From Du Jinghua, Guan Shanyue went to buy two sets of high-end cosmetics for her daughter-in-law and mother-in-law to show her loyalty.

Back at Taihang steel works, Guan Shanyue first picked up Wang Lu and went straight home. When a man comes back, Wang Lu is very happy. She feels that she is the happiest person in Guan Shanyue's arms. Feeling her big belly and feeling the beating of her little life, Guan Shanyue was also full of happiness and said, "honey, go to class tomorrow and have a holiday. Let's have a rest." Wang Lu said, "it's no fun for me to be at home." Guan Shanyue said, "let your mother-in-law come in two days. She will serve you." Wang Lu said: "it's about serving the confinement, but the old man comes here once in a while. What's the good point of letting her work? You don't care, but my mother and I feel bad about it. " Guan Shanyue said: "is that a burden? Then let her come after you have a baby. "

Wang Lu asked: "I don't think I have a husband?" Guan Shanyue said, "I don't feel relieved to be at home with a big stomach." Women are so easy to meet, say a good word on the heart of the United States. Wang Lu groped for Guan Shanyue with her little hand and said shyly, "I want to inspect the goods to see if it is dishonest outside." Guan Shanyue thought, your husband is so powerful, how can you test its honesty? But it's up to her.

Wang Lu's five fingers girl tossed about for a long time, tired her little hands, but she didn't achieve her goal. Finally, she blushed and said, "it's no fun. What do you cook for me at night? " "I'll see what's good in the fridge," said Guan

Before cooking, you should consider pregnant women, use pressure cooker to make lotus seed and jujube porridge, steam sweet potato on top, and then start cooking. In the evening, I'm going to have a drink with my father-in-law. I need to cook more dishes. Wang Lu likes to eat cashew nuts, cashew nuts and shrimps; he can't drink without peanuts; he brings back black fungus from Northeast China to make mustard meat; he also has tilapia in the refrigerator, which everyone likes to eat; he has to cook soup with cabbage and bean curd, and mix two cold dishes to finish the work.

Wang Lu leaned against the kitchen door, looking at Guan Shanyue's quick cooking. She was so sweet in her heart. Whose factory director is still cooking? My husband is better.

When the dishes are ready, my father-in-law and mother-in-law also come back and start eating. Guan Shanyue opened a bottle of Maotai and said, "Dad, this is the wine given by Mayor Yang's father. We can enjoy it too." The father-in-law was greedy in his heart, but he said, "it's a waste to drink such a good wine. I'd better drink something else." Guan Shanyue said: "we are human, why can't we drink? We don't drink for others? Isn't that more inappropriate? " Wang Lu also said: "yes, it's better to enjoy yourself first."

Coax the family happy, Guan Shanyue began his life plan.

The next morning, Guan Shanyue went to the company at more than 6 o'clock and wanted to call the hotel Wang Cai went to before she went to practice. Guan Shanyue plans to call Wang Cai back first, follow Du Jinghua to learn steel trade, and then register a trading company. Wang Cai will do it. No way, I dare not contact you at home, so I don't want my own life? So I came to the company early.

Wang Cai didn't get up when the phone rang. She woke up Chun Meng. She was very angry. Later, she thought that it was the hooligan who came home. She got up to answer the phone and asked, "Hello, which one?" Guan Shanyue said, "who else will call you?" Wang Caimei Zizi said: "more people call me. Are you jealous?"

Guan Shanyue said, "I'm jealous. Come back immediately." Wang Cai asked, "really?" Can you cheat me? Our life plan is about to begin Wang Cai found that after he followed Guan Shanyue, he had no ambition and was not interested in these. He asked lazily, "tell me about it?"

Guan Shanyue said, "I'm going to set up a steel trading company for you. Of course, you have to be responsible." Wang Cai said: "I don't understand. I just want to stay by your side and let you serve me Guan Shanyue hated that the iron could not be made into steel, and coaxed: "good baby, I have contacted everything. Just follow me when you come back. It's about our future. Be obedient. "

Wang Cai said reluctantly, "OK, but don't blame me for losing money." Guan Shanyue said: "don't worry, I can't accompany you when I do my friend's business in the early stage. When you are familiar with it, I will open up business. It doesn't matter if you lose. It's time to practice. Anyway, it's easy for us to get our money. If we lose it, it's nothing like that. "

Wang Cai said: "then I will go back today?" Guan Shanyue said, "yes, just tell Dai Yue that there's something wrong in the factory and you'll be informed to come back. When you get to the city, you stay first and buy a mobile phone so that we can get in touch later. " Wang Cai said pitifully, "do you mean we don't see each other often in the future?"

