After a cup of hot tea, master Guan was all over and asked, "how are you doing in Beijing?" Xie Jing said, "what is there to do? Money is buying. " Guan Shanyue said, "I'm going to find Li Hu to sell new drugs tomorrow." Xie Jing said, "let's get rid of the military supplies in our province before going to the capital. Leave it to me, as long as your medicine is good. "

Guan Shanyue patted her head and said, "why did I forget this? Our medicine is absolutely good, especially trauma medicine is more suitable for military use. " As soon as she finished, the mobile phone on the tea table rang. Xie Jing looked up and said, "you are Wang Dami's Guan Shanyue picked up her mobile phone with a smile and asked, "lady, what's the instruction?"

Wang Cai said: "recently, there have been a series of quality objections, two of which are serious. First, we recently developed the ship plate steel. At the beginning, the quality feedback in Wuxi market was very good, and then we began to launch production in an all-round way. However, there was a problem with the third batch of goods. A customer once raised a quality objection of 2000 tons, which had a very bad impact on the local market. The local shipbuilding industry is very developed. If it is not handled properly, it will affect our ship plate steel production in the future.

The second quality objection is that we sold a batch of round billets to the next users before adjusting the product structure. This customer is from Liaocheng, Shandong Province. At the beginning, each time we mention one or two tons, we feel that it's less and not worth handling, so we pay directly. It's the same after several times. Unexpectedly, a single objection was raised this time, and the pure waste reached 700 tons. After arranging for someone to deal with it, they didn't know why. No one dared to draw a conclusion. What do you think? "

Since the product transformation, Wuxi is their main market, and set up an office. The mechanical processing industry here is particularly developed. Once there is a problem with the quality of products, it will spread rapidly in the local area and have a bad impact. The consequences are very serious, so we must deal with it well.

Guan Shanyue thought about it and said, "we've never seen what a sales terminal looks like before. I want to take this opportunity to learn about it. Well, you arrange for people to go to the office and let them take the car. I'll be the driver. " Wang Cai said with a smile, "are you going to go to Jiangnan to learn from Qianlong? Don't you remember the summer rain Lotus by Daming Lake Guan Shanyue said: "maybe there will be an unexpected affair?"

Before Wang Cai could speak, Guan Shanyue's ears were screwed on by Xie Jing, and she angrily scolded: "what's an unexpected affair? It's a thief's heart Guan Shanyue bared her teeth and said, "when did you have a tendency to abuse? You can't just wring your ears. " Xie Jing said, "I think you have a tendency to be abused, don't you?"

When Lu Caixia heard about going to the south, she was moved and said, "I haven't been to the South yet. I want to go." Guan Shanyue said: "it's OK to go, but I'm afraid I don't have time to accompany you." Lu Caixia looked at Xie Jing and Huang Ying and said, "which sister will accompany me?" Xie Jing said with disdain, "what's there to play in Wuxi? I don't want to go. "Lu Caixia had to hold Huang Ying's arm and said," will sister Ying accompany me

Huang Ying also said: "Liaocheng and Wuxi are not tourist cities. Do you just want to run with your husband? I think so. When we have a chance, how about we buy a RV and take a self driving tour? " Lu Caixia said reluctantly: "it's really boring."

The capital is not to go, Guan Shanyue said to Huang Ying: "you contact Li Hu, let him help promote our new drugs." Huang Ying said, "you won't contact him directly?" Guan Shanyue said: "your cousin is too black. Every time I come to him for business, I want to get something wrong, but how can I get it?" Huang Ying said with a smile, "you deserve it. Who can't let you do anything?"

After a day in the provincial capital, Guan Shanyue had to return home. When Duan Ligong heard that Guan Shanyue was going to deal with the quality objection himself, he was not open-minded and said, "shall I go? You can't do it yourself? " "I just want to relax, and at the same time, I want to investigate the market," Guan said. In addition, the employees know you, and the problems you deal with will be different from those I see. "

They made an appointment to meet at the door of the sales building. When Guan Shanyue arrived, the three of them had already arrived. They parked the car at the door, but they looked at it for a long time with doubts. Guan Shanyue opened the window and asked, "are you going to deal with the quality objection?" One of them said, "yes, you are master Guan?" Guan Shanyue said: "get on the bus?"

