To the county, Guan Shanyue said: "this time back home is finished, I'll leave tomorrow, after the family's affairs you more trouble." Cai Xiaoying leans on the seat of the car and looks out of the window without speaking.

"Sentimental since ancient times, spare hate, the origin of a good dream is the easiest to wake up." Guan Shanyue sighed in the dark. She was merciful and resentful. It's not a thing. But he didn't know how to comfort him, so he said, "if you learn to drive later, it's not convenient to go back and forth."

Cai Xiaoying knows that the more she cooperates with Guan Shanyue, the deeper she will be trapped. Yuan Zhen once said, "once upon a time, it's hard to be water, but Wushan is not cloud." So the result is "take the flowers lazy review", which has just thought of him as the first love, such as a flash in the pan so simple?

Cai Xiaoying said sadly, "well, I don't know how to go in the future. I think all the way, this year you don't contact me, the money in the account to look at the balance, no money into. I deduct 1000 yuan from it every month, which is regarded as the reward. I don't want a house or a car. I've been suffering for so many years, and I don't care for another year. "

Guan Shanyue was so melancholy that she didn't want to stay in the county for one night. She took Cai Xiaoying home and got on the highway. She rushed back all night.

Back to the villa in Huaxi Valley, Wang Cai is still sleeping. Guan Shanyue threw herself on the bed. She felt sleepy and couldn't open her eyes. Wang Cai leaned over Guan Shanyue, looked at him for a while and said, "I don't think you're in high spirits this time. Did you meet childhood sweethearts in your hometown?"

I'll go! Why are all these women like this? Guan Shanyue immediately sobered up, astringently said: "this is not driving all night, a little tired." I've been waiting for you all night. Is that how you behave? Wang Cai said contemptuously: "I don't know you? It used to be called iron man, but now how can it become a soft legged crab? "

How can this be questioned? Guan Shanyue looked embarrassed and said, "wife, you see it's sleepy too. Would you like to use your peerless eloquence to wake it up?" Wang Cai blushed and scolded: "wash away, it stinks to death."

Take care of the little woman. Guan Shanyue sleeps until noon. Wang caidun a pot of mutton, Guan Shanyue side to eat while joking: "your husband does not need to fill, eat more will only shed nosebleed." Wang Cai said with a smile: "I'm worried that you can't pay the public grain when you go home. What about kneeling on the washboard? That will hurt me. " Guan Shanyue said: "don't worry, your husband is so powerful, Xiao Wang Lu has surrendered." Wang Cai said disdainfully: "you dare to brag with me." Guan Shanyue smiles.

After a while, Wang Cai said, "don't come for a while. My parents will come to see me." Guan Shanyue immediately wilted a lot and said bravely, "our parents are here. It's not appropriate for me not to show up." Wang Cai said, "OK, then you can come." Guan Shanyue embarrassed smile: "or wait?" Wang Cai scolded: "after dinner, get out of here. I'll be angry if I see you."

Guan Shanyue went back to Taihang steel works in ashes. Fortunately, Miss Wang Lu opened her mother's great arms and moistened his injured heart. Satisfied, Guan Shanyue touched his daughter-in-law's bare hips and said, "these two days, I'm thinking that there will be more and more things in the future, but we can't always ask for leave. That's irresponsible. Or simply resign, save the chicken nest, so that everyone is not comfortable. This can also make room for others. How many people are watching

Wang Lu thought about it and said, "I don't care. It's better for children to go to kindergartens in provincial cities. I guess I just can't bear to leave my parents Guan Shanyue said: "maybe their thoughts will change in a period of time. I'll resign first." Wang Lu said, "you can do it by yourself."

With the approval of her daughter-in-law, Guan Shanyue found Mr. Li the next day and said, "Mr. Li, I'm going to resign." Mr. Li said with a smile: "I don't think you have the heart to be here. Let's just go. There's no nostalgia in this place. It's just to work in my position. If it sounds good, it's a deputy bureau level cadre. If it sounds bad, it's a part-time worker? I haven't made much money yet. I will not force you. But it's not up to me. If you go to Mr. Liu, I don't know. "

Guan Shanyue thinks that President Li doesn't know that there is an irreconcilable contradiction between him and Liu Zhiguo. Why don't you ask him to resign? Looking for Liu Zhiguo is not as convenient as looking for Mr. Li. Guan Shanyue first called director Zhao of the Secretary section and asked him to ask when Mr. Liu is free. After a while, director Zhao called and asked him to go now.

This time, director Zhao took Guan Shanyue directly to Liu Zhiguo's office. I met at the meeting several times before. This time, Guan Shanyue was lucky to have a look at the president's office. As soon as Guan Shanyue went in, she felt like a word "broad"!

This office is as big as 200 square meters. As soon as you enter the office, there is a tea table carved with chicken wings and wood roots. In the corner, there is a root carving of Nanmu Maitreya Buddha. On the windowsill, there are two pots of red and yellow Phalaenopsis in full bloom. On the wall opposite the window, there is a group of mahogany bookcases. Liu Zhiguo is sitting behind his boss's desk, with a white jade Avalokitesvara on his desk and a two meter wide panorama of Mount Tai on the back wall.

