In the hot summer, eating a bowl of cold powder and drinking iced beer is also very pleasant. After eating, Lu Caixia listed several items for discussion:

first, why can't she get a salary? The first item in the order of bankruptcy liquidation is the wages, medical, disability and pension expenses owed by the bankrupt to the employees, the basic endowment insurance and basic medical insurance expenses that should be included in the personal accounts of the employees, and the compensation that should be paid to the employees according to the laws and administrative regulations.

When an enterprise reorganizes, it is required to pay off all debts owed to employees, such as wages and wage pools. However, it has been more than a month since the reorganization. Why can't we get our wages normally? Does the purchaser inject capital? How much is the injection? We want a clear statement.

Second, why do we leave employees waiting for jobs? When the enterprise was reorganized, it was said that it would accept all the employees of Taihang steel plant and protect their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law. Why are there thousands of people waiting for jobs in less than a month? Is that how the state protects the legitimate rights and interests of workers?

Third, why is there no bonus. The enterprise has been in normal production, and various indicators of our production units are in line with expectations. Why is there no bonus? Are we responsible for the loss? Suppose this theory holds, on the other hand, when the enterprise makes profits, will the profits be paid to the employees as bonus?

Fourth, why is there no overtime pay. Since the reorganization, we have worked overtime every Saturday or even Sunday, but why is there no overtime pay? Is this in line with national law?

Fifthly, why should we cancel the late meal fee and take root fee?

Lu Caixia said while writing, and the three discussed. After writing, he asked, "is it a little less?" Xie Jing said: "the mountains are no longer high. If there are immortals, there will be spirits. Your words are not many, but refined! I think that's enough for Miyazaki to explain. "

They have a small meeting here. Members of Miyazaki's leading group and leaders of major departments are holding a meeting. Miyazaki said with a black face: "everyone has expressed their views on this matter and how to deal with it."

With a new boss, some people want to shout when they are re used, while others will be frustrated when they are left out, which is normal for people. But this matter not only involves the interests of the staff and workers, but also the wages of the leading cadres. The staff and workers can't get their money out, and they can't take the lead as leading cadres. Everyone has their own ideas, who is worried about the money? Especially after a month, people who know the roots and the bottom also understand Miyazaki's strength. Everyone is full of worries about the future. I'm really worried that he can't stick to it.

Even so, some people have come forward to show their loyalty. All the recent reforms were discussed and issued by the Ministry of human resources. Therefore, Minister Wang Hongmin felt that he was very important and took the lead in saying: "this matter should be paid attention to and handled well, and it can't be compromised easily. This is the first time employees have made trouble. If they compromise, they will become inertia. If they are not satisfied, they will rise up. "

Some people wanted to say whether to increase the amount of internal bank funds and eliminate the fear of employees, but Wang Hongmin said that, and the boss nodded frequently, as if he was very satisfied, so he didn't dare to mention it again. Isn't that a contradiction with the boss? So few people spoke, and most of what they said was similar to what Wang Hongmin meant.

Miyazaki saw that Mr. Li didn't speak all the time, so he asked, "what does Mr. Li mean?" Mr. Li thought, what can I say about this? I mean to pay according to the contract, do you? However, as a qualified Communist Party member, President Li said responsibly: "I think we must pay attention to this matter, and we can't ignore the voice of the staff too much. We all know that water can carry a boat and overturn it. "

Miyazaki said, "what would you do if you were to deal with it?" Mr. Li said with a smile: "we all follow the boss's instructions. What I say will not be heard by the employees, and it will not work." Miyazaki was very upset. He looked at Mr. Li coldly and said, "I asked you what to do, not to let you pass the buck!"

Mr. Li was not worried. He looked as if Mount Tai had collapsed in front of him and said, "Mr. Gong wants me to say that, so I advise you to treat the wages of employees as an important matter. It's best to give it all. If you can't give it all, you have to increase the quota. It's going to get worse if it's not handled properly. "

Miyazaki hatefully thought, if I have money, you say? I don't know what to do yet? He said: "you have prestige among the staff and are familiar with them. Go and do ideological work for them."

