When Guan Shanyue came back, he was surprised to find that two women were making dumplings together. He didn't know what medicine Wang Lu sold in the gourd. Carefully put on slippers, see two people almost finished, said: "I boil water." Su Xiaomei doesn't dare to talk to Guan Shanyue. Wang Lu doesn't care about him, so she has to go to the kitchen to boil water and go back to the hall to play with Xiaobao.

Wang Lu felt that lunar New Year's Eve was a day of failure. Although she was a soldier who won without fighting, she didn't feel the joy of victory. But compassion goes too far and brings the enemy home. Is there anyone more stupid than yourself?

In the past, Huang Ying made her helpless. First, Huang Ying was so beautiful that she was ashamed of herself. Second, Huang Ying had no desire. Others do small three is for money, to Huangying's family certainly not for money, this kind of simple love let her feel powerless. Now there is Su Xiaomei again. Although her condition is not as good as Huang Ying, her performance is not for money. Fortunately, she still has a kind heart, no idea of competing with herself, otherwise I really don't know how to do it.

These two beautiful and shameless women are not related to money, and don't Guan Shanyue love her to the core? Even more said: "take new year's Eve with you to eat dumplings, and I can't talk with you."

Some people say: the prodigal son does not change his gold. Once the playful men decide not to toss, they are very reliable, because they have seen a lot and are not so emotional. I hope so! Wang Lu is depressed to death, but also forced to smile, exercise the power of the hostess to entertain Su Xiaomei. Fortunately, Su Xiaomei is also interesting. She is like a nanny and helps them feed Xiaobao before eating. Guan Shanyue faintly found that the undercurrent was surging in the calm atmosphere. After eating, she did not dare to rest at home and ran to the office.

Anyway, the best result is that they don't fight each other. Guan Shanyue is very happy. Invite the leader on duty to dinner in the evening. His only idea is to get drunk.

Who dares to ask for leave? The heads of all the branches are here. Some really want to come, want to be familiar with the boss. Some of them are reluctant to spend the Spring Festival at home with their daughter-in-law and children. But the boss is on duty. As a leader, how dare you not go?

This time he invited the leaders to dinner, and Guan Shanyue took a few bottles of Maotai in two Jin. Some people in Maotai have drunk it, but the leaders in Maotai have never seen it. Before they drink, they all show curiosity and pass on the bottle for a long time. Someone said: "this wine bottle has me, no one is allowed to rob." Then someone coaxed: "I'll take one home and put it on the bookshelf to show off."

Guan Shanyue grew up from the grassroots, how can people's mentality not be understood? It's just trying to please yourself. But isn't taking this wine by yourself just to make everyone happy? Seeing all the people coming, Guan Shanyue said: "Dear leaders, we have ushered in the annual Spring Festival. On behalf of the leading group of Xinlong special steel, I would like to pay New Year's greetings to all the leaders and express my heartfelt thanks to the family members who support your work. I wish you all good health and a happy family in the New Year

Everyone said in a disorderly way: "we also wish Guan Zong a lot of money, full of beauty!" Guan Shanyue went on to say: "thousands of families always exchange new peaches for old ones. We gather here to look back on the past year's hard work, share our friendship, talk about our ideals and career, and look forward to the bright future of the new year.

The way of heaven is attentive. The past year, for Xinlong special steel, is a turning point year of team replacement, transformation and upgrading, and turning losses into profits. It is just the so-called "head high, mane high, horse dancing east wind, chasing dreams, fighting cold and snow, red plum blossoming the earth, realizing rejuvenation"

Dear leaders, in accordance with the requirements and expectations of secretary Yang of the municipal Party committee, this year we will achieve the goal of doubling the output and achieving 100% growth of the industrial added value. The task will be more arduous and the situation will be more severe. But I firmly believe that: as long as we unite as one, the set goals for the whole year will be achieved! "

with Guan Shanyue's words and applause, the new year's dinner is really beginning.

Leading cadres don't drink, they have no pride at all. For the sake of toasting, we use one or two small wine cups today. Guan Shanyue stood up, holding a bottle of wine in one hand and a wine cup in the other hand, and said, "in order to thank you for your hard work in the past year and express my gratitude to you, I'm next to you leaders."

Everyone was excited when they heard that. The head of the branch factory and the leaders of the company, together with 14 or 15 people, were able to drink a Jin and a half of wine in a circle. They knew that the boss could drink it. Today, it would be an eye opener. Guan Shanyue is more happy today. Two women can sit together without fighting, which makes him laugh in his dreams.

After a round of respect, I found myself calm. I didn't know whether it was high Kung Fu that led to the increase in alcohol consumption, or whether I was in a happy mood. In a word, I was very sober and said happily, "today is a special day, and it's also the first time to reunite with you, so I hope you can have a happy drink, and I hope you can sit here and have a reunion dinner with you every year in the future!".