Director Zhao and Liu Guoguo went out after greeting each other. Liu Zhiguo laughed, pointed to the chair opposite the desk and said, "Xiaoguan, sit down." Guan Shanyue is to resign, naturally not nervous, sat down and said: "Mr. Liu, I'm here to resign from you."Liu Zhiguo was stunned: "what do you say? Resigning? " Guan Shanyue said, "yes, I'm here to resign." Liu Guoguo immediately said sternly, "what are you doing? Just because I told you a few words, you'd lose your temper? Is there any more city hall? I can't hold my breath at all. How can I do that? Which person who can succeed in the end does not grow up after many setbacks? If you take back what you said, I will not criticize it. "

Guan Shanyue was about to explain when Liu Zhiguo said, "don't talk. How old are you this year? I'm in my twenties. It's just the beginning of my career, you know? Our state-owned enterprises are the ones that train cadres the most. How can we train them? You have to wrestle to grow. Besides, what are you doing out of your job? How much do you know? Steel making, you know, steel rolling? What about sintering? What about ironmaking? How many of these main processes do you know? "

Liu Zhiguo's tone of voice made Guan Shanyue unable to take up the words, and then said: "you are so young, you are the key talent of our enterprise, and the pillar of our enterprise's future development! I'm thinking about how to train you, but you have to rake? Who do you value? Let's not say I'm sorry for the cultivation of enterprises. Are you worthy of your father-in-law and mother-in-law? What will they do if you resign? Who will take care of it?

Don't bring it up to me again. As I said just now, I'm preparing to cultivate you. When your wings are hard, you can fly at will. I will never stop you. You go back first. I'll arrange a new position for you in two days. I'll wait until you have the ability to resign. "

Guan Shanyue had a chance to interrupt, but he was surprised to see that Liu Zhiguo was thinking about himself. Guan Shanyue is not an ungrateful person. When people treat you like this, you can't say, "I don't want to do it!" Isn't that two hundred and five? I had to say truthfully: "Mr. Liu, thank you for training me all the time, but I have business outside. I'm really busy and have to resign. I hope you agree. "

Liu Zhiguo stood up, walked to Guan Shanyue, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Xiaoguan, you are still young. How can you see a rainbow without going through the wind and rain? People's experience is very important. If they see a lot of things, they can easily succeed in business. You go back first, OK? Listen to me, you can't be wrong. "

Liu Zhiguo's appearance as an elder made it difficult for Guan Shanyue to say anything more, so he stood up and said, "well, I'm going back, and I hope you can think about it again." Liu Zhiguo pushed Guan Shanyue out of the door and said, "OK, OK, I know. I'll consider everything for you. You can't talk to a third person about resigning. "

Out of the company's door, Guan Shanyue or Zhang erheng can't figure it out. How did Liu Zhiguo change his mind? Yang national flag has been transferred away, although it has been raised, but the county magistrate is not as good as the current management, is it? He didn't care any more. Sheng Li will not take the initiative to talk to him. What's the matter? How did he become a "pillar of talent" from "unbearable reuse"?

When Guan Shanyue came home, Wang Lu asked, "quit?" Guan Shanyue shook her head and learned how to meet Liu Zhiguo. She said, "my husband, I'm stupid. I can't guess what happened. It makes Liu Zhiguo look like a different person. I'm not used to it. What do you think? "

Wang Lu thinks that Liu Zhiguo is a Provincial cadre. In the past, when Sheng Li was the director of the Commission of industry and information technology, although he could manage Liu Zhiguo, his fate could not be decided. Besides, Sheng Li went out from Taihang steel plant, which would certainly give Liu Zhiguo enough face. However, it would be different if he became the vice governor of industry. Who can Liu Zhiguo be? So he said, "can't my brother-in-law really mention the vice governor? Or how could Liu Zhiguo be like this? "

Guan Shanyue suddenly realized, habitually slapped Wang Lu's ass, boasting: "my daughter-in-law is smart! Why did I forget that? " Wang Lu said angrily: "Psycho, why do you always spank me? I don't know if it hurts? " Guan Shanyue: "I feel good! People don't always say that they are used to abusing others. Aren't you used to it? " Wang Lu scolded: "abnormal! Why don't you hit yourself? "

Guan Shanyue saw Wang Lujiao Didi's appearance, and her heart moved greatly. She grabbed her and put her hand into her arms. She touched her and said, "daughter in law, you see Xiaobao sleeps so well. Does her husband hurt you again?" Wang Lu was so ashamed that she scolded: "why do you want to be dissatisfied? Yesterday, I had two troubles. If you think about it, you can solve it with your own five finger girl. Don't bother me Then he beat Guan Shanyue's smelly hand out.

Guan Shanyue said bitterly, "if you ignore me, I'll go to work. I want to talk to Mr. Li. Don't let him tell me that I quit."