Li you's arrival has become a happy fruit for the whole family. The teacher's mother likes it so much that she tries to make Li you happy. Seeing that they went back to the hotel at night and came back during the day, he said to Li Chunmei, "there are plenty of rooms at home. I live here at night. The children are still young. Running around has an impact on rest." Li Chunmei looked at Guan Shanyue. Guan Shanyue thought that if she didn't agree, she would appear outsider, so she said with a smile, "just listen to the arrangement of the teacher's mother." The teacher's mother said happily, "that's right. You're welcome if you're all a family."

After living down, the cooking characters fall on Li Chunmei. Fortunately, in the past few years, when I was idle in Suzhou, I began to think about eating. My cooking skills have increased a lot. I changed my style to make Suzhou delicacies, such as squirrel mandarin fish, shark fin in clear soup, whole chicken in mother oil, Taihu Lake water shield soup, emerald shrimp bucket, three shrimp bean curd, lotus flower stew, etc.

In recent days, Guan Shanyue has been practicing martial arts in the daytime and treating diseases in the evening. His life is vivid. Sun Lutang is proficient in form and meaning, eight trigrams and Tai Chi, so sun Zhengyi's martial arts emerge in an endless stream, which makes Guan Shanyue an eye opener. On this day, the teacher taught "Sixteen empty steps". This Kung Fu is not simple. If you can practice "16 empty steps", you will be able to rely on material resources. For example, if you jump from one room to another, you can't get far away. There is a reed in it. You can go up with the help of the reed. This is the real skill of crossing the water.

To practice the "Sixteen empty steps", we should first lay sixteen bricks on the ground, one by one, and step on the bricks. Does Guan Shanyue think it's not easy? Who knows, at the beginning of walking, the first few steps were OK, walking fast, either walking past, or stepping on the side, the brick was trampled over. Fortunately, this is the most basic. After practicing for a whole morning, you can walk like walking on the ground. You can walk in the opposite direction.

This is just the beginning. If you walk flat, you have to stand the bricks horizontally. This is much more difficult than walking flat. The place to connect the feet is narrow, and it's unstable to step on it. It's more likely to step on the bricks, and it takes a long time to practice. Wait for the horizontal stand to walk smoothly, and then erect the brick, so that the center of gravity is more unstable. When the bricks are ready, you have to sprinkle soybeans under the bricks to practice. If you step unsteadily, it's easy to tumble, and it's more and more difficult.

It's just the foundation to practice with bricks. When you get to the point where you are walking on the ground, you can put the big bamboo basket in the hospital and step on the upper edge of the bamboo basket. It's not enough to walk on the bamboo basket. Bury sixteen thicker bamboo poles in the ground and expose more than an inch on the ground. Walk on the top again. Then the bamboo poles get longer and longer, from one inch to five inches, from five inches to one foot, from one foot to two feet and three feet All the way up to ten feet. That's the best practice.

Sun Zhengyi said: "after practicing the" 16 steps of empty walking ", you can not only cross the water with the help of things, but also learn to swim the eight trigrams easily. Of course, it can't be practiced in one or two days, so I only teach you how to practice, and I know the method. The rest is to go home and study hard. "

Next, he taught the eight step method of luck. Guan Shanyue's internal skill foundation is the same as sun Zhengyi's, so Guan Shanyue can learn much faster and master the secret completely in one day.

In the first few days, Li's condition was gradually controlled, his body function gradually recovered, and he was able to go to the ground for activities, which made Li Hu's family very happy. Although the Li family is happy, Guan Shanyue is not happy, because with the deepening of treatment, the effect is less and less obvious.

Looking at the tumor on the image, Guan Shanyue has a fantastic idea. If the master's hand can be used to cure the disease, it will be perfect. In this way, if you clap a palm on the patient's back, it can spread to the tumor and shake the tumor off directly, so as to avoid chemotherapy. But it's too difficult. There are so many organs and blood vessels in the viscera. How can we control them?

In the days after that, Guan Shanyue didn't see Huang Ying's mother. She thought that she should avoid herself intentionally or unconsciously. This is better. On the contrary, it makes Guan Shanyue feel relaxed. Because when I face her, I feel that I don't know what to say, even though I have the eloquence of the romantic Marquis, the talent of the prodigal son Lu Jia, the words of fan Sui, Cai Ze, and the words of Su Qin and Zhang Yi. But when I think about it, I feel very sad. Even if I practice my own martial arts, what can I do? I'm afraid it's hard to realize the wish of returning to the beautiful.

However, Mr. Li didn't have much to do with Guan Shanyue. Could he manage so much as a dying man? What's more, Guan Shanyue gave himself two lives. It's too late to be grateful, so they chatted happily. At the end of this day's treatment, Li asked, "Xiaoguan, do you think I can live through the Spring Festival?" Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "old man, you have such a good state of mind, this is called a thing?"

