I had a day at a scenic spot in gushanzhai. On the way back, the tour guide occasionally looked back and saw that a cloud in the blue sky was blooming like a lotus. He exclaimed in surprise, "look, lotus, it's called lotus enlightenment. It's a wave of Buddha's will. You have Buddha's destiny!"

How can this guide not leave the Buddha? Guan Shanyue held Su Xiaomei's hand and said, "it's just a cloud. There's no need to exaggerate, right? Besides, aren't you with us? If you want to say it's predestined, everyone is predestined. " The little guide flattered the horse and muttered, "you don't know what to do!"

Su Xiaomei saw Guan Shanyue thinking about her feelings everywhere. She was so sweet in her heart that she said, "you don't have to be so careful. I'm not so sensitive." Listen to Su Xiaoyue.

In the evening, a group of college students are organizing a bonfire party here. Watching them sing, dance, and even taking the opportunity to express themselves to their girlfriends, they seem to be back to their college days.

Su Xiaomei poked Guan Shanyue and said, "go up and shout: Su Xiaomei, I love you!" Guan Shanyue hesitated and said, "well, if there are other girls like me, what should I do?" Su Xiaomei's eyes glared: "are you going or not?" Guan Shanyue stood up awkwardly and asked, "must I go?" Su Xiaomei was happy in her heart, but she said solemnly, "if you don't go, I'll leave."

As soon as Guan Shanyue gritted her teeth, she turned and stepped on the stage. On the stage, a couple of lovers are singing "Kangding Love Song" to each other. Guan Shanyue stands by, clapping her hands and keeping pace with the beat. After they finish singing, they take the lead in shouting: "OK! Bless you Little lovers face red, handed the microphone to Guan Shanyue.

Guan Shanyue took the microphone and said affectionately: "today, in this beautiful Shidu, I want to express my love to the woman I love. God arranged a chance meeting for us. From then on, I have you in my life. Your sadness, your laughter, your voice, your beautiful shadow and your angelic appearance are deeply imprinted in my heart.

From then on, I'm afraid of your sadness, your crying and your loneliness. I always hope to touch you with meticulous consideration. Fortunately, you gave me a chance to feel your warmth. Thank you! The woman I love! I would like to be the sand flowing from your fingertips and the wind blowing your face. I just want to tell you that you are the most beautiful encounter in my life! I just want to shout, Su Xiaomei, I love you

Su Xiaomei suddenly burst into tears, stood up and walked to the stage. The young man was full of passion and called out, "it's not loud enough. Speak louder!" Guan Shanyue put down the microphone and spewed out his voice slowly with enough internal power: "Su Xiaomei, I love you!"

Although the voice is not loud, but far away, for a time, the valley in the distance reverberated constantly, and the voice seemed to come back from all directions in the West. We were stunned. We didn't know how this happened. The campfire was silent until the reverberation gradually disappeared. We just listened to the crackling sound of the fire.

Su Xiaomei was surrounded by the echoing voice and happiness. She cried in tears and cried: "I love you, too!" All of a sudden, applause thundered!

They have never been so crazy before. Su Xiaomei feels that she is back to her girlhood when she is free and dare to love and hate. Her pretty face is always full of intoxicating smile, and she hugs Guan Shanyue back to the hotel.

After a day's mountain walk, Su Xiaomei was already tired with backache and leg pain. After taking a hot bath, Guan Shanyue began to massage the woman to relax. After a while, Su Xiaomei felt comfortable. Guan Shanyue touches Su Xiaomei's delicate feet and suddenly thinks about her mother. She can't help shivering. Let alone, the feet are so charming that she can't help but want to kiss them. I'm just worried about the abrupt beauty.

Su Xiaomei looked at Guan Shanyue's obsessed look and said: "you have successfully captured my heart. Later, I have to follow you. Even if you are a devil, I am your man."

Guan Shanyue controlled the demon in her heart. She still didn't dare to kiss her little feet. She just went up to the middle along her ankles, legs and thighs. She found that the water in the peach blossom dock was already gurgling and fragrant. Then he waded across the stream, across the plain, and climbed up the mountain. Guan Shanyue asked condescensively, "why did it flood without rain?" Su Xiaomei straightened up and said angrily, "there's so much nonsense. Don't hurry up!"

Yulu ice mat Yuanyang brocade, powder melt fragrant sweat flow mountain pillow. The sound of the windlass outside the curtain made me smile.

The willow shade is light and indifferent, and the cicada and hairpin are low. We must work hard all our life to make you happy today.

Su Xiaomei felt that she had become a kite, floating in the air and couldn't fall down. She had lost her mind and didn't know how many times she went up and down. At last, she flew higher and higher, and her heart seemed to jump out, so she had to pester the people on her body, biting and sucking Finally, the kite hung on the treetop and time stopped.

The early morning in the mountains is surprisingly quiet, and the sound of spring Ding Dong can be heard faintly. Guan Shanyue got up quietly and wanted to see what the morning of Shidu looked like.

