholesale."

The stall owner didn't want to, said: "beauty, this can't be said, this is not a small shop, we don't sell new goods." Huang Ying chuckled and said, "we don't understand, but we can't see any ancient meaning." The stall owner said, "it shows that they are well preserved. You are not a layman. You don't know that there is such a saying as "Guan Yao Ru Xin". In a more clear way, it's called "old utensils as new must be treasures."

I want to tell you something about Shanyue The stall owner said, "the key is to see how much you want to buy." Guan Shanyue said: "thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands are OK, as long as there is a moral meaning, such as this kind of antiques with the meaning of blessing the elderly longevity."

The stall owner couldn't help looking at the two people again and immediately concluded that they were rich! So he said: "in fact, you have a lot of vision! You said this pair of gourd bottles, it's called: Yongzheng pink color flower butterfly pattern Ruyi ear gourd Zun, which was used by ancient people to hold wine. It's a fine product of the official kiln! As you know, "Hulu" and "Fulu" are homonymous, so it has the meaning of longevity. From the five elements, Hulu belongs to the highest Yang, which can suppress evil, so it is a symbol of wealth and auspiciousness. This is what my neighbor asked me to sell. You just took it out today. It's amazingGuan Shanyue said: "that feeling is good, how much is it?" The stall owner said, "it's just a little expensive. It's quite different from the price in your heart. It's worth millions." Guan Shanyue said, "that's very expensive!" Huang Ying said, "let's go. Such a new thing, I don't believe it is an antique. Don't make your father-in-law look bad when you buy it back! "

Guan Shanyue said: "I think what the boss said is reasonable. It may be that people have kept it for a long time and it must be new! The key is gourd, which means good. " Huang Ying said angrily, "then you can go directly to buy a gourd and get it done?" "Learning is good for us," she said. How do you think it's a Qing thing Huang Ying murmured: "I think you are in evil!"