When I got on the bus, the man who spoke just now said, "my surname is Bai. They all call me teacher Bai. It's a good car this time, Toyota Crown. I thought it was someone else's car. " Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "it's the debt. This time, the problem was quite serious, so the leaders arranged a good car to show their attention. Ha ha

Mr. Bai said: "the company attaches importance to it, but the units attach importance to it in general. Only one technician has been assigned to the steelmaking plant and technical center. I'd like to introduce you to Liu Dagang of the steel plant and Gao Tao of the technology center. I was a teacher for a few days when I was young, so everyone called me teacher Bai. "

Gao Tao said: "who dares to deal with such a big quality objection? The leaders are too scared to hide. " Liu Dagang also complained: "who says it's not? It's not our turn to do good things?" Teacher Bai said, "don't think so. The outside world is still wonderful."

Liu Dagang said: "you certainly don't have pressure. You just sell, good or bad. Our production units will not be able to do so. They have to be assessed. Why do the leaders dare not come out? In case of such a large amount, if it's our reason, we need to have a detailed report, but who dares to take the responsibility? "Listening to everyone's nagging and complaining, teacher Bai said: "boys, don't be unhappy. Liaocheng is a good place. Liaocheng is named after Liaohe River in ancient times, which is known as Jiangbei water city. Where there's water, girls will have water. Put away your bad mood and look forward to your future love affair. " Gao Tao said, "it seems that Mr. Bai knows this well." Teacher Bai slowly induced: "in this life, you only sleep with one woman, which is also called a man? Work hard while you are young Gao Tao said with a smile: "teacher Bai is a model of our generation!" There was a lot of laughter in the car.

It was afternoon when we arrived in Liaocheng. After contacting the client, Mr. Bai arranged to stay in Liaocheng hot spring hotel. It's still early, and the salesman who received them said, "our leader said, let's first visit the beautiful scenery of Liaocheng and entertain you by the Dongchang Lake in the evening."

Dongchang Lake was originally a river around the city. In ancient times, the city was built for military defense. Later, the water surface was widened to form a lake. Liaocheng became a unique layout with lakes in the city and cities in the lake. When I first set foot on this ancient and young land of Liaocheng, I feel fresh everywhere. Walking on the long light blue stone slabs, the graceful weeping willows on both sides of the road are blowing with the wind, and the singing of birds, as well as the high arched bridges and winding waterways, a beautiful landscape of Jiangnan gardens.

The salesman said: "we have a lyric to describe Liaocheng:" the Phoenix stays here with hope, and the canal stirs here with magic. Green water engraves the charm of the ancient city for three thousand years, and famous buildings witness the glory of the water city in the new century. "Let's go to the ancient building by the river for dinner in the evening." It seems that the treatment is not low. Maybe Shandong people are hospitable?

At night, it's in the Jingyang building by the lake. They were entertained by the vice president of the management factory. As he ordered, he said, "Liaocheng is characterized by the fragrance of soy sauce, vinegar, pepper and acid. It is a western Shandong cuisine with strong fragrance. The traditional dishes here are also very popular, such as Yanggu bagged chicken, eight batches of fruit, Wudalang cooking cake, LAOWANGZHAI donkey meat, Jimei pickles, Liaocheng guata, etc. Today, we don't eat Yanggu bubao chicken. We eat Wei's smoked chicken. This is known as "Liaocheng Iron Rooster" by Mr. Lao She

We don't talk about business, we only talk about the depth of the wine. Of course, Guan Shanyue is only a supporting role, and Mr. Bai is the leading role. When we listen to their talk, we just sit down and eat. After dinner, the colorful lights are shining on the lake and the pavilions are reflecting on the water, which makes Liaocheng full of classical colors at night. This place is beautiful. It's a pity that Lu Caixia didn't come.

The next day went to the tube factory, salesman to take you to the scene to understand the situation, Guan Shanyue said: "I have nothing to see." Generally speaking, what kind of car a driver drives determines his status. Naturally, drivers who can drive crowns are also respected. Of course, Mr. Bai would not deny his face, so he ordered the salesman to take an extra safety helmet and enter the factory together.

