Fortunately, there was no big conflict with Sun Wei, and everyone was relieved. After all, this is something that no one wants to see, especially Hu Shubin. Guan Shanyue can pat his ass and leave, but he is unlucky. However, we did not have the interest to drink any more, and discussed how to go back home.

When Zhang Xiaofeng saw that this matter had been solved easily, he felt embarrassed. As if he was only timid, he said, "it's still early. I'll ask my brothers to sing?" Guan Shanyue doesn't want to go with him. It's a broom star. It must be no good to be with him. He said, "I've drunk too much and can't accompany you. I'll go home."

If Guan Shanyue doesn't go, it's meaningless to sing again. Zhang Xiaofeng goes to check out and go home. Guan Shanyue thought, since there is no conflict with Sun Wei, then go to tell someone. She walked over and said, "brother sun, let's go first." Sun Wei stood up, warmly holding Guan Shanyue's hand, and sent him to the parking lot.

I didn't expect Sun Wei's hesitation, but Guan Shanyue was a bit surprised. Seeing him, I didn't think about it. I said, "brother sun, I know some medical skills, so I should say something I shouldn't say. I think your Xiaobao speaks slowly and doesn't walk very well. You'd better go to the hospital for examination. If there's a need, I'm more confident than the average doctor when you talk. "

Sun Wei said casually, "OK, thank you for reminding me. I'll take time to go to the hospital." Cai Xiaoying drove Guan Shanyue to say goodbye to everyone and went directly to the guest house.

Today, there are many people in the hotel, the courtyard is full of cars, and the hall is full. "Where is Cai Ying's mother?" she asked Lu Xiufang said: "it's like a meeting organized by the city. Everyone has come to our county for a meeting. I didn't know until all these people came. It was decided at noon. "

Guan Shanyue immediately embarrassed, secretly said to Cai Xiaoying: "so busy, but we play, your mother won't be angry?" Cai Xiaoying said with a smile: "wrong. It's easier for reception groups to have meals. No matter how many tables there are, they are the same. It's easier to do." I see. Guan Shanyue said, "I'm relieved."

With that, Guan Shanyue can't help thinking of Liu Xiaoyan. When ordering a meal, she must know that when she refuses to let her contract because of the booming business, she must hate it. Good things often turn into bad things. It's just that this woman is too brave to do that to herself. Unfortunately, she is so drunk that she doesn't know anything. I'm surprised to think of this. I'll go! How did you become so shameless?

Cai Xiaoying said with a smile, "Why are you blushing? Is it worth blushing at such a trifle? I didn't expect to be skinny, huh? " How does Cai Xiaoying know what Guan Shanyue thinks? Guan Shanyue laughs to hide her embarrassment. Just as she wants to say something, she suddenly hears the excitement upstairs. It seems that something big has happened. They nervously look to the direction of the stairs.

After a while, I saw several people carrying a person down the stairs. Guan Shanyue saw that Fang's quotations were among them! Heart, they should be eating in a room, this person suddenly appeared symptoms, and this person is certainly not simple, or there will not be so many leaders to support themselves.

Guan Shanyue can't help but get nervous. If something happens in his hotel, although the leaders won't depend on themselves, it's hard to say. Stand up a look, this person mouth slant eye slant, already in coma state, this is a stroke! And it's serious!

The earlier the stroke treatment, the better the recovery. If the treatment is late, even if you survive, you may have hemiplegia, eyes askew, mouth is not clear. Now it's very important to cure and save people. Guan Shanyue can't care about his reserve any more and says, "put him on the stool!"

Although Guan Shanyue's voice was not very loud, it was like thunder, which shocked people's hearts. Several people could not help but stop. Fang's quotation is Guan Shanyue and says, "don't make trouble for Guan." Guan Shanyue said harshly, "I've been a doctor. Now life is at stake. You all have to listen to me! Put him on the stool and call 120 for an ambulance. Your car has no first aid measures and is not suitable for delivering patients. "

Guan Shanyue just wanted to seize the time to rescue, but worried that these guys did not believe in themselves, which affected the best treatment time. While saying this, Guan Shanyue went over and sat down on the chair with the patient. The thumb of one hand pinched his Shuigou acupoint, and the thumb of the other hand pressed on his Baihui acupoint. He began to input real Qi, and at the same time, he called out: "Xiao Ying, find some needles."

Fang Yulu saw that Guan Shanyue came up to treat the patient. He was surprised. After all, this is his own place. If the leader has a weakness, he is afraid that he can't bear the responsibility. He said anxiously, "Xiaoguan, don't make trouble." Then he took Guan Shanyue's arm. But Guan Shanyue, like a nail there, did not move. It was useless for Fang to worry. Guan Shanyue looked back and said, "don't worry, it will work immediately."

"Open your eyes!" someone yelled! Open your eyes Guan Shanyue took a look and saw that although he opened his eyes, his eyes were turbid and listless, and he continued to input Qi.

At this time, Cai Xiaoying brought two sewing needles and asked, "is this needle OK?" Guan Shanyue said, "OK! Secretary Fang, you also take a needle and prick his fingertips with Xiaoying. Prick every finger to bleed. Squeeze hard! "Fang Yulu saw that the leader opened his eyes and trusted Guan Shanyue. He took the needle and began to prick his fingertips. The Shixuan acupoint in traditional Chinese medicine is on the tip of the finger. It is an emergency acupoint. It often has magical effects on shock, coma, heatstroke and convulsion.

The two pricked at the same time, and soon pricked ten fingers again. The man said, "it hurts!" Someone exclaimed in surprise, "I can speak, I can speak, it's amazing!" Fang Yulu asked: "leader, what do you feel now?" As soon as the man spoke, he let out his saliva and said vaguely, "it hurts!"

It's good to know the pain. It seems that three people can work together at the same time, and the effect is OK. Now I don't care about disinfection any more. Guan Shanyue took the needle and pricked the Baihui and Shuigou acupoints, and made room for other big acupoints.

Guan Shanyue dragged a stool, put his feet on it, took off his shoes, and prepared to prick his Yongquan cave first. Yongquan point has the function of opening the orifices and arousing the spirit. Bleeding at Yongquan point can open the orifices and awaken the spirit in the first aid. It is the first aid point for the treatment of sudden change of consciousness, coma and other Yang stagnation.

The leader is fastidious. On a hot day, he wears his shoes. As soon as he takes off his shoes, he immediately stinks, which makes Cai Xiaoying almost vomit. Guan Shanyue had an idea. He took a bottle of Erguotou and poured it on his feet. The smell of wine covered up the bad smell, so everyone felt more comfortable.

Then Guan Shanyue with one hand along the Shuiquan, Zhaohai and rangu with her thumb, and with the other hand holding a sewing needle, she put her hand up on Yongquan acupoint and suddenly pulled it out, and a stream of blood gushed out! Then he bled the other foot in the same way, and his eyes became clear.