Driving on the road has not yet reached the highway, Guan Shanyue received a phone call from his Master Sun Zhengyi, asking him if he has something urgent. The master must have something urgent to ask. Although it's important to put the blast furnace into production, it doesn't matter whether he is there or not. So he immediately said, "I'm fine now. You can tell me what you want." Sun Zhengyi said, "well, when you come to Beijing, Japanese karate master Ichiro Murakami comes to play with his apprentices."

What's the age? What else? After hearing this, Guan Shanyue was full of emotion and pride. He also thought that the master's reputation in the martial arts industry is booming, so he should not fight with ordinary cats and dogs. This time, he should be replaced by himself. If you can fight with the Japanese samurai, it's good to see what your strength is. For a moment, you're nervous and looking forward to it. You'll turn around and go back to the capital. But he didn't know it was a challenge for him.

On that day, Peng San and Miyazaki discussed and then went to Osaka by plane. He wanted to visit his elder martial brother matsukura Shinzo first. Peng San came here for two purposes. One is that matsukura is a martial arts maniac, and he wants to challenge as long as he hears something more powerful than him. He is known as "Crazy" in Japan.

In order to maintain a good competitive state, matsukura Jinsan even restrained his roommate with his wife Akiko. How can a beautiful young wife endure loneliness? Looking at Peng San's burly appearance, they are in love with each other, and their concubines are interested in it. Soon Hong Xing and Peng San become lovers, which is Peng San's second purpose.

On the plane, Peng San can't help but think of the little things he was with matsutaka's wife Akiko. How can a Chinese woman compare with that gentle and obedient woman on the bed? I'm anxious.

Peng San likes Japan. It is well known that Japan is a big country of sex industry. After living in Japan for a period of time, Peng San knew that Japan was still a "big country of derailment". Men and women were busy derailing, and the derailment rate was as high as Japan's electronics and car manufacturing technology.

The concept of moral integrity in Chinese culture is relatively weak among Japanese women, so there is less restriction on their behavior and they are very open to cheating. Not only are they busy cheating, but also many housewives can earn a little money. Many housewives can save some money for their old age while they are young, or they can subsidize their families, or they can buy luxury goods, or even just for a meal. So it seems that it's not surprising that housewives flash in the lover's hotels everywhere.

Of course, Akiko is not for money, but feel lonely, need comfort. Seducing such a young woman's interest is not comparable to that of a young lady. It's not expensive and exciting. Although Peng San, the elder martial brother's daughter-in-law, doesn't mind. She thinks that she has won glory for her country. Knowing that Peng San was coming, Qiuzi washed himself clean and put on Peng San's favorite kimono, just like waiting for her husband's return.

Hearing Peng San's knock on the door, Qiuzi's heart was pounding, and his white face was suddenly red. Qiuzi opens the door in a hurry, smiles and looks at pengsan silently. Language is superfluous. Pengsan closes the door and kisses Qiuzi warmly in his arms. I haven't seen you for many days, but they are still so familiar with each other's bodies. They are like dry firewood and fire, just like Yan Er's newly married.

Qiuzi is a strange person. No matter how strenuous he is, he doesn't have any sweat on his body. He feels his skin as clear as white jade. Peng San can't put it down. At the beginning of the sudden rain, Qiuzi was satisfied and asked Peng San tenderly, "you won't just come to see me this time, will you?"

Peng San pinched her strong and mellow buttocks and said, "you are Baihui Yamaguchi in my heart. I miss you all the time. I wish I could stay with you forever. The longer I leave, the more I miss you. If I don't come to see you again, I'm afraid you will forget me. So this time I came in the name of seeing master and elder martial brother. Of course, I miss you mainly. "

Peng San doesn't dare to tell Qiuzi that he invited matsukura Jinsan and his master to challenge taijimen. He knows that Qiuzi hates matsukura Jinsan to take risks, not because he loves matsukura Jinsan, but because he needs him to keep making money. Peng San knows that Japanese women are very virtuous in the eyes of Chinese people. These housewives not only take care of their children, but also take care of their husbands to eat, dress and prepare foot water. But these are superficial things, behind which is that Japanese women just regard housewives as a kind of occupation, as the different division of labor in the family, while the real relationship between husband and wife is very indifferent.

Many Japanese divorce after retirement because their husbands seldom do housework. After retirement, they are abandoned by their wives because they have nothing to do at home. They are called "coarse garbage" and do not give good looks. Finally, they divorce. If matsukura had an accident, wouldn't it cut off the source of income? So she's very opposed to matsukura Jinsan taking risks, but she can't manage this Wuchi.

