Seeing that Wang Lu was not tangled, Guan Shanyue seemed to approve. Guan Shanyue was so beautiful that she felt her hand into the woman's clothes and said: "honey, it's good and bad for us to have money. The good thing is to live what kind of life you want, and the bad thing is to be watched. I have to keep you safe, so let her protect you. "

Wang Lu felt that her body was becoming more and more sensitive. When she was touched by a bad guy, she couldn't manage her body, so she wanted to rub it into Guan Shanyue's body. Two people are too familiar, Wang Lu has what movement, Guan Shanyue knows she has what demand, along with the small abdomen touched down. Wang Lu gave up after a little resistance and said vaguely, "what do you mean, you don't want her to live in our house!"

Guan Shanyue said with awe inspiring Justice: "I don't need it when I'm at home. If I'm not at home, it's OK to let her live to protect you." Wang Lu said, "that's OK. I thought you wanted to support each other."

Guan Shanyue said without changing her face and heart: "how can I have such a dirty idea? I don't care for anyone with you by my side. Come on, baby, take your pants off. " Wang Lushun followed and thought, "I'll change my nightgown in case the child comes in. It's not good-looking."

Today is really a historic day, a memorable day, and a new chapter in a better life. You should be happy when you are satisfied with your life. Mr. Guan is gentle in every way, and is satisfied with the woman's service.

Demolition work has also made a breakthrough. For those who rent a house within ten days, they will be rewarded with 5000 yuan; for those who rent a house within ten days, they will be rewarded with 5000 yuan!

The staff of the demolition office worked door-to-door, explaining to the people that not all the money in the compensation contract signed by the government and the developer was given to the people, because the demolition required certain public costs, which were borne by the government, which were in line with the law.

In this way, although the demolition money is not fully compensated to the people, it is equivalent to that the government has made a compromise and compensated part of the people in the name of rental subsidies. Some people wavered and began to move one after another. In this way, those without the spirit of struggle soon followed suit and refused to break up the alliance.

The villagers moved quickly. The boss of the battery factory saw that the common people had moved away, and it was no fun to fight alone, so he took the initiative to propose a date for the move. Guan Shanyue can't help feeling that the Chinese people are the most kind-hearted people. As long as they have a bite to eat and don't be bullied too hard, they will not rise up.

For three consecutive days, the village was very busy and full of garbage. Most people went to live with relatives, and a few people went to rent houses in the city. In the end, only two families did not move. It was a coincidence that one village was in the East and the other in the West.

In the east of the village is the old branch secretary. It is said that he is an old branch secretary. In fact, he is not very old. He is only in his forties. He used to be a branch secretary, so he was called an old branch secretary. The old branch secretary was very superstitious. He once asked a fortune teller to calculate his fortune. The fortune teller went to his ancestral grave and said, "you see, directly opposite your ancestral grave are five mountains. One is the emperor's teacher, the second is the emperor's friend, the third is Sangong, the fourth is doctor, and the fifth is Taishi. They are called five princes. It means that you have five sons in your life, and you can have five princes. "

As a branch secretary, he naturally felt superior. As a fortune teller, the old branch secretary immediately believed it. What's more, there are five children with handles in their family. They are happy, as if a bright future is in sight. But this year is implementing family planning, branch secretary takes the lead in violating the policy, that's ok? Not only was he fined, but the book was also lost.

This is not the worst. The worst thing is that rural land has been contracted to households since the reform and opening up. His family has five children in a row. How can they have land? Children can't show it when they are young. When they grow up, eating becomes a problem.

Looking at a group of kids crying for food, but there was no food in their own home, the old branch secretary became an old rascal. Who would you tell me today that I would go to your field to break some sticks? Who would you tell me tomorrow that I would go to your field to dig some sweet potatoes! The villagers didn't take him. If you don't agree, he will go secretly. Such a life, meals have become a problem, not to mention building a house, a family crowded in three rooms barely.

This demolition has become a big problem immediately. Their house area is small, demolition points of the house is naturally less. Although there are many children, it can add up to 200000 yuan, but that's not good. People who have worked as branch secretaries are naturally not stupid. The 200000 yuan seems to be a large amount, but after they live in a building, they can't live in a two room house. So they have to buy it. The 200000 yuan can only buy a building, even if it's decorated.

Not to mention, the land is gone. The eldest child is still in high school. He is not old enough to work and earn money. Where can he get the source of income? Do you have to open your mouth to the northwest every day? When other people get rich, they become poorer and poorer, and they move farts! Anyway, I'm a poor man. I won't move. What do you like.