Although Mr. Li has been well cared for, he can't help but think of me. I went to work for the staff. Isn't that the opposite of the staff? Isn't that pushing into the fire? "I want to know the intention of the boss before I can talk to the staff, otherwise I don't count," he said. Can't we always cheat employees? "

Miyazaki heart way, you let me say intention, how can I say? That's all I have. Can you tell me? Can you tell the staff? In the heart not from of rise nameless anger, admonish a way: "you all are this kind of style in the past?"? As a leading cadre, what do enterprises do with you if they don't think about the enterprise? Otherwise, in the past, Taihang steel plant could not continue to operate. It was all managed by some irresponsible people like you. Can you manage it well? Can we get better later? Don't think that if you are provincial cadres, I can't manage them. Now this enterprise has changed its surname. Do you know its surname Gong? "Shanggang is online. What else can we say? It's all a veteran of the world for many years. There's still a lot of face work, so Mr. Li has to be silent.

Miyazaki went on to say: "now is the time when the old and new systems of enterprises are changing, and it is also the most difficult time for enterprises to operate. We need to work together to tide over the difficulties. As a leading cadre, he is helpless and hesitant in the face of difficulties? Or overcome difficulties and forge ahead? Do you still need me to say that? Now is the time to test everyone, to test everyone's ability, to test everyone's loyalty to the enterprise... " Has the final say highfalutin

Lee thought that the management and operation of enterprises are what you and Liu Qi have the final say. When the company has made big decisions, you will not discuss with everyone. If there is a problem, you will be asked to stand up. You will also be a great judge of your ability to test whether everyone is loyal to the enterprise. When you are a child? Pull it out when you need it, and kick it aside when you don't need it. How can there be such a leader?

I also think that the second generation of government entrepreneurs will also speak these slogans. They have strong genetic genes. Suddenly I think of a joke, saying what is organization? "Organization" means that when someone needs to make sacrifices, he says it's time for the organization to test you; when someone needs to attack, he says it's your strong backing; when you succeed, he says it's the result of organization training; when you encounter difficulties, he says he can't do anything; when you encounter injustice, he says he wants you to treat it correctly; when your legitimate rights and interests are infringed, he says it's time for you He said you should take the overall situation into consideration; when you were framed, he said you should trust the organization. No exception!

Wang Hongmin used to shout, but he didn't dare let him persuade the staff. Besides, he is the maker and participant of the system, and the staff may hate him. What's more, the key point is that everything is feeble. What employees want is money. Do you have it? Can you solve it?

Looking at the boss in a rage and no one dares to answer, Liu Qi is also worried. But he was the one Miyazaki invited. He wanted to share his troubles with his boss. He thought and said, "well, I'll organize a meeting of the top leaders of various units to make some demands. First, all units are required to persuade their own people to go back, and no one is allowed to run on them; second, who will withdraw money in the future should have the certificate of the unit, and no one will withdraw money without proof; third, there should be a limit on how much each unit withdraws every day, and the daily withdrawal plan should be reported to the fund department, so that we can be prepared. Do you think so? "

After listening, Miyazaki praised: "OK, this method is good! You see, this is the gap. Mr. Liu can think of a solution immediately, but everyone can only sit here and look at it. Our enterprise can't always keep a group of idiots and old timers. How can it develop like this?

An enterprise should have a "wolf" culture. What does "wolf nature" culture mean? It's a kind of spirit of initiative and self transcendence, a keen sense of smell, indomitable and aggressive spirit, as well as a kind of spirit of team supremacy and group struggle. It's not like us, when something happens, we all shrink our heads and look forward to it.

Of course, this is also a common problem for enterprises in our country. In my opinion, there is only officialdom culture in our country, which has a long history and deep foundation. It can even be said that it has been integrated into the blood and bones of the Chinese people. But we have no corporate culture, or the history of corporate culture is very short, the foundation is very shallow.

Our Taihang steel plant is the same, there is no corporate culture, but only officialdom culture, which has seriously hindered the development of the enterprise. Therefore, in the future, the "wolf" culture will run through the culture of our enterprise. Those comrades who have these spirits will be reused, otherwise they will be eliminated by the enterprise.

Also, we should not take the historical point of view as the standard of action. Just like President Li just said, "water can carry a boat, but it can also overturn a boat," this view falls behind. How big waves can overturn the current warships and luxury cruise ships? Not to mention the aircraft carrier, that is unsinkable land!

So, should we comply when workers make trouble? Who has the final say in this business? Have you ever seen the employees in that enterprise being the masters? That's all lies in the revolutionary struggle!

Today, I will say so much. After coming down, please call a meeting of the leaders of all units immediately to convey your spirit. "

The boss's words were mainly true to Mr. Li, so after the meeting, many people didn't dare to look at Mr. Li, and even more didn't dare to chat up and say something comforting. Most of them turned around and hurried out of the meeting room.