See two people argue, Huang Ying's mother think, also don't know daughter please come to the doctor level in the end how, if in vain, this is not to offend Doctor Liu? So poke Huang Ying, which means that she advised Guan Shanyue not to offend Doctor Liu. But Huang Ying is not a good talker? She used to be spoiled by others. How could she persuade others? So he said, "doctor Guan, would you like to see my grandfather's condition first?"

Huang Ying's grandfather was sleeping. Guan Shanyue asked, "how long have you been sleeping?" Huang Ying's mother said, "I'm going to wake up soon after taking an injection of diazepam." The old man coughed before his voice fell. The mother and daughter quickly went to help them up and patted them on their back. The old man coughed and coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Seeing this, Guan Shanyue pressed his finger on chize acupoint, and the real Qi slowly poured in. Liangyi Shenzhen says: "tuxue Dingchuan buchize", that is to say, chize point is an important point for relieving cough and asthma. After a while, the patient's cough became more and more weak. Guan Shanyue took out the silver needle, disinfected it with alcohol cotton, and slowly pricked it into chize point.

After puncturing chize point, Guan Shanyue massaged Taiyuan point and Zhongwan point and then performed acupuncture. Liangyi Shenzhen said: "the pulse of lung hand Taiyin starts from the middle Jiao, and it also follows the stomach. Taiyuan invigorates the lung and spleen, reduces adverse Qi; Zhongwan invigorates the spleen and stomach, dissolves phlegm and relieves cough. Lung and stomach are related to each other in meridian circulation, so lung diseases can be treated by lowering Fu Qi. "

After the three needles were pricked, Guan Shanyue kept making the silver needle angry. After a while, the patient's face was a little red, and his turbid eyes became gradually clear. The patient said, "I feel more comfortable and have strength to speak. Thank you

Guan Shanyue said: "it's just a temporary relief of your pain. The treatment hasn't started yet. You can rest assured that you will have a comfortable sleep this evening. "

Huang Ying's uncle stopped coughing blood when he saw Guan Shanyue. It's not easy! It seems that they are really good at it. Doctor Liu has a wide range of knowledge. Seeing Guan Shanyue's actions and actions, he can relieve cough and asthma in a short time. He has the ability, but he absolutely doesn't believe that he can cure cancer. When Huang Ying saw that Guan Shanyue had an immediate effect, she comforted herself that it was not in vain even if she could not be cured.

After that, they massaged Baihui, Yintang, Zusanli, Siguan and Fusi acupoints with genuine Qi. After opening the meridians, they buried needles to stimulate the Qi and blood of Zhongjiao. The old man's body is weak, so he must gently replenish qi, so Guan Shanyue's needling is plain, and only the patient can feel the strong needling sensation, accompanied by a clear breath into the meridians.

After the application of this set of needles, the patient's stomach growled. Huang Ying asked, "what's the matter, grandfather? Are you hungry? " Her grandfather embarrassed to say: "really, how many days no hungry feeling, finally know hungry!"

Guan Shanyue said to Huang Ying, "take a cup of warm water." Huang Ying has long forgotten that this is a person she hates very much, so she pours a glass of water. Guan Shanyue took out a pill from his bag and said, "my father, this is a Chinese patent medicine with wild Ganoderma lucidum as the main ingredient for anti-aging and anti-cancer. If you don't worry, you can take it now."

Seeing this, Doctor Liu wants to stop it. What if he eats it badly? This is a hospital. Who is responsible for the accident? But it's not easy to say anything when they don't say anything. The patient was so easy to feel comfortable that he trusted Guan Shanyue and said, "wild Ganoderma lucidum is a good thing. Why don't you worry about it? I'm a man who wants to see the king of hell. What else should I be afraid of? "

I haven't eaten for several days. Everything tastes delicious. Besides, there is honey in the pill, and the taste is not very bad. When the old man finished eating, Guan Shanyue said: "old man, I'll give you another needle. One is to promote the absorption of medicine as soon as possible, and the other is to help the liver qi to relax and promote the patency of Yang Qi. After the needle is finished, you will be in good spirits and cold feet will disappear." The patient said yes. Huang Ying felt her grandfather's feet involuntarily. There was no temperature, so she wanted to see if Zha Hou was like what Guan Shanyue said.

All pains belong to the heart. Guan Shanyue first took the heart meridian, pericardium meridian and ear acupoint Shenmen to calm viscera, level Yin and Yang, dredge meridians, harmonize qi and blood, and flirt. After taking the heart meridian, there are three Huangs and three strange needles, then Linggu, Dabai and Taichong, and eight intersecting points, Zhaohai and Lieque, are selected to harmonize Yin and Yang, balance viscera and dredge meridians. This is the key to prevent tumor, and acupuncture can achieve this effect.

