In the New District, Wei Tao and Wang Zhenliang are waiting for him in the office. As soon as we met, Wang Zhenliang kept blaming Guan Shanyue. After he became the boss, he never came back to see his brothers. Guan Shanyue said: "I'm sorry, there are too many trivial things. Didn't I come back to see you in my spare time?" After saying that, he thought it was wrong and replied, "you only blame me. Why don't you go to see me? And don't you share my troubles? "

Wang Zhenliang had a good time and said, "we wanted to go for a long time. We were just worried about the misunderstanding of the leaders. What should we do if we think that we will join the enemy and betray our country? The leader is angry, and he rolls us to the end, and you don't take us in. " Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "my temple is too small. Old Duan is not enough to make trouble. What's more, where is Lao Duan to be the boss? I can't arrange a supreme leader for you, can I

Let's have a good time. Duan Ligong's position in Taihang steel works is lower than that of them, so it is unacceptable for them to be deputy to old Duan for the time being. So even if they want to go, they won't take the initiative to make it public. Chinese people just want to face up. On the other hand, if someone else is the boss, no matter how high or low the level, no matter what the origin, let them do the deputy, that is not happy? This subtle psychology, poor self-esteem Guan Shanyue still knows.

Two people in nonsense, Wei Tao took out his tea set, while making tea asked: "this time back to do what?" Guan Shanyue said, "go home and get something. I came to see you in the morning. Who knows you are in a meeting. It's a bad time. "

With the boiling water slowly injected, the steam carrying tea curl up. In the transparent glass pot, the buds and leaves are tightly wrapped, showing Qi and full, and the vision is fresh. Immersed in the water, you can swim around, but it's bright and transparent, just like a woman's eyes. See Wei Tao's technique more skilled, Guan Shanyue said: "the technique is more and more fluent." Wei Tao said: "since the new district was put into production, there has been no time to study the tea ceremony. Why do you have to be hospitable when you come, don't you?"

Guan Shanyue asked with a smile, "are you Tianmu Yunwu Tea?" Wei Tao said, "yes. This Tianmu tea has been drunk several times, and it tastes good. It should be the top grade of Tianmu tea. You see, the rolled up tea leaves are like dark green pearls, which are known as green pearls.

Tianmu tea's soaking skill is the most exquisite. It needs to be washed and illuminated. People who make tea must forget the burning color of the world and feel the clearness in their hearts. All sounds are silent, and the world is empty of dust. Tea in the hands of different people, bubble out of the taste is very different, the reason and temperament have a certain relationship.

Of course, Tianmu tea is best brewed with mountains and rivers. Ordinary tea can taste three times, but it needs seven times to taste. When the tea is brewed, pour it into celadon. Don't drink while it's hot. Wait for the tea to sink and float quietly. The tea cup is cool and the tea leaves are rolled up slowly. At this time, the taste is sweet and smooth. If the tea is in other forms, the tea will be slightly bitter, but bitter but not astringent, and sweet in the bitter. "

Wang Zhenliang said: "for people like me, as long as the taste is not bitter, no matter how good the tea is, it's like eating peony." Guan Shanyue thought, Wang Zhenliang is also changing, will flatter.

Wei Tao said to Guan Shanyue with a smile, "what's the feeling of Guan's coming back this time?" This elder brother speaks implicitly, Guan Shanyue says: "the feeling changes too fast, a little bit does not adapt." Wang Zhenliang said: "yes, it's like a mountain of defeat! It's so fierce that we can't adapt to it every day. I'm afraid everything here will change next time you come back. "

Guan Shanyue can't respond and can't comment as a successful person. How superficial is that? Wei Tao said: "Mr. Liu has not come back since he went to the province. It's because of this. However, it is said that the province wants to get rid of this burden and is more inclined to take the road of bankruptcy and reorganization. In this way, Mr. Liu is just like a trapped beast still fighting. It doesn't help. " Guan Shanyue said: "it's too difficult. The high debt ratio is a bit frightening. I'm afraid that the province is too weak to save."

Wei Tao said, "yes. But in this way, some enterprises have come to investigate, some say that they may introduce other state-owned enterprises to restructure, and some say that they may introduce private capital. But it's better to change than not to change. Otherwise, we have to wait until we die. The key is who will take over the offer and how to take it. Ah, if only we were allowed to buy out the length of service, I would be the first to support it. "

Wang Zhenliang said: "no matter what the policy is, our age group is embarrassed. It's still early to retire. It seems that we can only live and die together with enterprises. Man, you didn't mean to come back? " Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "I'm afraid the strength is not enough."

Wei Tao looked at Guan Shanyue and said with a smile, "it's not impossible. There are many examples of this round of enterprise restructuring Guan Shanyue strongly denied it and said: "this is not a simple thing. If it's not done well, it will fall here. At present, I dare not think about it."

Wang Zhenliang said: "if only you could kill me back, no matter how we change it, we'll wave the flag for you." Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "so I'm still excited, earn more money, kill back."

Wei Tao said: "our Taihang steel plant is an enterprise running the society, so the burden of the enterprise is relatively heavy, which is different from Xinlong special steel. If we want to come back, we must talk with the government about this issue and allocate the social functions first, otherwise it will be very difficult. "

Guan Shantao's words are very important. There are thousands of teachers and staff, public security organs and law enforcement agencies, including Zhang Qian's social work department. Not to mention other costs, wages alone cost tens of millions of dollars a year. How many times of their wages do they spend? It's amazing. I still ignore this point and think it's too simple.Wang Zhenliang and Wei Tao looked at each other and said, "you don't really want to come back, do you?" Guan Shanyue said happily: "don't fool me all the time. Don't you know I'm not determined? Brother Wei said well that this enterprise has a heavy burden. It's different from Xinlong special steel. I'm afraid I'm willing to kill the enemy and I can't go back to heaven! "

"The government is not willing to take over these burdens, so it can't act rashly," Wei said. If you are interested in acquisition, I advise you not to rush forward and let other enterprises or capital come here to talk about it. If you are not stupid, I expect that you will retreat in the face of difficulties, and then you will have more bargaining chips. "

Guan Shanyue said: "my brother has a point. Ginger is still spicy. Ha ha. In this way, you two should think about it for me and think about the problem thoroughly. If we have the chance, we will not fight unprepared battles! "

Wei Tao said with a smile: "don't worry, no one will come. We don't understand the enterprise. We will help you plan." Wang Zhenliang brightened his eyes and said with a smile: "if you come back, I can stare at the role of the director of the technology center. How can I be higher than them?"

Guan Shanyue laughed: "your vision is too short!"