Guan Shanyue had a headache and quickly said, "how can it be? It's a hundred kilometers to meet so close? What's more, we are just trying to make this project bigger and stronger in the future. I'm counting on you for our career. " Wang Cai said, "you're trying to get a duck on the shelf." Guan Shanyue said: "cheer up, you are a brave heroine in my heart."

Being praised by Guan Shanyue gave Wang Cai a lot of confidence. In fact, Wang Cai doesn't know that this small place in Taihang steel works will never come to the surface. Even if Guan Shanyue doesn't lead and Wang Lu agrees, he will be drowned in saliva. So we have to go out, go to big places and do our own business. In this way, no one knows anyone and doesn't care about other people's eyes. However, most women like to be spoiled, and they are deeply afraid of going out alone. So with Guan Shanyue finished, Jiao Wang Cai set foot on the train home.To appease Wang Cai, the next step is the issue of funds. This time, Du Jinghua enlightens him that if he has no money, he can get a loan from the bank. Guan Shanyue is not in a hurry to cash the antiques. Instead, she plans to use it as a mortgage. When the antiques industry is booming, she will sell it again.

When everyone came to the class, Guan Shanyue went to Wei Tao to report his work, focusing on the measures taken in safety management. Wei Tao said: "my friend, your arrangement is better this time. You can't learn anything. In addition, there must be no safety problem. Let's go happily and come back safely. Keep this in mind. In the future, you can't do anything better than to ask for no fault and then for meritorious service. " Guan Shanyue said, "I know. I'll emphasize it next time."

Back in the office, Guan Shanyue noticed how bright the windows were in the room. She wondered, how many people have been cleaning herself these days? Read the newspaper and have a cup of tea. It's soon after nine o'clock. It is estimated that Xie Zhi went to work at this time. Guan Shanyue called and said, "uncle, I want to ask you to do something." Xie Zhi said, "Why are you so polite? Tell me about it and see if I have the ability." Guan Shanyue said: "well, I want to use antiques as mortgage. I need to identify antiques. I can only find you for this."

Xie Zhi a Leng, in the provincial capital has not this idea, just went back to move the idea of loans? What should we do at this time? He said, "how much are you going to borrow? What are you doing? " Guan Shanyue said, "ten million. I'm going to invest in steel trade. I want to test the water and accumulate some experience for the future. " Xie Zhidao said: "this number is big or small. I do have the money, but in our business, cash is the king. It's hard to have no money in my hand. " Guan Shanyue said, "no, I just don't want to cash in antiques now. I think the interest of the bank should not be able to offset the appreciation speed of antiques, right? Just help me identify it. I'll take it as a loan. "

This is a good way, Xie said: "you have a point. That's it. I'll help you with the identification. By the way, patronizing happy, Huashen cup money has not given you Guan Shanyue said: "this money is not enough for identification fee, is it? I'll have to give it to you then. " Xie Zhidao: "in this case, we're done. No one cares about the money." Guan Shanyue said, "how sorry is that? I'll have to make you pay for what I'm looking for? " Xie Zhi said: "OK, don't pay attention to it. It's not a problem that the price of the cup is 200000 yuan. I'll triple it after the auction here. Who do you think earns it? I'll call you when I go to the flag, and you just send it to the city. "

Guan Shanyue said, "I'll take advantage of you. Thank you."

Guan Shanyue is full of confidence to deal with it. If you want to start running tens of millions of businesses at your age, are you a successful person? But they dare not share it with others. The people in the unit dare not say that they do not advocate leading cadres to do business now. The family dare not even say that. If Wang Lu wants to ask who is in charge, then she is stupid? If you think about it like this, there's nothing to be excited about. Ah, it's all caused by your own fraternity!

Guan Shanyue is happy and sad for a while. She reflects on why she works so hard. It turns out that it's all for women. It's women who push her forward. She can't help but secretly despise herself.

Just thinking of doing something, the office phone rang. Guan Shanyue picked it up and said, "Hello, I'm Guan Shanyue." There, he asked angrily, "well, you don't want to talk to me when you do steel trade?" what the hell! Xie Jing, Guan Shanyue suddenly got a big head and quickly said, "isn't this a temporary idea? Besides, this small business can still be seen by your old people?" "Where are you going to do it?" Xie said Guan Shanyue said, "it's in the city. Small business is done by the way."

Xie Jing said discontentedly, "I think you want to avoid me and come to the provincial capital. Isn't it that you have a broader prospect? Shall I do it for you? " Afraid of what comes, Guan Shanyue said: "Jingjing, do you think that if you come to help me, Wang Lu will not fry the pot when she knows? Besides, does your family agree? I think your parents are wary of us together. Don't worry. When we have a big business, shall we do it together? "

Xie Jing thought about this, and said, "I'll spare you. Next time I sneak around, I'll go to your Wang Lu!"