The young women in the boudoir don't know what to worry about. They go to the green building in spring. Suddenly I saw the willow color of my stranger and regretted teaching my husband to find a marquis.

After two days in Xinlong Special Steel Co., Ltd., Guan Shanyue drove to Taihang steel plant to solve the problems raised by President Li. Of course, if Guan Shanyue doesn't go, it can be solved, but it can't be done. Cao Qiushui calls one day. If she doesn't go again, the girl will rebel. Cao Qiushui must be pacified. Otherwise, if she breaks the rake, only Su Xiaomei is there. It's really worrying.

When Cao Qiushui learned that Guan Shanyue was coming back, he immediately became out of his mind. After lunch, he walked around the office, restless. Su Xiaomei asked, "what's the matter with you? Why don't you take a break? " Cao Qiushui said, "sister Mei, I don't want to rest. Shall we go home?"

Su Xiaomei understood that her husband couldn't sit down when he came back. For a moment, she laughed and said, "he's still early. What's your hurry?" Cao Qiushui embarrassed to say: "this bastard has no conscience, he left so long, don't you want to?"

Although thirty is like a wolf and forty is like a tiger, Su Xiaomei has many things to do. Of course, she is not as calm as Cao Qiushui. Seeing that she is absent-minded, she said, "if you don't go back first, I will have a lot of things to do in the afternoon." Cao Qiushui said, "what's the matter if I go back by myself? You are not in this enterprise is not still running? Come back with me, good sister

Cao Qiushui even said with advice, but Su Xiaomei was stubborn, but she had to go back with her. Two people went to the supermarket to buy a piece of beef, a silver carp, a pile of ribs, ready to go back to make a big meal. Su Xiaomei said with a smile: "how long does it take to buy so much meat to finish it?" Cao Qiushui said, "make more and eat slowly. Hey, hey, he's a pig. He can eat. "

Then he bought a big watermelon and a box of beer. He didn't go out of the supermarket until he couldn't hold it with four hands. When they got home, they began to work hard, thoroughly cleaning the house and courtyard, and then taking the bedding to the courtyard to dry.

After working hard for a long time, Cao Qiushui went to take a shower, dressed up, wore a white dress, looked back and forth in front of the mirror, and asked, "sister Mei, isn't she beautiful?" Su Xiaomei said with a smile: "are you ready to get married? Well, beautiful as a bride. " Cao Qiushui said: "beautiful is good."

Su Xiaomei saw that Cao Qiushui was busy and well-dressed. She couldn't help feeling that the little girl was really dependent on Guan Shanyue. She said with a smile, "don't wear such formal clothes at home. Just put on that sexy nightdress to make sure he sees your nosebleed." Cao Qiushui giggled: "I listen to my sister." She took off her long skirt and put on her hip length pajamas with suspenders.

The mountain has been hot for more than ten days in a year. Now the weather has begun to turn cool. It's cool all the way and I'm in a good mood. The woman sent a text message saying that she went home first, and Guan Shanyue couldn't wait to drive home for more than two hours.

Park the car in front of the door of Jinshi mansion. After getting off the car, you can see that the damaged external walls have been repaired and the door has been changed. Guan Shanyue is very happy. They are in charge here! Standing at the gate, you can smell the smell of spareribs floating out. Women are waiting to go home after cooking so early!

Guan Shanyue was deeply moved. From the little things, we can see that women really love themselves. In my heart, I thought, how can I be favored by all the goddesses? In this life, we must treat them well and not let them suffer any injustice. Guan Shanyue felt that she was the winner of her life. She pushed the door open and cried, "I'm back!"

Cao Qiushui said to Su Xiaomei quietly: "elder sister, we ignore him. Who let him go out so long?" Su Xiaomei couldn't help giggling. She was so anxious that she picked it up when she came back. She was really a child's heart and said with a smile, "OK, listen to you!"

Guan Shanyue thought that she was welcomed by her fragrant body, but it was quiet. He went into the courtyard in doubt and saw two people sitting under the tree at the newly bought stone table picking vegetables. There have been many changes in the courtyard. The doors and windows have been renovated. Roses, hibiscus and Jasmine are competing for beauty, adding a lot of beauty. Guan Shanyue asked, "why don't you welcome my husband back?"

Hey! No one answered, they just bent down to pick vegetables. Guan Shanyue went to have a look at this and that. Seeing their serious faces, she said, "I'm not welcome. I'm going away!" Cao Qiushui couldn't hold back his smile and said, "do you know how to come back?" Guan Shanyue's happiness stirred her chin and said: "Niu, are you angry with me?" Cao Qiushui chuckles and pours on him and kisses him.

Su Xiaomei said with a smile: "sister Qiushui is waiting for you to wait for tea, but she doesn't want to eat. She's already nine days away." Cao Qiushui blushed and said angrily, "sister Mei knows how to laugh at me." Guan Shanyue stroked the soft body in her arms and said: "what should I do? My brother, will you sing a song for me Su Xiaomei then said: "no, eighteen is enough."

