After Xie Jing left, Guan Shanyue went to buy some band aids and stuck the wound on her hand before returning to the ward.

Wang Lu has been waiting impatiently, this dog man and woman, in front of himself actually reluctantly? When I am the air? Seeing Guan Shanyue coming back, she glared angrily and asked, "how did you go out for such a long time?"

Of course, Guan Shanyue knows the woman's mind. She must have suspected that she was making out with two women. Guan Shanyue wrongly put her back in front of her and said, "I'm hurt. I bought some band aids." Wang Lu pretended to ask: "how did you get hurt?"

In front of the mother-in-law can say anything, Guan Shanyue had to say: "knock to the handrail knock broken." Wang Lu couldn't help laughing and said with a red face: "stupid, such a big man is not careful?" Guan Shanyue can't bear it. He has to bear it again. Who wants to have wives and concubines?

It's a good thing to hurt your hand. You don't have to wash it. Guan Shanyue complacently leans on the head of the bed and looks at her son who has eaten and slept. She is very happy. No matter how the women fight, it's also a secret contest. It's better if they don't tear their skin, not to mention how to let Wang Lu vent?

Five words come from the sky - it's nothing. This is already a very good result, I never dreamed of it in the past.

In a few days, the second phase of Xinlong special steel will be completed, and the output of the two steel plants will add up to more than 10 million tons. Ten million tons of domestic steel enterprises can count clearly with their fingers. In this way, they will also be the leading figures in the steel industry. Plus wives and concubines in groups, although it has not yet been fully realized, is it also considered to be moving towards the peak of life? Guan Shanyue can't help but feel proud.

Guan Shanyue's first wave of visitors came to visit him. He was the first to visit Wang, the county magistrate of Beiguan county. No, it's time to call him Secretary Wang. What surprised him even more was that Secretary Wang came with he Yunli and other people. Did they come together again? As soon as Diao Qianli was captured, he Yunli climbed up to Secretary Wang, who knew he Yunli's past was acceptable. This change caught people off guard. Guan Shanyue didn't know how to express her feelings.

When the parents came, Guan Shanyue didn't dare to trust her. She looked flattered and said, "Secretary Wang has a lot of opportunities every day. I'm so moved." Secretary Wang said: "you are the food and clothing parents of our county. Shouldn't you come and have a look? You must say hello when you have something in the future. If it wasn't for he Yunli, I don't know. "

Guan Shanyue understood that he Yunli and Xie Jing had contacts. She probably heard about it from Xie Jing. After knowing it, she wanted to please Secretary Wang, so she told Secretary Wang the news. It seems that the incident of Diao Qianli last time had a big impact on them. They wanted to please themselves.

I also thought that it's a bit dirty to think about the relationship between men and women now? Also can't help but feel a little ashamed, quickly said: "Secretary Wang is a busy man, how dare I bother? I'm afraid I'll give you trouble. " Secretary Wang said with a smile: "it's obvious that the biggest thing in our county is your business? If your enterprise develops well, I will be relaxed. "

As they were talking, he Yunli took out a pile of red bags from Kun's bag and stuffed them under the corner of the child's quilt, saying, "it's everyone's intention to celebrate the new year for your eldest son. Peace between mother and son is the happiest thing. I also wish your child peace, health and happiness all his life. " Guan Shanyue said: "thank you! thank you! I'm very grateful to you all for your courtesy

He Yunli chuckled and said, "don't be too little, you big boss. We are all poor people. Ha ha." Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "director he, you laugh at me. You are all my parents and officials. You are my dependents. I'm flattered to see you."

Looking at Wang Lu, Secretary Wang couldn't help wondering what was the relationship between the three beautiful girls and Guan Shanyue that day? In particular, the little secretary who brought disaster to the country and the people was really itching. Maybe he was his little lover? Secretary Wang can not help but envy up, or do business, looking for a lover is also generous. Think so, suddenly see he Yunli, she so flatter oneself is not also want to throw in arms to send to embrace? I'd better be cautious when I've just become secretary, and don't repeat the same mistakes.

How does Guan Shanyue know that Secretary Wang has made so many twists and turns in his mind? Seeing that he was absent-minded, he said, "thank you for your kindness. I'll give a banquet to thank you when I get back." Secretary Wang ha ha said: "it's a must. It's better to be alone than to be happy all the time. Of course, we have to share with you a big happy event."

Secretary Wang comes and goes quickly. Guan Shanyue had just sent them away when he heard a knock on the door. When he opened the door, he saw a man who surprised him even more - Zhao Baoshan! Guan Shanyue almost thought that he had gone through the wrong door. She looked at Zhao Baoshan in surprise and said, "county magistrate Zhao?" Zhao Baoshan clasped his hands and said, "congratulations to Guan Zongzhang!"