Old Li sighed: "as long as you don't live like a walking corpse, or the children will suffer." Guan Shanyue couldn't respond to this. He didn't speak with a smile. Li Hu then said, "Grandpa, don't think about it. You have laid such a great foundation for our family. How can we honor you? We are looking forward to your long life. " Li Lao glared at Li Hu and said, "it's important to give birth to a great grandson first. Don't make it useless."

At this time, Li Hu quickly said, "don't worry, Grandpa, our plan to create human beings has already begun." Old Li sighed and said, "this time I'm very sick. It's a miracle that I can survive. So I'm really worried that I won't see this day." Li Hu comforted and said, "don't worry about it! As for the moon in the mountains, this is your smallest goal. "Mr. Li was happy: "people's desire is endless. After the Spring Festival, I wonder if I can live another year? Ha ha, you don't have to persuade me. I think I've passed through the gate of hell. I'm open to everything. Let's go with the fate. "

After chatting with Mr. Li for a while, Guan Shanyue said hello and was about to leave. Li Hu sent Guan Shanyue out of the hospital. Guan Shanyue pondered for a while and said: "I don't think the treatment progress in the past two days is obvious, so it's not meaningful to stay any longer. I think I'll do it again tomorrow and I'm ready to go back. "

Li Hu's father explained that when Guan Shanyue left, he had to ask what he could do for him, which could be regarded as a reward for practicing medicine. After hearing that Guan Shanyue was ready to leave, he said, "I don't understand the treatment. You can do whatever you say. Let's not talk here on such a cold day, like two big idiots. Let's go and have a drink at the teahouse ahead. It's hot. "

The name of the teahouse is Hequan teahouse. Facing the teahouse are antique doors and windows. There is a couplet in front of the teahouse: on a cold night, guests come to tea for wine, and the bamboo stove soup is boiling red. A door guzheng quiet, light tea, the center of the hall is a two meter square pool, a few red carp swimming in the water. There are some famous people's calligraphy and paintings on the wall. The teahouse is full of auspicious and elegant atmosphere when the tea guests chat quietly or taste tea peacefully.

After ordering a pot of Jinjunmei, Li Hu gave it to Guan Shanyue and said, "if we don't thank you for your kindness, we won't be fake. Although I don't care, I just feel sorry for my family. I want to express my gratitude. Do you have any unfulfilled wishes that my brother can help you? Of course, this is what my father meant. It has nothing to do with Huang Ying's family. So don't mention Huang Ying. I don't think you will. Isn't that taking advantage of others' danger? "

Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "in order to get Huang Ying, I just want to be a villain. It doesn't matter to take advantage of others' danger. Ha ha." Li Hu scolded: "what a shame! How dare you say that. But it's no use telling my aunt about it. Don't mention it to me. "

Of course, it's just a joke, but what's the meaning of other things except Huang Ying to Guan Shanyue now? You can handle things in your career. It's not a matter of one day to become bigger and stronger. You can't eat a mouthful. Don't say you can't ask, even if you can ask Guan Shanyue, you don't want to have a relationship with their family again, because Huang Ying always makes Guan Shanyue feel inferior, so he said: "brother, I'm a young man with white horse and silver gun. I'm the son of heaven and a natural winner. Now my life is like a fairy. I want money and beauty. What else can I think? I know what tiger brother means. Let's be polite, just like you said to me

Li Hu laughed and said: "children from the countryside are short-sighted. Can't you set up lofty ideals? Like getting on the rich list or something? I can tell you that after this village, there will be no such shop. " Guan Shanyue said: "I just want to live a low-key life, and I don't want to be noticed. You didn't see the honor given by the province. I didn't want any model worker, outstanding entrepreneur or outstanding youth? "

Seeing that Guan Shanyue didn't buy it, Li Hu had no face, and then laughed and said, "well, it's easy to expose such amorous people. I think you are afraid from your heart, so you have to keep a low profile." After that, he said, "so you should treat me better, or I'll let your bad news appear in the newspapers, and make sure that you are famous in China."

Guan Shanyue angrily scolded: "what I said to you is not a good thing. How can I know such a scum like you?" But I thought, in the past, I didn't understand why I had become so low-key and excluded exposure. I thought maybe it was his psychology?

Li Hu ha ha a joy, leisurely and contentedly drink a cup of tea, said: "I this is a blessing and misfortune, mediocre, remind you you don't know? After you offend others, it's a sharp sword that can go straight into your heart, you know? "

The speaker didn't mean it, and the listener meant it. Suddenly, a cold sweat came out of Guan Shanyue '. It seems that in the future, we must keep a low profile and keep a low profile, and we can't mold ourselves into a celebrity. In that way, we will stand high and fall harder.