Guan Shanyue put her hand in her skirt and felt the tide on her hand. She said with a smile, "do you think so?" Cao Qiushui buried his face in Guan Shanyue's arms and said in a low voice: "I just want to, who can manage it?" Guan Shanyue is very happy. He copies Su Xiaomei and goes into the house.

The peony shelf is full of fragrance and dew, the jade legs are erect, the hands rub the bamboo shoots, the music will be tired, the rain is half cloudy, how can we cure hunger and thirst. Gentle and tender, like a swing, swaying the back yard, the tree fell, the monkeys scattered, the beautiful woman sobbed, and Lang realized his wish today.The sun is setting, the wind is moving and the flowers are quiet. Guan Shanyue put the stewed meat on the stone table, and made cold bitter gourd, green onion dip sauce, garlic okra, poured the wine well, and called the women out to eat.

Three people sat down around the stone table. Cao Qiushui picked up his wine cup and smelled it. He said, "is this the wine you brought back from the mountains?" Guan Shanyue asked: "how?" Cao Qiushui said: "really fragrant! It's just that you don't take me and sister Mei to enjoy there. It's unfair. " Su Xiaomei said with a smile: "you go out so many things, the autumn water sister envied bad, a force to complain about it." Guan Shanyue quickly said, "how about I only take you two to play in the future?"

Cao Qiushui said: "you cheat people every day. Who knows that sentence is true?" Guan Shanyue embarrassed smile, left Gu Yan He: "how can I be willing to cheat you? By the way, is there anything unusual in the company these days? " Cao Qiushui asked: "you have so many details, no one reported?"

Before the acquisition, the old man also made a phone call from time to time. Since the acquisition, almost no one has called. Guan Shanyue said, "now it's both the labor and capital sides. Who are they willing to have a relationship with each other? We are all knowledgeable people. We don't call when there is no big deal. Ah, just in response to the saying: "it's too cold to be high up." the higher you go, the more lonely you are. "

As she spoke, Guan Shanyue suddenly remembered the word "desolation" Zhang Ailing loved to use. In the past, it was only a literal understanding. Over the years, with the change of identity, standing in the noisy crowd, the word "desolation" suddenly grew in her heart. No matter whether they admit it or not, some old friends gradually distance themselves and realize that there is a desolation in their heart. I also feel that this desolation is not undesirable, nor should it be. Maybe this person should stand calmly in "desolation"?

Cao Qiushui said: "poor child, I will love you later." Su Xiaomei said with a giggle: "don't worry, it's nothing big. In other words, we have to thank Miyazaki for clearing a lot of obstacles for us. In particular, the merger of organs has reduced a lot of resistance in our work. " Cao Qiushui said with emotion: "this silly boy's life is not good. If he comes to buy it this month, it is estimated that there will be nothing wrong with us. It's true to say that man makes the plan, and heaven makes the thing

That's half right. If Miyazaki has enough money, he will stick to it. But what women say is right. There's no need to be serious. Guan Shanyue said, "you're right. Sometimes there must be a hit. Don't force it when you hit. He won't have that life! By the way, none of the leaders complained about low wages? "

Su Xiaomei said: "people will not complain in front of us. However, some people have asked Duan Ligong how to adjust the salary of leading cadres in the future. Duan Ligong told me about this, but he thinks that after the merger, the leaders are too rich. We can't support a bunch of idle people with high salary, can we? "

This is also a problem. Some of these leaders are of average level, but some of them start from the grass-roots level and have rich management experience and skills, which is a fortune for the enterprise. It's a pity to cut them. What's more, we can't simply and rudely adopt a one size fits all policy towards these old leaders, which is really a worry. Guan Shanyue asked, "have you not discussed a good way?"

Su Xiaomei said, "I'm too lazy to think about it. However, Duan Ligong was very interesting. He blew the wind to the middle class during the meeting. He said: it's normal that leaders often care about the treatment. We work just to earn money. General manager Guan also wants to level the treatment of Taihang Steel's leading cadres with that of Xinlong special steel, but the two units have almost the same production capacity, but they use more than twice as many leading cadres there. This is also a problem. "

Guan Shanyue said: "Duan Ligong has been more tactful in recent years. His words and deeds are very reassuring. Since he said that, he must have an idea in his mind. Let's discuss it later. There is also the problem of wage pool to be solved. " Su Xiaomei asked: "should we clear the wage pool?" Guan Shanyue said: "it can't be clear, so the trade union will not be satisfied. But we can't save any more wages. We can't afford it in the long run. "

Cao Qiushui was not satisfied when he listened, and said, "when you go home, talk less about your work. The food is cold." Guan Shanyue quickly said: "OK, OK, let's drink."