Quite able to drag, Guan Shanyue was convinced that she came to her own ward. Since people bowed their heads repeatedly and were full of sincerity, Guan Shanyue didn't have to pretend to be forced to kill. However, the leader nodded his hand and didn't smile. He quickly turned to open the door and said, "Congratulations, Congratulations, please come in!"

When Zhao Baoshan was admitted to the ward, Guan Shanyue said, "I'm ashamed that the head of Zhao county came here by himself. I'm ashamed of myself." Zhao Baoshan said with a smile: "this is a small matter. Your company helped the county a lot this time and paid the tax ahead of time. That's the solution to our worries. Thank you very much. "Guan Shanyue said, "it's all right. At the same time, I also thank the head of Zhao county for pointing out a way out, and I am also grateful. I wanted to say thanks in person, but the company had a lot of troubles. I ran from both ends and caught up with my daughter-in-law to give birth to a baby, so I didn't have time. But I didn't expect you to visit the provincial capital. There's no need to run so far. I can't afford it. "

It's good to say that Guan Shanyue still knows his good intentions, not just a young man. It seems that it's right to come this time. It's better to make a friend than to hurt a friend, not to mention people with backstage. Zhao Baoshan said happily, "I happened to be working in the province. I heard that Guan Zong was happy to have a noble son, so I came to congratulate him on behalf of the county government." Guan Shanyue said: "thank you again. I'll give a banquet to thank you when I go back."

Chat a few words, the secretary with the gift, Zhao Baoshan also left. Guan Shanyue looks at Zhao Baoshan leaving, and she is filled with emotion - this Zhao Baoshan is really powerful! It's just like that two people can take advantage of each other's experience in military affairs! I really don't have the ability.

Of course, my parents-in-law didn't know what had happened between them. They saw the county magistrate and the Secretary come to visit. Beier had face and couldn't help being proud of her daughter. Not only are they happy, but Guan Shanyue is also proud. In the past, they were people who needed to look up to. Now they are respectful to themselves. This is a wonderful world!

Looking at Guan Shanyue's elation, Wang Lu thinks that these leaders can come to see themselves only because there is the national flag of Yang and Huang Lei behind them. Aren't you all in the light of Huang Ying and Xie Jing? Thinking of this, Wang Lu could not help but be discouraged. She wanted to beat Guan Shanyue and said, "I think you are a little bit floating, aren't you a little fake tiger power? In my opinion, all your relationships are unreliable. Who can say a good thing about politics? Today is still on stage, and tomorrow may be a prisoner. So no one can count on it. We have to strengthen our muscles and bones. "

Wang Lu's words sound sour to Guan Shanyue. It's the vinegar of Huang Ying and Xie Jing again. Women can really contact, and they are a little proud of it, and it's endless. They can get involved with anything, and they don't know how to say it.

But Lu Zhiyuan heard another idea - this child has insight! Said: "Wang Lu is not simple. She can think of danger in times of peace and see through the essence of things. She is very powerful. Well said, no matter how successful your career is, you can't be complacent. No, no

Wang Lu's face turned red. I just can't see that he had too much contact with those women. He said some truth, but he was praised by you. Hehe happily said, "I'm just talking nonsense."

Lu Zhiyuan said: "Lao Tzu said:" it's better to hold and gain than to have it; it's better to hold and sharp than to keep it for a long time. If you are rich and proud, you will be responsible. The way of heaven is to retire after success. " That's the truth. It's hard for you not to be confused by what's going on in front of you when you are young! "

What the father-in-law said is reasonable. After hearing this, Guan Shanyue was also surprised. Think of oneself this burst of son is some arrogant, that day on the spot pouted Zhao Baoshan's face should not, appear oneself young frivolous. "Among the fashions, the moon is inclined, the moon is perfect, the sky is lonely and empty, and the terrain is southeast." I know this truth. How can I forget it?

After staying in the hospital for two days, there was an endless stream of people who wanted to find a single room to be clean but didn't want to visit. Wang Lu recovered very well, so she went through the discharge procedures, so she could go home and be clean.

Knowing that she was discharged, Liu Fang couldn't wait to get on the train. Guan Shanyue went to the railway station and then went home. Liu Fang asked, "Zhao Dongmei and his wife live in front and back buildings with your family?"

Guan Shanyue said, "yes, what's the matter?" Liu Fang said angrily: "what do you say? Who am I not embarrassed to see? Is Zhao Dongmei's daughter still hanging? What do I see people say? What did I see your mother-in-law say? How hard am I to do what you bastard do? When I got on the train, I thought about it. If I didn't buy a ticket, I would get off the train and go back on the way. "

Guan Shanyue said: "Mom, it's not as serious as you think. Wang Lu guessed it and didn't tell her parents. You can rest assured that it will be all right. "

Liu Fang hesitated and said, "is it really OK? Then I'm relieved. "