Another family, like him, is a well-known rogue in the village. His family's children are big, a total of four boys, but they are all single. At that time, the conditions of the villagers in the village were almost the same, and the folk customs were relatively simple, so the character became a key issue. If the family's reputation is bad, the child's daughter-in-law can't be found. There are four children and two singles.It is said that their family is also a little legendary. One day, a fortune teller came and saw that the children were not married. The old man was worried, so he asked the fortune teller to figure out when he could get married. The fortune teller said, you see, there are two poles in front of your house. It's called bachelor to bachelor, stick to stick, family to stick. You can't change your destiny! The fortune teller's words have become the conversation of sanliwu village. Who dares to push his daughter into the fire pit? No more objects!

But his family is a little better than the old party secretary. When the contract arrived, he caught up with the land distribution. At least he could eat enough. It is said that their family can get a lot of benefits in this demolition. Although each child can't get a flat, they can get three. With the compensation money, their life has been greatly improved.

But not satisfied, originally a family are gangsters, want to fish in troubled waters in demolition. People said, not much, a child a suite, do not agree not to move! Demolition office people to do work, four boys a person with a stick to the door a station, but also frightening.

In this way, the whole village moved away, leaving two families alone. The battery factory originally agreed to move, but when I saw that someone would not move, I also waited to see, so the deadlock came down.

On that day, director Ouyang visited and informed Guan Shanyue of the progress of the demolition. Cao Qiushui poured her a glass of water. Director Ouyang said with a smile, "Secretary Cao is so beautiful. I haven't seen such a beautiful woman like you in Huangxi county." Although Cao Qiushui doesn't like Guan Shanyue's contact with beautiful women, he can't show it. Besides, people come for work and say, "director Ouyang is beautiful."

Seeing that Cao Qiushui had gone out, director Ouyang gave Guan Shanyue an ambiguous look. I understand the meaning. Ha ha, he asked with a smile, "how many other households have a great impact on the project?" Guan Shanyue thought, this Ouyang beauty is very gossip, and she is very happy. He also pays close attention to the demolition, so he knows the progress of the villagers' relocation. He said: "the impact of the two farmers is not big, one east and one west, and they occupy less land. But the impact of the battery factory is great. "

Director Ouyang said: "well, you can start construction first, and the rest of the households will work slowly. The farmer put it first. I'll inform the water and electricity department to cut off all the water and electricity in the battery factory. If you have any problems, just ask me. " Guan Shanyue said, "thank you. Our engineering vehicles will enter the site tomorrow."

Director Ouyang also said: "the less is left, the less is it worth using administrative power. There is a saying that barefoot people are not afraid to wear shoes. These scoundrels are very difficult to deal with. It's best not to drop the accusation of forced demolition. Historical experience shows that these people will appeal endlessly, and toads will lie on their feet instead of biting and responding to people. " "I know, I'll cooperate with you," Guan said

Having finished his work, director Ouyang suddenly blushed and faltered: "general manager Guan, great doctor Guan, please do something." Guan Shanyue thought that director Ouyang didn't blush in the face of so many old men who didn't avoid meat and vegetables. What is he blushing now? With a smile, he said: "if the leader has anything to say, you can say it directly. Can I help you or not?"

Director Ouyang said, "what kind of leader am I? If you don't like elder sister Ouyang. " Guan Shanyue said: "you are too polite. You should have been called sister." Director Ouyang chuckled and said, "since I'm called sister, I'm not polite. In fact, it's not a big deal. It hurt a lot when I came there. I don't want to go to the hospital. How humiliating is that? You are a miracle doctor. Can you help my sister

Isn't that easy? For Guan Shanyue, it's too pediatrics to say: "in the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine, if it's urgent, it will treat the symptoms and if it's slow, it will treat the root cause. When dysmenorrhea occurs, it can be relieved by warming meridians and dispersing cold, removing blood stasis and stopping bleeding, which is called symptomatic treatment. In order to eliminate it completely, we must treat the root cause, focusing on conditioning, by Tonifying the spleen, kidney, warming the menstruation, warming yang to achieve blood patency, relief, and even dysmenorrhea. You are tired at work, have no regular life, and don't pay attention to exercise at ordinary times. "

Director Ouyang said with a smile: "is that easy? Is it treated now? " Guan Shanyue said: "yes, I'll give you a few needles in the room to regulate the meridians. It doesn't take several times."

Guan Shanyue took her to Cao Qiushui's room. There are differences between men and women. Besides, director Ouyang is a beautiful woman. He is also a beautiful woman and attracts flowers and butterflies. What if he makes a mistake?