Guan Shanyue's fetal rest skill is better than that when he treated Mayor Yang's father, but he is sweating after several sets of acupuncture. Huang Ying's mother was very careful. Seeing Guan Shanyue's sweat dripping, she took out a dozen paper towels to wipe his sweat. Guan Shanyue saw her hands like catkins and skin like cream. She couldn't help sighing. If she was beautiful, she would be moved everywhere. She must be a fairy. He didn't dare to take a look more, and he didn't dare to let her wipe his sweat, so he quickly took the tissue.

Huang Ying's impression of Guan Shanyue has changed a lot. However, seeing that he was sweating for a while, I couldn't help but despise him and said: how can a needle cause so much sweat? It's hollowed out by women. It's too empty!

Guan Shanyue wiped her sweat and breathed. Then she breathed the needle again. Then she lifted the needle one by one. Huang Ying thinks of Guan Shanyue's words of "cold feet disappear", and touches his grandfather's feet. It's really warm! This little rascal is really capable!

Look at Huang Ying's grandfather again. His face is red, which is quite different from that just now. Without looking at anything else, the voice of the old man has changed a lot. We can't help but look at Guan Shanyue with new eyes. It's a wonderful way to rejuvenate!Dr. Liu was able to take it up and put it down. He really admired it, so he said, "I'm sorry, doctor Guan. I've been presumptuous just now. But I'm puzzled that there is nothing special about your acupuncture technique. Although I don't know traditional Chinese medicine, I still know something about it. Acupuncture emphasizes Qi, and its techniques are changeable, including tremor, flying, shaking, scraping, and bouncing. But I don't think you need any methods, but the effects are very different. "

Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "the old man estimated that he had needled in the past. What do you think is the difference?" The old man said, "do you know Qigong? I feel like there is air flowing through the meridians, and the needling sensation is strong and continuous. "

Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "the old man has insight! I combine acupuncture and Zhenqi for treatment. Cancer is a serious disease, no matter what kind of treatment, its purpose is nothing more than to prolong the survival of patients, improve and improve the quality of life of patients.

In fact, we all know that there is no way for western medicine to treat metastatic tumors. Surgery and chemotherapy may aggravate the disease. Traditional Chinese medicine can balance yin and Yang, invigorate the body and remove pathogenic factors, invigorate the body, stimulate the body potential, alleviate the toxic and side effects after radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and improve the hematopoietic function of bone marrow. That is to say, acupuncture and moxibustion can effectively improve the constitution, alleviate the development of the disease, inhibit tumor growth or metastasis, and even make the tumor smaller. "

Huang Ying knew that Guan Shanyue was treated with genuine Qi, so she was sweating. It seems that she wronged him? And then he thought, is it because of Qigong, the exuberance that he is looking for so many women? Huang Ying's face turned red when she thought of it. How can she think of it? Too vulgar, right? Let this little rascal do harm!

Doctor Liu asked, "how sure can you cure chief Li's illness?" Dr. Liu's words are also what we want to know, so everyone's eyes are looking at Guan Shanyue. At this time, Guan Shanyue knew that the old man's surname was Li, or some kind of chief. She said, "I dare not say that he has completely cured the disease, but just like in front of me, I can let the patient live with high quality, at least prolong the survival period of the patient, and improve the quality of life of the patient. I'm sure of that."

Li Lao said: "since ancient times, who has no death in life? I wish I could live well. " Huang Ying's uncle asked, "doctor Guan, how long does it take to treat my father's illness?" Guan Shanyue said: "according to my treatment, in combination with traditional Chinese medicine, no more than a week, the old man should act as before." Li said happily, "well, I can play chess and cards again."

Huang Ying asked, "is it still cured today?" Guan Shanyue said, "that's it today." Huang Ying said, "uncle, grandfather, we haven't eaten yet. I'll take doctor Guan to dinner and open a hotel for him. " Having said that, Huang Ying is surprised. How can I take the initiative to care about him? Her uncle said, "I'm so sorry to let you treat your illness with a hungry stomach! Neglect, neglect! Let's eat now. " Guan Shanyue said: Huang Ying's uncle is courteous! Well, it's also human nature. If it wasn't for Huang Lei's sake, I wouldn't talk to them.

Down the stairs, Huang Ying asked, "what would you like to eat?" Guan Shanyue said: "I'm really hungry. Have some fast food. When I first came here, I saw a California beef noodle nearby. That's very good. " Huang Ying said, "I don't invite people easily. After this village, there will be no shop." Guan Shanyue said with a smile: "now the main purpose is to fill the stomach, what to eat is secondary."

Guan Shanyue ordered a bowl of beef noodles, a chicken leg, a piece of beef, a piece of kelp silk, and had a good time. Huang Ying only needs a bowl of noodles and eats it slowly. From time to time, she takes a look at Guan Shanyue's wolfing down. She thinks that he is really capable and looks very handsome. Why don't all the beautiful women stick them on him? what the hell! How can I always think about this!

How does Guan Shanyue know that the goddess on the opposite side is concerned about herself? Inadvertently looked up at her one eye, see her a pair of wonderful eyes are staring at himself, can't help but nervous for a while, quickly down the head, this is she scolded afraid. When Huang Ying saw this, she burst out laughing.