When I got home, I saw that the door was facing a table of eight immortals. Two Taishi chairs were placed on both sides. A picture of Chairman Mao was pasted on the top of the table. Zhang Dawei put them on the chair, got a cup of boiled water and said, "I'm actually my son-in-law. From time to time, when you look at the cultural revolution, you can see that it's your daughter-in-law who criticizes the family. After the reform and opening up, her uncle's family went abroad and never contacted again. I'm from another village, and I don't have any other relatives in my daughter-in-law's family. I'm not very prosperous, and I'm often bullied in the village, too

"Don't you have any children?" Wang Cai asked Zhang Dawei said, "my daughter is going to college. She has only one child." Guan Shanyue said, "your house has a history." Zhang Dawei thought that Guan Shanyue said that he was dilapidated. He was ashamed to say, "I don't have the money to turn over. I can barely make a living with the money I earn. It's my fault."

Guan Shanyue couldn't help but think of her own difficulties in the past. Her nose was sour and she looked around at the furnishings in the room. Flickering, Guan Shanyue's eyes were attracted by a delicate small porcelain stove on the table. Looking at it carefully, I was surprised: is it a "copper tire pinching enamel handstove"? The house was old and dim. Guan Shanyue asked, "what's this?"

Zhang Dawei said, "how do you like my daughter-in-law's sewing box? Take it when you like it. " "I'll see first." Guan Shanyue then picked up the stove and went to the light at the door.

When Guan Shanyue looked carefully in the sun, the stove was made of refined copper, and the top was carved with carving technology. It made a small scene of lotus pond, with lotus leaves stretching, lotus swaying, birds flying low, leisurely and leisurely. The stove body looked like half a pumpkin, with shoulder bulging and belly slanting. The blue glaze was used as the background color, and the picture depicted the pattern of tangled branches and lotus, exquisite and smooth. Copper beams were riveted on the shoulders of the stove The bottom of the ring. The whole furnace is decorated with gold plating.

Guan Shanyue firmly believes that this is a "copper tire pinching enamel lotus pumpkin hand stove"! Looking at the bottom of the furnace, we can clearly identify the seal characters of "Yongzheng prefabrication in Qing Dynasty". It was the first time that Guan Shanyue saw the real object of the hand stove. Seeing that it was small and exquisite, nimble and vivid, she couldn't help looking at it for a while. Wang Cai knows that Guan Shanyue is good at antiques. Is that a good thing?

Li Cuilian saw Guan Shanyue playing with her baby in the kitchen and couldn't put it down. She came out of the kitchen and said, "my father died early and left a lot of beautiful things, but they were all taken away during the cultural revolution. At that time, I used it to save money, and it was well hidden before I was taken away. Besides this broken house, this can is the one handed down by my ancestors. If you like it, I'll give it to you. "

Guan Shanyue said: "you are not called a small pot, but a handstove." Li Cuilian asked suspiciously, "what is a handstove?" Guan Shanyue said: "it's a small stove for warming hands, a kind of heating tool used by people in ancient winter. You see, it's OK to put the charcoal in and hold it in your hand or cage it in your sleeve, because the cuffs of the ancients were big. So it's also called "sleeve stove" or "holding stove". It's an antique. "

When Zhang Dawei heard that it was an antique, he got excited and asked, "how much can it cost?" Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "this is my first time to see this thing, I really don't know the price." Li Cuilian looked at her husband and said, "just now I said that if you like it, you can take it, no matter how much it is. We don't know how to repay you for saving my husband's life. We'll be at ease if it's worth some money. " Zhang Dawei blushed and said, "yes, I said it too. I'll give it to you."

Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "I'm just strange. I can't say whether I like it or not. Besides, it's a treasure handed down from your ancestors. It's also a family heirloom. How can you say "give someone away?" Then he put it on the table again. Li Cuilian said to Zhang Dawei, "let the doctor eat before moving the table."

At noon, I had pan fried noodles. In spring, there are no vegetables in the countryside. Cut a potato and stir fry it in the pot for a while. Then add water. When the water boils, put it into the noodles and finish. Li Cuilian gave Guan Shanyue and Wang Cai a bowl full of each. This is the sea bowl used by rural people! And there are three poached eggs in each bowl. The meal was very simple, but Li Cuilian used all the best things in her family. No other meat dishes, just a few dozen eggs to express their sincerity.

Looking at the big bowl, he was worried. Then he saw that there were three poached eggs in the noodles, and he couldn't eat them any more. Wang Cai said, "sister-in-law, I can't finish it, either?" Li Cuilian blushed and said, "there's nothing else at home. You can make do with it. If you can't finish it, you'll be left." At Wang Cai's insistence, Li Cuilian took out a bowl and divided the rice into two portions.

Guan Shanyue thought while eating that this Li Cuilian is a person with a clear mind. Think about it. In the past, it was a lady of a family. Naturally, it was not the average old farmer who could match it. Seeing that their family's conditions were not good, Guan Shanyue was like helping them and said, "you'd better find an auction company for that small stove and let them auction it for you."