The boss's words show that he wants to be in the same boat with everyone, which is more exciting than any reward. The middle-level cadres don't drink and have no information at all. The boss offers a toast at the beginning and the next meal is full of excitement.As the saying goes: "toast for the table, meaning for meaning, full on for real." It's not allowed to drink at will after filling the wine. You must have four words and eight sentences or poems and songs, etc. before you can drink it. This is a cultural inheritance that integrates wine, culture, festivity and respect. Subordinates respect leaders, especially so, to show respect incisively and vividly.

A factory director toasted and said, "thank you for your kindness. I also wish you good health, good luck and a lot of wealth in the new year." This is a blessing; someone toasted and said, "thank you for giving me the opportunity. I will continue to work hard and repay the company with practical actions." These are words of gratitude. Praise is constantly heard. Guan Shanyue laughs at it one by one. For the Chinese new year, it's better to have fun alone than to have fun together. How to get home in the end? Guan Shanyue doesn't know.

On the first day of the lunar new year, Guan Shanyue was awakened by Xiaobao's nose. When she opened her eyes, she found herself lying on the sofa in the living room with steaming dumplings on the dining table. Although Wang Lu's face was not good, she didn't say anything, because it's not allowed to say anything unlucky during the Spring Festival. It is said that scientists do not allow children to say such destructive words as death, bad luck and broken words in recent days, because according to unscientific logic, saying these words will really meet these facts.

The family sat together and raised their glasses to wish them a happy new year. Guan Shanyue is eating dumplings, but she thinks, will su Xiaomei be lonely during the Spring Festival?

In the next few days, life became monotonous, and Su Xiaomei became a taboo topic. Wang Lu didn't dare to mention Guan Shanyue. But life has become more regular. Go to the company to inquire about the production situation every day, and then start practicing.

The subject of putting down the bricks and soybeans has been practiced skillfully, and we are ready to step on the bamboo basket. It's hard to find a big bamboo basket. Guan Shanyue arranged a welder to make a big iron basin with white iron sheet. Although Guan Shanyue has been able to walk like flying on the soybean, it is still very difficult to step on the edge of the basin. One is that the side is too narrow to grasp the center of gravity, and the other is that if the speed is a little slower, the basin will be trampled over.

Wang Lu said: "I think this should be gradual, you first put bricks into the basin, and then gradually reduce the bricks, and finally achieve the goal of stepping on the empty basin." Guan Shanyue praised: "yes, it's better to practice the two problems separately. It's better to make breakthroughs in each aspect. My wife is smart!" According to this, the progress is much faster, and I quickly mastered the secret. After practicing for two days, I only felt that I was as quick as a dragon and could swim in the air.

Xiao Bao is also familiar with this place, so he runs to Su Xiaomei's house carelessly. Su Xiaomei flattered herself by teaching her to sing children's songs and play games. Knowing that Guan Shanyue had bought Xiaobei vagrancy for her, he taught her to sing: "the river is rushing, the wind is blowing, the leaves are rustling, and the night is frightening. I miss my mother, Ai Ai oh Ai Ai I'm a brave cat. I'm not afraid of the surging wind and waves. I'll smile in the face of difficulties. The sun will be high tomorrow. Ai Ai "Oh..."

Xiao Bao is familiar with this song, but Su Xiaomei is patient and can sing a few words after a while. Children's interests come and go quickly. Fortunately, Su Xiaomei has many patterns. After playing for a while, she finds that Xiaobao is very interested in origami. So she goes from simple goldfish folding to butterfly and duck, and points her eyes with a pen. Xiaobao has a lot of fun.

After Xiaobao came home, he happily showed his talent to his mother. After a few words of praise, Wang Lu turned to Guan Shanyue and said, "your lover wants to cheat my daughter. It's a big conspiracy!" Guan Shanyue had a headache and said: "she may just want to show her love to you or like children. How can she cheat Xiaobao away in a day and a half? unable. Besides, Xiao Bao has nothing to play with here. It's OK to play with her for a while. "

Wang Lu said discontentedly, "I'm just talking about it. Are you serious? All these little things defend her? I said a word and you'll never stop? It seems that you will never forget her

Guan Shanyue is afraid to talk. It's wrong. It's better to talk less with women and practice more frequently. In the final stage, the ancients used bamboo poles. Guan Shanyue took local materials and replaced them with steel bars. Walking on the tip of a few millimeter thick steel bar requires real kung fu. It requires being as light as a swallow, just like a dragonfly skimming water. After a few laps, I found that it was easier than walking in the big bamboo basket, but I was afraid that I would be hurt by a steel bar if I stepped on it.