Matsukura Shinzo used to stay at his master's house for a while. He bid farewell to Akiko Peng San and went to Murakami Ichiro's martial arts school. This time, he brought a wild ginseng to Shifu and offered it respectfully to wish him good health. Murakami chuckled and asked, "this time you're not just looking at me, are you?" Peng San bowed and said, "I've been away from Japan for many days. I miss my master very much, so I came to visit him. I have just one thing to report to you. "

Murakami laughs, looks at Peng San and says, "tell me, what can make you come all the way to Japan to find me?" Peng San said: "a while ago, there was a conflict between the disciple and a person of taijimen. As a result, the disciple was defeated miserably. He lost his master's face and came to apologize."Of course, Murakami knows Taijiquan, but how can Taijiquan compare with Karate? That's what he's been wondering about. Although Peng San's strength is not as good as matsukura Jinsan's, he can't help but get serious and say: "in your Chinese words, victory and defeat is a matter of military affairs, and you don't have to worry about it."

Peng San said: "the teacher's education is. At that time, he said rudely that karate was nothing more than the evolution of the Tang Dynasty. It was Chinese Kung Fu that spread to Japan. China was the grandmaster and Japan was just an apprentice. He also said that it's not worth mentioning that I'm not good at learning. The disciple was angry and had a fight with him. As a result, he was beaten and recuperated for some time before he recovered. "

Matsukura said with disdain, "I've seen a lot of Chinese Kung Fu, but I haven't convinced you. I think you are scared out of your wits. From what you call the Ming Dynasty, our Yin Liu Dao technique has beaten your army to pieces. However, the gap in modern times is even greater. Our troops are all one against one hundred. If they are as fierce as you say, how can such a situation arise? Especially Taiji, I don't think it has the ability of actual combat at all! "

Matsukura's doubts are exactly Murakami Ichiro's doubts. Murakami Ichiro asked, "what your elder martial brother said is not unreasonable. I see Taijiquan is also soft. Is there anything powerful about it?"

Peng San explained: "master, you don't know. I've only learned about it recently. There are two kinds of Taiji. The one we see is called Dajia, which is for ordinary people to exercise. The real martial arts practitioners are called Xiaojia. They are faster than Shaolin boxing. What's more powerful is that they have the skill of beating cattle across the mountain. The disciple is hurt by one hand if he doesn't pay attention to it. "

Matsukura Jinsan didn't wait for Murakami Ichiro to speak, then he said, "do you want to fight cattle across the mountain? It's not magic, is it? If it's as powerful as you say, I'll meet him. " Murakami closed his eyes and pondered for a while. He asked, "in your opinion, what is your elder martial brother's strength?"

Peng Sanna and Guan Shanyue? It's just a slip of the tongue. But in order to let them go, it can't be said too easily, let them look down upon, also can't say that there is no power of the first World War, heart fear. He had a plan in his heart and said, "if elder martial brother goes to fight him, he may be able to win, but his master is more powerful. He has a reputation as a martial arts leader. I'm afraid it's difficult to win."

Murakami can not help but ask: "is it really as powerful as you say?" "I didn't believe it in the past, or I wouldn't have come all the way to Japan to study arts," Peng said. Who knows, this time they fell down and lost their master's face, only to know that they really have strength. He also ridiculed that tangshou was not a big name in Chinese martial arts, but it was carried forward in Japan. But isn't it self humiliating for the apprentice to teach in front of the master? "

Ichiro Murakami sneered and said, "it's nonsense! Karate is the authentic Japanese traditional fighting skill. After years of development, it combines the fighting skills of Ryukyu players, wrestling and throwing skills of Honshu. Finally, there are many schools. It can be said that it is broad, profound and dazzling. It is our national skill and quintessence! If it has something to do with tangshou, it's just integration and reference!

Don't you Chinese say that martial arts all over the world go the same way? Don't you understand this? Let's take acupoints. It seems that your martial arts also have such a saying. But our karate acupuncturing skill is real. I wonder if your acupuncturing skill is legendary? "

Peng San said: "I really haven't seen anyone know how to use acupoints. What you said is reasonable, but the Chinese people always think that Japanese culture is spread from China, including martial arts. They also think that it is deeply influenced by Chinese martial arts, so they look down on Japanese martial arts from the bottom of their hearts. "

Matsukura said maliciously: "ignorance and arrogance! Our Dahe nation is the most noble and excellent nation in the world, which can be compared with your sick man in East Asia? Master, I will teach these arrogant people a lesson

Ichiro Murakami has long wanted to challenge the mainland's so-called masters. This time, he just had a reason. No matter what Peng San said, it's not bad if there are real masters to go to the meeting. Martial arts learners can only make progress through constant challenges and constant travel. So he said, "I'm going to meet them for a while and see what they have in common!"