Li Cuilian insisted: "if you think it's worth some money, we'll give it to you as a reward." "I don't know the price, but there should be hundreds of thousands," Guan said. If you can sell it, won't you turn over completely? " It's worth hundreds of thousands to hear it suddenly, and both of them are blinded. Zhang Dawei stammered: "can it be worth hundreds of thousands?" Guan Shanyue nodded.

Li Cuilian originally suspected Guan Shanyue, so young to understand antiques? Think about their own things should be inherited orderly, antiques should be real, just don't know the price, so quickly calm down and said: "people say that what they say is like spilled water, how can they take it back? What's more, if you don't tell us it's an antique, aren't we poor? A drink and a peck is a foregone conclusion. It means that we don't have that lucky point when we hit. "Guan Shanyue advised: "since we talk about fate, we have more fate. What happened today is not fate? It's your turn. " Li Cuilian thought about it and said, "maybe? In this way, we don't know the antique seller, so we have to trouble you about it. You take it away and sell it. If it's less than 50000, we'll share it equally. If it's worth hundreds of thousands as you say, just give us 50000. " Guan Shanyue said: "that's ok? If it's worth hundreds of thousands, I'll take advantage of you. "

Li Cuilian said calmly: "you think, I have 50000. Everything has been solved. The house can be cleaned up again. My daughter has tuition. What else do you want? What's more, if you give us too much, we're afraid we won't be able to enjoy it. It's the same saying that "one drink and one peck, is it predestined?". Suppose you can earn money because of it, isn't it just karma? You are good people, and you will be rewarded! "

Zhang Dawei is an honest man. He has always been obedient to his daughter-in-law. After listening to her words, he feels ashamed. This is my life-saving benefactor. How can I still want to be greedy for money? Shyly, she said, "my daughter-in-law can do whatever she says. She's rather comfortable. Besides, I don't need any money to be a girl. "

Guan Shanyue thought about it and said, "since you insist so much, let's give in to each other. I'll give you 50000 yuan first. When the stove is sold, if the price is OK, I'll buy you a suite from the city. How about taking the right as your daughter's dowry

Zhang Dawei has a look at Li Cuilian. That means you are the master. Li Cuilian thought that the two young people, dragon and Phoenix, seem to have a lot of money at home and good character. It's estimated that they don't care about money. They really want to help themselves. My heart is filled with emotion. I've been held back for more than 20 to 30 years. Is this going to turn over? Li Cuilian couldn't help sighing: "you are really my family's noble people. I don't know how to thank you." Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "as you said, it's karma. Don't thank me."

After dinner, Guan Shanyue asked, "which of you will follow me to the city? Can I get you a passbook? " Li Cuilian said: "I'll go. He's just recovered and is not suitable for a long ride." It's only ten minutes from their home to the city. Li insisted on taking the bus to send her back.

Seeing that Li Cuilian was polite and chaste, Wang Cai said, "if my sister-in-law wants to do some housework, she can come to my house." Li Cuilian said: "thank you so much. Go back and discuss with my family." Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "in this case, you've arranged for your elder brother to be a security guard there. Isn't that good?" Wang Caiyi said with a smile: "you are still smart."

Li Cuilian went home with great gratitude. Wang Cai asked, "is this small stove really that good?" Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "these are all products of history. As early as the Tang Dynasty, the poet Bai Juyi once wrote a poem: "green ant new fermented grains wine, red mud small stove, late days to snow, can drink a cup of Wu?" This shows that it existed before the Tang Dynasty. Handstove was the most popular in Ming and Qing Dynasties, and gradually declined after the end of Qing Dynasty.

In the Qing Dynasty, when handstoves were introduced into the Imperial Palace, they became imperial products and were worth hundreds of times. Their production technology was more colorful, with more lacquer and enamel materials, as well as wire pinching enamel. This is the "copper wire enamel lotus pumpkin hand stove", and it's a royal product. If you meet someone you like, you can sell it for $1.8 million! "

Wang Cai couldn't bear: "is it too little for others?" Guan Shanyue said: "if it's purely from the perspective of antiques, it's no small amount, because everyone is rushing to pick up the leak. From the perspective of business, we can't say less. I entrust Xie Zhi to sell half of the antiques. But let me sell, I may not be able to sell this half of the price, you have to have a family!

In other words, from the perspective of human feelings, it is less, mainly because you think that Li Cuilian is worthy of sympathy. If she doesn't deserve your sympathy, do you want to take it away without paying? "

Wang Cai thought about it and said, "it seems that what you said is reasonable." Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "she will help us in the future. If you take proper care of her, I think it may be better than giving hundreds of thousands at a time, because some families will have problems once they get rich. To get rich, you have to get rich."

Wang Cai admiringly said: "after you simply accept antiques, just accept one, which is higher than my profit of selling thousands of tons of steel." Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "there's a saying in the antique shop," if you don't open for three years, you can eat for three years. "How can you compare with your daily business contacts? I just mow the grass and cuddle the rabbit with my hand. "