It is surrounded by steep mountains, which are towering like a flying rainbow. Enchanting clouds around the mountains, Kingfisher singing, gurgling water, leaves rustling by the mountain wind, performing a symphony of the morning, beautiful!

In front of me is a small steel bridge, flying out from under the bridge, only a few feet apart, and at the bottom of the bridge are cliffs. Looking far away, the narrow mountain has closed the line of sight, only to see the level are dangerous ridge cliffs. Not far away, the red leaves are enchanting, the fruits are falling, the scenery is three steps, and the painting is five steps. It's really dazzling. It's really worthy of the title of "Castle Peak wild crossing, Baili Gallery".Further on, a deep pool stopped the way. The water in the pool is slightly blue, and the bottom is clear. Two clear springs, one big and one small, flow down the Jueling on both sides of the north and the south. The water mist is misty, clear, quiet and flexible, and the nature and human are in one.

"We must close our doors when we study, and we should not leave far behind when we visit. Only when you travel all over the mountains can you open your mind. " Guan Shanyue can't help sitting down and breathing. I just feel the aura coming from the pool water. When I inhale it into my nostrils, it seems to inject a strong energy into the elixir field.

Gradually, the golden sun came out of the mountain depression, and the voice of tourists came from the distance. Guan Shanyue stood up after his success, feeling light and just wanted to walk. It seems that martial arts has entered a new level. I can't help but be overjoyed.

Back in her room, Su Xiaomei was still lying in bed. Seeing Guan Shanyue coming back, she said, "where did you go to look for flowers and willows in the morning?" Guan Shanyue said: "in this season, willow leaves fall and paraquat is gone. There is only one small plum blossom with attractive fragrance, which brings me back."

Su Xiaomei smile: "help me up." Seeing her languid appearance, Guan Shanyue blurted out: "the hills are overlapped with gold, and the clouds at the temples want to spend fragrant snow. Lazy up draw moth eyebrow, make up and wash late. According to the front and back mirror of the flower, the flower faces meet each other. New embroidered mattress, double gold partridge Su Xiaomei had a good time: "it's so sour! I seem to know a lot of poems. "

Guan Shanyue complacently said: "it's OK." Then he helped Su Xiaomei up from the bed. Su Xiaomei leans on Guan Shanyue and asks, "whose poems do you like best?" Guan Shanyue seriously thought about it and said: "I still like the chairman's poems. The world is the only one. Who else can I give up! That's a man's poem. Of course, Xin Qiji and Li Qingzhao are also good.

It's like Xin Qiji's "when I'm drunk, I look at the sword and dream of playing the corner.". Eight hundred miles under the command of Zhi, 50 strings turn the Great Wall sound. In the autumn of the battle field, the soldiers will be ordered. " High spirited and magnificent! Like Li Qingzhao's "flowers drift, water flows, a kind of Acacia, two idle sorrow.". There was no way to get rid of the situation, so I browed, but I felt it. " The meaning is transcendent and eye-catching. There is also a saying that ghosts are immortal It can be said that it's amazing to cry ghosts and gods, which is from the hands of women? "

Su Xiaomei said: "I appreciate Su Shi most, not only because of his poems, but also because of his indomitable character. Among the Chinese literati, Su Dongpo's life is the most bumpy one. He is either demoted or on the way of demotion for half of his life. But he didn't cry, jump and hang himself three times. He didn't jump into the river like Qu Yuan. What's more, he didn't like Tao Yuanming's saying that "the boat died and the river and the sea spent the rest of his life." instead, he lived a wonderful life in the world of mortals.

He turned frustration into minimalist aesthetics of "the world is full of flavor and joy"; into bold and unconstrained of "old man chatting with young maniac"; into free and easy of "life is like an adverse journey, I am also a pedestrian"; into self-confidence of "flowing water in front of the door can still be in the west"; and into broad-minded of "no rain, no sunshine".

Every time I read his poems, I realize that he is still outstanding in adversity, which can give me the greatest encouragement and inspiration. "

Guan Shanyue said with admiration: "Roman Roland said: there is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, to love life after recognizing the essence of life. Sister, you are a heroine in my heart.

Su Xiaomei suddenly blushed and flew. She twisted Guan Shanyue's ear and said angrily, "heroines also make your back ache, hooligan!" Guan Shanyue said: "sister, lie down and let your blood come back to life in an instant." Su Xiaomei obediently lying on the bed asked: "how can I feel your hand like magic?"

According to her life gate and kidney acupoints, Guan Shanyue input Qi while kneading and said with pride: "elder sister, your husband, I'm a genius. I'm good at internal medicine. Is there a stream of heat flowing down my fingers into my body Su Xiaomei groaned: "well, it's so comfortable!" Su Xiaomei's moan almost made Guan Shanyue lose her soul. She clapped her hips and said, "don't hum, you want to die."

But with comfort, Su Xiaomei's humming voice became more and more frequent and flattering. Guan Shanyue couldn't bear it. She was so angry that she stripped her to pieces!