The salesman said: "the quality objection is divided into two batches. First, it is accumulated in the early stage, with a total of less than 100 tons. This time, it is proposed that after the large-scale repair of our heating furnace, there are more than 600 tons of waste products at one time. Let's look at the original stock first. "

When we arrived at the waste area, we saw that the steel pipes were stamped up in bundles and piled up in the waste area. The salesman pointed to the steel pipes and said, "that's it. There are labels on the pipe heads. You can make statistics."

Looking at them counting, Guan Shanyue had nothing to do but lie on the waste stamp to see what the defect of the waste is like. The defect of seamless pipe is nothing more than pit, crack and so on. The manufacturer has circled it with high temperature chalk. Looking at one side of the whole pile of waste products, Guan Shanyue found that only one or two of them had marks on them. He couldn't help wondering, even if the defects were on the other side of the pipe, could there be one third of them exposed according to the probability?

After several turns, Guan Shanyue knew what was going on. She took Liu Dagang and said quietly, "brother, you can let them open a bundle and have a look. It may not be all waste products inside." Liu Dagang said doubtfully: "how do you know?" Guan Shanyue said, "look, what's the waste on this side? I suspect that they just mixed some waste products to cheat money. If you look at the surface color of these tubes, they may not be one batch. "

Liu Dagang is a steelmaker. If he has any quality objection, he should be assessed. Of course, he should take it seriously. He went over to see if it was true. He said to the salesman, "open a bundle and I'll see what the defects are, so I can go back to rectify them."

As soon as the salesman's face changed, he was not calm at the moment. He hesitated for a moment, pretended to communicate with the staff on the scene, and came back to say, "now the driving is busy, and there is no time to transfer. What do you think to do?" Liu Dagang immediately believed Guan Shanyue's words, and what they tried to do was to say that there was a problem? "I'll wait for you to open a bundle whenever you are free. I want to confirm it in detail," he said

Seeing that Liu Dagang insisted on inspection, the salesman had no choice but to let the staff hang down a bundle. Workers picked up the pliers, "click, click" several times to cut the packing belt, steel pipe clattered scattered. Liu Dagang turned over the steel pipe and inspected it. There were only three pieces of waste in 15 pipes! Look at the salesman and say, "what's the line? Others sell goods with inferior quality, but you raise quality objection with superior quality? "

The salesman was very nervous. If he couldn't do it well, he would be disciplined when he went back and said, "maybe it's a long time. The steel pipe is a little rusty and the small defects can't be seen." Liu Dagang said: "you use a polishing machine to grind it, and I will recognize it when it comes out." What else is this? The salesman froze. White teacher said: "do not open a bundle to see?" With a fluke in mind, the salesman arranged for another bundle to be opened, but the result was still the same. He said, "I'll talk about this after I report it. Let's go to see the latest batch of waste pipes."The amount of waste products produced this time is too large, almost all of them are waste pipes, so the production has been stopped. If this is due to billet, the loss will be great. The pipes were still stacked at the scene, so there was no time to transport them away. A few people went to see it and fainted. The head of each pipe seemed to be twisted into a twist, and it was seriously broken layer by layer - no one had ever seen this kind of waste.

It's passive to deal with quality objection. First of all, we should prove that it's not our own problem, and even point out that the other party's technology is unreasonable, but no one has seen such defect! Several people looked around the waste pipe for a long time, but they couldn't tell why. Guan Shanyue suddenly asked: "are these waste pipes stacked again after they are offline, or are they just what they used to be?"

We all don't know why he asked this. The salesman said, "we certainly haven't moved before. What we're offline is what we're offline." Guan Shanyue said, "I'm a layman. I'm a layman. Billet is continuous production, so its defects should be irregular, not all concentrated in the head or tail. But our defects are all in the same direction. I think that's a problem. "

Liu Dagang suddenly realized, immediately said: "yes! The defects produced by billet are irregular, while the defects produced by steel rolling are regular. From this phenomenon, I think you'd better find your own reasons! "

Mr. Bai is engaged in sales. He should be neutral. He should not only maintain the relationship between customers, but also can't say that the steel works are not. As for how to operate in private, we all know. Liu Dagang and Gao Tao were proud this time, and they became elated from dejected when they first came here. They reported the problems they saw at the scene to their leaders.